Micro Focus Interview Experience for R&D Engineer | On-Campus 2021

Company: Micro Focus

Profile: R&D Team DEV Role

Working Location: Bangalore

Micro Focus was a Pool Campus and the recruitment process had 5 rounds.

  1. Online Test
  2. Technical Round 1
  3. Technical Round 2(Pair Coding)
  4. Managerial Round
  5. HR Round

Round 1(Online Round): The first round was hosted on the Hackerrank platform for 90 minutes. It consisted of 51 questions for 270 marks.

  • 50 (20 Quants + 30 Technical) Multiple Choice Questions for 220 marks
  • 1 Programming Question for 50 marks

The MCQs had both technical and Quants questions. Technical questions were mainly based on C++, C, Java, Operating System, DBMS, Networks, Algorithms & Data Structure. The coding questions were not the same for all who took the test and it was of medium difficulty.

Tips for clearing this round.

  • Practice coding in various online platforms like GFG, Codechef, Hackerrank, HackerEarth, etc.
  • All the MCQs were of different weightage so manage the time accordingly.
  • Have a good understanding of algorithms and data structures(with time and space complexity).

Round 2(Technical Round 1): This round lasted for 1 hour. It started with the usual “Tell me about yourself” question. Then he started asking questions on my project (Be thorough with the projects you mentioned in the resume). 

  • He started asking questions on different types of OS, Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing, RAID structure and its configuration, Deadlock, and prevention methods, Scheduling algorithms, Semaphores and operations possible, Virtual Memory, Paging, and Segments. (Most of the questions were indirectly asked by giving some scenarios). 
  • In DBMS questions were on Database Languages, Data abstraction, Checkpoint, query optimizations, ACID properties, Normalization, Constraints, Joins, Shared lock, and exclusive lock, Then he asked 2 queries which I could able to answer. 
  • In algorithms, questions were mainly based on the Time and Space complexity, Tree Data structure, hashing, and some algorithms. In networking, questions were based on TCP IP model, Subnetting, Routing devices, Some practical questions like how does the information is fetched when we enter something in Google.  

Tips for clearing this round.

  • While answering try to be clear and confident coz the next question will be based on your answer.
  • Have a clear practical idea about all the topics, not just the explanation. Mainly normalization and Join operations.

Round 3(Pair Coding Round): This round was hosted on HackerEarth and lasted for 1 hour. In this round, the interviewer asked 3 questions for which I have to give him the approach and the code for the same.

  1. Check whether the given singly linked list is palindrome or not and if it is then print the palindrome sequence. (I could able to give the correct approach which he was expecting and passed all the test cases)
  2. Given a sequence of words, print all anagrams together. (passed all the test cases).
  3. Gave some numbers and asked me to implement that in the AVL tree (I couldn’t do it completely but I gave him the approach for which he was partially satisfied).

Tips for clearing this round.

  • Practice the coding questions as much as possible.
  • While giving the approach starts with the Brute Force and then optimize that.

Round 4(Managerial Round): In the beginning, he introduced himself and asked me to do the same. Then he told me to summarize my journey till now in brief. 

  • This round wasn’t supposed to be technical but still, I was asked to answer a few questions about my project and some technical questions. 
  • Do have a complete idea about the projects you mentioned in the resume. I was given a couple of hypothetical situations & asked how I would handle them. This round was mainly about solving some scenarios. Try to give positive answers.

Round 5(HR Round): This was the final round and it’s mainly for knowing you and your family background. She introduced herself and asked me to do the same. And asked some questions like…

  • Why Micro Focus and what’s the new technology on which Micro Focus is working currently?
  • What are the obstacles you faced while doing your project?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Some questions based on resume
  • Tell me about your strength and weaknesses?
  • Any plans for higher studies?

Few Suggestions:

  1. Be confident and always wear a smile on your face.
  2. Know your project from the core.
  3. Try to explain your approach while you are coding than to simply write it in mute.
  4. It’s okay if you don’t know a few questions.
  5. Always try to find out the answers to the questions which you could not answer in the previous round.
  6. Don’t try to answer quickly even if u know the answer, think for a minute and then answer.
  7. As most of the times Micro Focus conducts pool campus hiring, it may take more time for completion of all the rounds so be patient and keep practicing.

Result: Selected as R&D Engineer

All the best!!