Microsoft Azure – Accessing Cloud Shell from Microsoft Docs

In this article, we will look into the process of accessing the Cloud Shell from within the Microsoft documentation. The Azure Cloud Shell allows us to easily run commands against our resources inside of the Azure portal.  We can also run the Cloud Shell inside of the documentation.

To do so follow the below steps:

Step 1: Here, we are taking a look at this doc that’s telling us about how we can create a storage account. We are going to go down to the section that’s telling us about actually creating a resource group

Step 2: Here in the doc, we are going to select the section that says Azure CLI.

This will show us the command that we need to use to actually create that resource. 

Step 3: Now, we can easily hit the “Copy” button, and run this in our own terminal, or we could hit the “Try It” button. 

This will open up the Cloud Shell inside of our browser. 

Step 4: So, we are now going to actually copy the command and we’ll just paste it here inside the Cloud Shell. 

And in little or no time, our resource has been created. If we head back over to the Azure portal and we click on “Resource Groups”, here you can see our empty research group has been created.