Microsoft Azure – Disable or Cancel an Azure Subscription

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud platform, just like Google has its Google Cloud and Amazon has it’s Amazon Web Service or AWS.000. Here in this article. we will show to disable or cancel an existing Azure Subscription from Azure Portal. To perform this activity you should have the owner privileges on the subscription which you want to cancel. Let’s get into the process by following the below easy steps.

Steps to Disable  Subscription:

Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal.

Step 2: Navigate to Subscriptions and select your azure subscription which you choose to cancel or disable.

Step 3: After choosing the Azure Subscription from the menu select the Overview tab>> click on “Cancel Subscription”


Step 4: Select your reason for cancellation from the drop-down of your choice and continue to the next step.


Step 5: Mention details “No longer needed” >> select the checkbox of a turn off my resources >> Click on “Cancel Subscription” to continue the changes.


Step 6: If the cancellation is successful you should see a notification like this “Subscription… was canceled. It may take up to 10 minutes for the subscription status to update.


Step 7: Wait for 10-15 to get the changes reflected and then navigate to the subscription which you have canceled. There you should see a notification like the following.


That’s it you are done canceling your Azure subscription. Hope you find the article helpful.