Microsoft Azure – Exploring the Azure Mobile App Home Screen

In this article we will learn how to use the Azure mobile app home screen. the Azure mobile app is always there to help you stay connected to your Azure environment while you are on the go. Azure has created the brand new Azure mobile app home, which is the new landing page and it consists of multiple cards in both Android and iOS. 

The first card that you see here is the Azure Services card. It basically shows up all of the most used research types in the Azure mobile app home, which is super useful. For example, you can tap in the virtual machines and will immediately get a list of all of the virtual machines across all of your subscriptions, which is very useful because at a glance if you take a look at the right side of the screen, you can check all of the different statuses for the VMs and you can make sure that everything is running correctly and as expected. And that’s really great because it’s not only across subscriptions but also across regions, so you can see your VMs across the world.

The next card is the latest alerts card. Azure has added the latest alerts card. Whenever any of your Azure alerts have fired, even if you do not have them set up for push notifications in the app, they will show up in this latest alerts card. Here, Azure shows the latest four in the last 24 hours. 

If you actually want to see a little bit more, you can tap on the see all, and you will get a look at all of the fired alerts in the last 24 hours. If you want to see, even more, you can go to the bottom and tap in the load last 7 days. If you want to see if there are any trends or anything going on. And for these alerts, you don’t need to do any setup. It shows right away. So, as long as the Azure alerts are all right there, they’ll fire, and they will show right there in there. 

So, the next one is the recent resources. Whenever you are using something in the mobile app, it will immediately populate on that recent resources page. So, for example, if you go to subscriptions and you can tap. If you go back to Azure mobile home, it will immediately show up in the recent resources. And you can see even more in the see all page.

Next up, Azure has this service health card. Now, you know a lot of us to want to stay connected with Azure when there’s an incident going on or an event for Azure and want to make sure it’s not affecting your subscriptions or your resources. So now, users don’t really have to run back to their PC and try to figure out if there’s anything going on. They can simply bring up their phone, tap on the service health card, and see if there’s anything that’s affecting their resources because of an Azure outage or incident.

And you can even go further and load the last 7 days there too. Azure wants to make sure that they keep you informed when anything’s happening. 

And next up, Azure has resource groups. A lot of people like to browse Azure hierarchically and organize their projects per resource group, so Azure gave the option of immediately being able to browse them. 

And finally, it has favorites. So, those of you who have used the Azure mobile app before, know that favorites used to be the landing page. And you are not deprecating this. You are seeing them right here in the card. 

But in the past when you were using the Azure mobile app before this new awesome home page, favorites were the first thing that you would be seeing. What if you want to have them front and center at the top? So in that case, Azure actually added the customized home menu. You can access it right there from the home or you can also access it from the settings menu. You can turn cards on and off. Maybe you don’t really care about Azure Services, and favorites might be the most important thing for you, so you can actually drag it up and immediately it will take effect. Your Azure home is now customized to whatever you want.

Hence, this is how you can use the new Azure mobile app Home Screen.