Microsoft Azure – Rebooting an Application Gateway

In this article, we’ll see how we should reboot an application gateway in azure. As of now, there is no option from the Azure portal to reboot an application gateway resource(Stop and Start).

Now we will be using the Azure cloud shell to reboot the application gateway. Let’s get started.


Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal

Step 2: Access the Azure Cloud Shell from Azure Portal

Step 3: After logging in we should move to Azure Subscription where the resource is deployed. For that use the following command.

Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionName "subscription_name" | Out-Null 


Step 4: Get Azure Application Gateway and store variable in $appgw

$appgw=Get-AzApplicationGateway -ResourceGroupName <rg_name> -Name <appgw_name>


Step 5: Stop the Azure Application Gateway

Stop-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw


Step 6: Get Azure Application Gateway and store variable in $appgw

$appgw=Get-AzApplicationGateway -ResourceGroupName <rg_name> -Name <appgw_name>


Step 7: Start the Azure Application Gateway

Start-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw


You can verify the status in Azure Application Gateway Activity Log for confirmation. Refer to below image:

That’s it! At this point, we have rebooted successfully our Azure gateway.