Microsoft Azure – Resize a Azure Virtual Machine for Windows or Linux Servers

In this article, we will look into the process of resizing Azure VM size for Linux and Windows servers.


Follow the below steps to resize a Azure Virtual Machine with new size.

Note: The Process is same for both the Windows and Linux OS Servers.

Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal

Step 2: Go to Virtual Machines and select your Virtual Machine which you want to resize.

Step 3: Before resizing we have to stop the running server. Click on “Stop” to stop the running VM. Wait un-till you get the Status : Stopped (deallocated) and then go to next step for resize. If already in Stopped (deallocated) Status go to next step.

Step 4: Now, from the left menu navigate to Settings >> Click on Size 

  • Expand the Series you want and select your preferred new size.

Note: Before selecting the size always check the price of a VM. Use Azure pricing calculator to forecast the cost of a VM.

Step 5: After selecting your size >> Click on below “Resize” button

Step 6: Once the VM resize is done, you will get a notification like the following (refer below screenshot)

Step 7: Now on the same page navigate to the overview section from the left menu and then expand Essentials to verify the new size. 

  • You can verify from below screen that it was resized with Standard B1s from Standard B2s. 
  • Then, Click on Start to start a stopped VM.

That’s it you are done.