Microsoft Azure – Using Azure Service Bus Queues

In this article, we will learn how to use Azure Service Bus Queues. We can use Azure Service Bus Queues to decouple applications and make them more scalable and available. Applications send messages to an Azure Service Bus Queue. Messages stay there until they are deleted or expire. Receiving applications, reading and deleting messages from the queue, and processing them in their own time.


Step 1: In the Azure Portal, we will search for Service Bus.

Step 2:This creates a new namespace within Azure Service Bus. Let’s select a resource group, and now we will give it a name. Finally, we will select a pricing tier and create it.

Step 3: Here is the Service Bus Namespace. A namespace can have queues and topics in it. Let’s take a look.

Step 4:If there are No queues yet, let’s create one. Give it a name and there are many advanced features that we can use, including duplicate message detection. So, let’s create a queue.

Step 5:We can test the queue with Service Bus Explorer. This uses the same APIs that you would use from our code. First, we will send a message to the queue. we will pick plain text for the content type, and type a message. This will be the actual content of the message. 

Step 6: Also, we can add key-value data to the message and more advanced data. For instance, a message ID that our applications can use to track messages or a label. We will leave the rest as it is and send the message.

The message is in the queue. It will stay there until it is deleted or expired. We can also peek at it, which doesn’t delete it. It has the message content and the label property.

Let’s receive the message. This uses the receive and deletes method to read the message and delete it from the queue. That means, there are no more messages on the queue, and this one is read. 

We can use Azure Service Bus Queues to decouple parts of our solution and make them more available and scalable.