Microsoft Azure – What are Regions and Availability Zones

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure service. It provides a comprehensive set of technologies that allow you to build, test and deploy your applications using the Microsoft technology stack: Windows Server, SQL Server, System Center, Microsoft Office, and more. Microsoft Azure offers a wide range of tools, such as tools for developers, business professionals, data & analytics users, storage users, and power users.

Azure Regions

The Region is a Specific geographical location to host your applications. Each region is designed to comply with specific laws and regulations and to provide low-latency network connectivity to specific geographic areas. 

Azure regions offer customers the ability to choose where their data is stored and processed, which can be important for compliance, data sovereignty, and performance reasons. Each Azure region is made up of one or more availability zones, which are physically separate locations within the region that provide additional resiliency and redundancy for Azure services. Customers can use availability zones to run mission-critical workloads that require high availability and low recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs). To know about the Complete architecture of Microsoft Azure Refer to the Microsoft Azure – High-Level Overview of Architecture Center.

List f Azure Regions With Availability Zones

The Availability Zone is the part or place to deploy the application in the same geographical location (Region). The Regions and Availability Zones are among the best Microsoft Azure features for global user access.

In Azure, an availability zone is a physically separate location within an Azure region that is designed to be highly resilient to power outages, network failures, and natural disasters. Each availability zone is made up of one or more data centers that have independent power, cooling, and networking. This allows for the creation of highly available and fault-tolerant applications and services. 

Azure services that are deployed in an availability zone are protected from single points of failure and can continue to function even if one of the data centers within an availability zone goes offline.

Some of the Regions and Availability zones in Azure

Regions Availability Zones
(US) East US 3
(US) West Central US 0
(Europe) West Europe 3
(Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia 3

Need of Multiple Regions and Availability Zones

Let’s discuss the general use case to understand the need for Regions and Zones in Azure:

Imagine a situation of having an application deployed in one of the data centers in Africa. The typical challenges faced by the owner of the application would be:

  • High Latency: The users for many parts of the world (except Africa) can face slow access issues with the application
  • Low Availability: The Application goes down if the data center is crashed

What May be the Possible Solutions?

  • Having the application deployed in one or more data centers in the same region (in our case it is Africa). The challenge for this solution would be high latency. The application still goes down if the entire African region is unavailable
  • Having the application deployed in another Geographical location (let’s say New Delhi). The challenge for this solution would be Latency (Partially Resolved)
  • Having Multiple data centers in different regions around the world is a tedious task. Hence, Azure provides 60+ regions around the world and still expanding every year.

Microsoft Azure Data Center Locations

Microsoft Azure is currently available in 60+ regions with a minimum of 3 availability zone per region which make it more available for users who wants to set up their servers in Microsoft Azure.

Each availability zone has independent power, cooling, and networking. This helps to protect your applications and data from localized failures. Microsoft Azure is trying to expand its data center so it can give better service to its customers. In any of the one data centers, you can deploy your Azure virtual machine and secure it by using the Azure Networks.

Benefits of a Direct Connection to Azure Locations

Following are some of the benefits of having Direct Connection to Azure Locations

  1. Direct connection to the Azure Locations will eliminate the latency of the application and increases the responsive time of the application with the direct connection if access the application then your request will go over the internet and the responsive time is very low.
  2. Direct connection increases the security of the application which instead of routing your traffic over the internet will directly connect to the Azure data centers.
  3. Azure offers a private connection between your on-premises data center and Azure data center which will ensure that your application runtime for a certain time.
  4. Direct connection is going to avoid public internet access you can achieve consistent network performance. With more stable and reliable application usage.
  5. Direct connection allows you to have a private connection with Azure services such as Azure Storage, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Cosmos DB. You can secure the data more by avoiding data transfer over the internet.

What is Region Pairing?

Microsoft Azure’s region pairing is nothing but replicating the data of a region with another region that is in the same geographical area which will help to prevent loss of data in the situations like natural disasters.

If you have configured all of your data regarding your application data will be replicated automatically to other regions if you have a region pairing.

There are many advantages of region one of them is the high availability of data to your application if any one of the regions fails to deliver the data to the application then it will automatically retrieve the data from another region by that the availability of the application to the end users will be high and also the cost will also be reduced because it is having two regions to access the data from so it will reduce the load on an only single region.

Key Points Of Region Pairs

Following are the some of key points in azure region pairs.

  1. The regions in which you want to share data in between must be in the same geographic locations.
  2. Depending upon the geographic area in which region you are going to configure data may experience latency in the data.
  3. Automatically the performance of an application is going to be increased when the data is spread across two regions.
  4. To replicate the data between two regions efficiently the regions are connected with high bandwidth.
  5. Automatic replication of data will be done between two regions without any disturbances.


If the data centers are located in more than one or two regions then all come under geographic locations following are the some of few famous regions.

  1. India
  2. United States
  3. Europe
  4. Asia Pacific are a few examples of Azure Geographies

A region may contain one are more zones depending on the demand for servers.

Azure Availability Set

Azure Availability Set is a logical grouping of multiple Azure virtual machines across the same region and different availability zones by which the availability of virtual machines will be increased and scalability will become very easy. Key features and benefits of using Azure Availability Sets include:

  1. Fault Domain Isolation.
  2. Update Domain Isolation.
  3. High Availability for VMs.
  4. Scalability and Load Balancing.
  5. Automatic Fault Detection and Recovery.

Availability Set vs Availability Zone

Availability Set

Availability Zone

Logical grouping of virtual machines.

One data center represents an availability zone in a single region.

Availability sets help to improve the availability of your VMs by spreading them across different fault domains and update domains.

If one availability zone is failed the data which is available in the other availability zone can be used.

It provides fault domain and updated domain isolation.

The servers will be distributed across the multiple available zones.

When Should Use Available Zone or Set?

It depends on your application requirement of redundancy and resiliency in some of the following conditions for each.

Available Zone:

  1. Higher Resiliency Needed.
  2. Mission-Critical Applications.
  3. Higher SLA Requirements.

Available set:

  1. High Availability Within a Region.
  2. Simplified Management.
  3. Lower Cost Requirements.

Microsoft Azure’s Regions Vs Amazon Availability Zones

Azure’s Regions

Amazon Availability Zones

Azure regions are data centers within the geographic location.

Amazon Availability Zones are the data centers within the Amazon regions.

Azure Region consists of one or more zones under it.

There will be minimal one or more availability zones under single regions.

You can select the required services depending on the requirement of your application.

You can deploy your application in different availability zones to avoid data loss.

Azure Fault Domains

Azure Fault Domains the grouping of multiple virtual machines into a single group. If the virtual machine is hosted by multiple servers then micMicrosoftosoft Azure will isolate the required virtual machine into a single group. The main purpose of grouping is if one group of servers fails then your application will not stop working it will run in the different groups of virtual machines.

Azure Fault Domain service will make sure that the virtual machines will be created on the different physical servers so if any one physical server fails the virtual machine will be available in the other physical servers.

Azure Update Domain

Azure Update Domain is grouping servers that are under scheduled maintenance. If all the virtual machines are kept under maintenance then there will be application downtime and it will affect the usage of end users to avoid these types of mistakes the virtual machine which is under maintenance will be grouped and another virtual machine that is not under maintenance will run continuously.

We need to understand that Azure Fault Domains and Azure Update Domains are both different with different use cases.

How Many Fault Domains and How Many Update Domains We can Have?

Azure Fault Domain and Update Domains The number will be depending up on the service and region that you are going to configure.

For Virtual machines:

  1. Azure Fault Domain in an Availability Set you can have the maximum number is 3 Fault Domains.
  2. Azure updated Domain in an Availability Set you can have the maximum number is 20 updated Domains.

Azure Availability Zone

  • Availability zones are used to achieve the task of high availability of the application in the same region. Azure is having Multiple Availability zones in the same region. Some Regions do not have any Availability zones
  • Each Availability zones has independent and redundant power and networking and connectivity. Hence, it is difficult to have a situation to have two Availability Zones unavailable at the same time.
  • Availability Zones in a region are connected through low-latency links.

Advantages of Regions and Availability Zones

  1. High Availability: By deploying services across multiple availability zones, you can ensure that your applications and services remain available even in the event of a failure in one of the zones.
  2. Increased Fault Tolerance: Availability zones are physically separate locations within a region, so a failure in one zone will not affect the others. This allows for the creation of highly fault-tolerant applications and services.
  3. Improved Performance: By deploying services in multiple availability zones, you can take advantage of the increased network throughput and lower latency that result from having multiple, geographically dispersed locations.
  4. Better Disaster Recovery: By deploying services across multiple availability zones, you can ensure that your applications and services remain available even in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic events that affect one of the zones.
  5. Cost-Effective: By leveraging Azure availability zones, you can take advantage of the economies of scale that come with running your services in a public cloud, while still getting the benefits of a multi-zone deployment.

FAQs On Azure Availability Zones

Q.1: What Is The 99.99 Availability Zone In Azure?

It is a service level agreement(SLA) offered by Azure where you will be guaranted that your virtual machines (VMs) will be available 99.99% of the time.

Q.2: How Many Availability Zones Does Azure Have?

113 availability zones operational and an additional 51 under development.

Q.3: What Is The Difference Between 99.9 And 99.99 Availability?

The 99.9 and 99.99 repersents the down of the servers in Azure if it is 99.9 you will have 43.5 minutes downtime per year and 99.9 means 4.3 minutes downtime per year.