Microsoft CEO Raises Important Questions about A.I.’s Impact on Jobs and Education

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talks about rapidly developing AI and said it is moving in the right direction; AI will shift jobs, create new ones and strengthen education.

In the CNBC News Special Edition, Andrew Ross Sorkin talked about AI with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. The interview was aired on CNBC News, where Nadella expressed his concerns and thoughts about robust OpenAI technology, which is transforming alarmingly.

During the interview, Nadella said that AI has always been part of technology ranging from searches to social media feeds and black boxes. AI has scaled the usage of technology to the best extent. Today the world is experiencing a fast-moving transition from the Autopilot era of AI to the Co-pilot era of AI.

Andrew marked that Leaders from tech companies have shown concern as they enter the race for Open AI and questioned Nadella about his thoughts on scariness AI.

What is Scary about AI?

Nadella expressed that how society responds to these developments is a concern. Decisions must be made on all levels by the society themselves, considering political, cultural, and societal impacts. 

It will be possible when not just experts in AI talk among themselves but “entire society” tends to discuss and parties collaborate, bringing the best civil dialogue to “maximize the opportunity and mitigate the dangers.”

“We definitely want the benefits of this technology and we want to mitigate the unintended consequences,” Nadella said in the interview. “The leadership that’s required and the coming together of all the parties that is required is challenging, but it has to be done.”

Nadella commented that it is a balanced answer as humans have been coping with the upcoming challenges and developments. Humans know how to deal with the scientific revolution and subsequent industrial revolution.

Andrew quoted that scientists are heard saying that the process needs to slow down, which Nadella explains that they mean speeding up the core research that needs to happen around what is alignment. 

While scientists say that development must slow and other tech leaders also show the same concern, it is derived that people are worried that AI will strictly affect the number of jobs, education, and learning pattern. This is because whenever technological development has garnered speed, many jobs are swiped off, and people are forced to face frictional unemployment.

Nadella said that OpenAI will shift jobs but will create newer ones too. Consider, for example, the position of a prompt engineer, whose job is to prompt AI and get the task done; this job role doesn’t even demand one to have a CS degree. 

This is one example of a job, but many more will undoubtedly be created per the demands. Today there are billions of developers, and the world needs billions.

How will AI Affect Education?

Nadella commented that AI is going to change the learning pattern of students. There will be more engaged learning among the students in cross domains too. AI will eradicate the fear of learning.

Often, people are afraid to ask teachers or mentors about their doubts because they fear being judged or scolded. AI will assist such students to explore more and simultaneously learn more.

AI is to aid humans by humans. The vital energy of AI is to be channelized by society, thinking carefully about the advantages and consequences of AI.

Critical thinking is an important life skill of human beings, as recognized by WHO, which isn’t replaced by AI and is the essential quality humans bring to the desk.

The growing use of ChatGPT and AI has become a point of debate. The benefits and consequences of developing AI are the fear of every geek and novice. But OpenAI is a mission-driven company formed with the foundational idea that this is the technology they will pursue and build and make sure the non-profit, at the end of the day, is in control of this technology so that it can benefit the world.

OpenAI is working sincerely with its mission, and ultimately, its hard work in developing GPT is garnering successful results for the world’s people. From the people in the West at a big tech giant to Indian farmers, all benefit from the initiative of OpenAI founders.