Microsoft IDC Interview Experience | Set 81 (For Internship)

First round was technical aptitude. Around 120 students sat for it. 15 MCQs were asked- Everyone had different sets. All sorts of questions were asked, I had each question on C, STL, sorting, Java, Computer Architecture and OS.

Second round- Coding.
Around 60 students were shortlisted and coding round was conducted the same day. Everyone had different questions. Two problems were given and I had-
1. Find sum of data of all leaves of a binary tree on same level and then multiply sums obtained of all levels.
2. Two linked lists are given each containing a positive number find the difference of the two number and store it in a linked list and return reference to the head of the resulting linked list.
Eg: LinkedList1: 6 -> 5 -> 3 -> 0
LinkedList2: 4 -> 5 -> 2 -> 0
Output -> 2 -> 0 -> 1 -> 0

People who solved both and some with one were shortlisted. Results were announced after a month.
25 people were shortlisted after second round and were called to Bangalore.
Many students from different colleges were present for process there.

Third round- Group fly.
This was elimination round. Two questions were to be solved in one hour. A mentor was assigned to each group of 8-9 students. We had to discuss our approach and then code it and submit.
1. Remove duplicates from string in place in O(n).
2. Check whether given binary tree is balanced or not. Definition was no two leaves should have height difference of greater than one.
People who solved both were shortlisted.

Fourth round – Technical interview (45 min to 1 hour)
Interviewer was responsive and very co-operative.
First 15 min discussion on my projects. Then he asked me a question on arrays.
Given three arrays(arr1, arr2, arr3) each containing distinct positive numbers find three numbers a,b,c each from arr1, arr2, arr3 respectively such that (abs(a-b) + abs(b-c) + abs(c-a)) is minimum. I gave an nlogn approach for it and then I was to write the code on paper.
Final round was HR
Apart from the HR questions I was asked about to explain Overflow and Underflow Arithmetic Exception and write code to detect it.
Overall experience was very good. The final results were declared 10 days after the interviews got over.

All Practice Problems for Microsoft !