Microsoft Internship Interview Experience

Tech-Set-Go 2018 


Microsoft gives an opportunity to all undergraduate and postgraduate students for 2 months summer internship program. Basic criteria to apply for Microsoft internship program was to have CGPA greater than 7.0, no pending backlogs and candidates should not have participated in Microsoft internship hiring process within the last one year.

Round 1(Online Round):

It was Online coding Round conducted in on January 6th, 2019.  Everyone got 3 different question which needs to be solved in 90 minutes. Level of questions was easy-easy-medium. Each question contains corner test cases and also test cases with small and large inputs.

Those who solved all three questions completely (passing all test cases)were called for Onsite Interview at VIT-Chennai.

Round 2(Group Fly):

It was a pen-paper Round and from here each round is an elimination round. Do write clean and correct codes, with appropriate names for variables and proper indentation. The paper contains two sections 2 subjective questions and 2 objective questions. For subjective questions, we were asked to write test cases also.

subjective questions:

2. any extra memory)

 Objective  questions:       

1. Given a code we have to identify the output of the given code. The question I got was Minimum-edit-distance.

2. Find the error in the code. The code was adding two LinkedList.

Around 20 were shortlisted to next round out of 120 students.

Round 3(1 hr 15 min):

From now it is a technical round where each person is assigned, one mentor. After Introduction, I was asked to write code in a paper for a given question. The way we approach a problem and communication of our thought process makes a difference. Finally, they need is a proper algorithm for a given problem. I was given two questions,

2. Nested conditional statement and I wrote a recursive solution and interviewer traced my code.

Round 4(1 hr):

The first interviewer asked me to find a cycle in a graph and I gave dfs approach for the problem and he told to solve a problem without using extra space(visited array) and after seeing my resume he asked gave me problem based on my project (i.e) to find the word from a paragraph. I gave a trie-based approach and he told to write a function for insertion of a word and searching a word on paper. Both logical and syntactical errors were identified and he told to correct it.

Round 5 (30 min):

This was very easy round for me and solved the problem very quickly. The problem was given a wall which contains two kinds of bricks porous (water passes through given brick) and opaque( water passes doesnot passes through given brick). Given a matrix filled with p and o, find water passes to the ground if poured from the top. I discussed a dfs approach and he told to write code on paper. After that he told my Interview is over and the result will be announced through mail after a week.

Finally the way we approach and solve a problem is important. w3wiki is the best place to practice for interviews.