Microsoft Interview Experience for SDE-1 (On-Campus)

CODING ROUND: There were 2 questions in this round and were given 1 hour to solve them. Difficulty level: Leetcode medium


ROUND 1: I was asked 2 questions.

  • Calculate pow(a,b)

I started with the brute force technique. Then kept optimizing it, the interviewer was very friendly and helped me with the tiny mistakes I made. I gave him multiple solutions like multiplying only to the square root of b and at last, I gave him the bit-manipulation solution. 

  • Add 1 to a number that was in the form of a Linked List

This was an easy question but also can be a tricky one as it can be a little confusing. Honestly, everything depends on the environment the interviewer sets. If the vibe is a tense one, even an easy question can seem very puzzling. So, being calm and solving them like we’re solving another one of the GFG interview problems is the key. 

ROUND 2: Only one question was asked, the LRU cache one. The interviewer asked me to do it using HashMap. 

ROUND 3: This was the last round. The question I was asked was just the question of the sorting element posed in a different manner. The interviewer was checking if I would use an in-built sort function or make a sort function myself. He was pretty satisfied with my answer as I gave him both solutions. That’s it! We discussed about the workplace environment at Microsoft for the rest of my interview. 

And bam! After 20 days I got a call saying that I was offered the role!