Microsoft Interview Experience for SDE

Microsoft SDE 2025 Assessment Journey

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve embarked on my assessment journey with Microsoft as a hopeful candidate for the Software Development Engineer (SDE) intern program in 2025. It’s an incredible opportunity, and the assessments have already been an exciting challenge.

In the first round of assessments, I encountered some truly formidable questions. It consisted of 2 question only-

One question took on the world of dynamic programming applied to arrays, and it was a test of my problem-solving abilities like no other.

The second question explored the realm of undirected graphs, presenting yet another thrilling challenge. These questions pushed me to my limits and allowed me to truly showcase my analytical and coding skills.

It was almost about 3-hour long assessment in which one can use its own ide to run the code and copy and paste it to the actual ide. The questions were truly tough and required deep and clear concepts on DSA.

I’m eager to see where this journey takes me and am grateful for the chance to participate in such a rigorous selection process. Microsoft’s SDE program is known for its excellence