Microsoft Interview Experience for SDE – II

I recently embarked on the interview journey for an SDE – II position after discovering an opportunity through a Microsoft Hiring Manager’s post on LinkedIn. This connection led me to a recruiter and marked the beginning of my interview process.

Online Assessment:

The online assessment presented a distinctive challenge: debugging 14 – 15 React bugs within an hour. Success required resolving at least 60% of these issues. With limited time, the strategy was clear—tackle the solvable bugs or swiftly move on. Although the bugs themselves weren’t complex, the debugging environment posed its own set of hurdles.

Round 1:

Focused on Data Structures and Algorithms, this round featured two problems: one on Binary Search and the other on Binary Search Trees. The tasks at hand were ‘Koko Eating Bananas’ and ‘Validate BST.’ I successfully navigated both problems, paving my way to the subsequent round.

Round 2:

This round delved into Low-Level Design, where I was tasked with constructing a table component. After clarifying the requirements, I outlined the flow and presented a functioning solution. The discussion also ventured into the realm of APIs, specifically the Intersection Observer API, along with topics like infinite scrolling and React virtualization. Coding on the spot was part of the challenge.


While I received positive feedback for both rounds, the journey came to an unexpected halt as the position was filled in the interim.