Minimize moves to reduce N to 0 using given operations

Given a number N, and some operations that can be performed, the task is to find the minimum number of moves to convert N to 0. In one move operation, one of the following can be performed:

  • Increment or decrement the value of N by 1.
  • Multiply the value of N by -1.
  • Divide the value of N by 2 if N is even.
  • Reduce the value of N to √N if N is a perfect square.


Input: N = 50
Output: 6
Explanation: The moves performed are: 50 (/2) -> 25 (√) -> 5 (- 1) -> 4 (/2) -> 2 (-1) -> 1 (-1) -> 0. Therefore, the required number of moves is 6 which is the minimum possible.

Input: N = 75
Output: 8


Approach: The given problem can be solved efficiently by using dynamic programming. The idea is to use hashing and breadth-first search on 0 till N is reached. Hashing is used so that the same number is not visited twice. The below steps can be followed to solve the problem:

  • Use BFS by adding all the possible numbers that can be reached from 0 into a queue and also in a hashmap so that they are not visited again
  • Return the number of moves calculated after reaching N.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
    class Node {
        int val, moves;
        // Constructor
        Node(int v, int m)
            val = v;
            moves = m;
    // Function to calculate
    // minimum number of moves
    // required to convert N to 0
    int minMoves(int N)
        // Initialize a hashset
        // to mark the visited numbers
        set<int> set;
        // Initialize a queue
        queue<Node*> q ;
        // Mark 0 as visited
        // Add 0 into the queue
        q.push(new Node(0, 0));
        // while N is not reached
        while (!q.empty()) {
            // poll out current node
            Node *curr = q.front();
            // If N is reached
            if (curr->val == N) {
                // Return the number of moves used
                return curr->moves;
            if (set.find(curr->val - 1)==set.end()) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.insert(curr->val - 1);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.push(new Node(curr->val - 1,
                               curr->moves + 1));
            if (set.find(curr->val + 1)==set.end()) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.insert(curr->val + 1);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.push(new Node(curr->val + 1,
                               curr->moves + 1));
            if (set.find(curr->val * 2)==set.end()) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.insert(curr->val * 2);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.push(new Node(curr->val * 2,
                               curr->moves + 1));
            int sqr = curr->val * curr->val;
            if (set.find(sqr)==set.end()) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.push(new Node(sqr,
                               curr->moves + 1));
            if (set.find(-curr->val)==set.end()) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.push(new Node(-curr->val,
                               curr->moves + 1));
        return -1;
    // Driver code
     int main()
        int N = 50;
        // Call the function
        // and print the answer
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


// Java implementation for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    static class Node {
        int val, moves;
        // Constructor
        public Node(int val, int moves)
            this.val = val;
            this.moves = moves;
    // Function to calculate
    // minimum number of moves
    // required to convert N to 0
    public static int minMoves(int N)
        // Initialize a hashset
        // to mark the visited numbers
        Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
        // Initialize a queue
        Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<>();
        // Mark 0 as visited
        // Add 0 into the queue
        q.add(new Node(0, 0));
        // while N is not reached
        while (!q.isEmpty()) {
            // poll out current node
            Node curr = q.poll();
            // If N is reached
            if (curr.val == N) {
                // Return the number of moves used
                return curr.moves;
            if (!set.contains(curr.val - 1)) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.add(curr.val - 1);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.add(new Node(curr.val - 1,
                               curr.moves + 1));
            if (!set.contains(curr.val + 1)) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.add(curr.val + 1);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.add(new Node(curr.val + 1,
                               curr.moves + 1));
            if (!set.contains(curr.val * 2)) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.add(curr.val * 2);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.add(new Node(curr.val * 2,
                               curr.moves + 1));
            int sqr = curr.val * curr.val;
            if (!set.contains(sqr)) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.add(new Node(sqr,
                               curr.moves + 1));
            if (!set.contains(-curr.val)) {
                // Mark the number as visited
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.add(new Node(-curr.val,
                               curr.moves + 1));
        return -1;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 50;
        // Call the function
        // and print the answer


# Python code for the above approach
from queue import Queue
class Node:
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, v, m):
        self.val = v
        self.moves = m
# Function to calculate
# minimum number of moves
# required to convert N to 0
def minMoves(N):
    # Initialize a hashset
    # to mark the visited numbers
    _set = set()
    # Initialize a queue
    q = Queue()
    # Mark 0 as visited
    # Add 0 into the queue
    q.put(Node(0, 0))
    # while N is not reached
    while (q.qsize):
        # poll out current node
        curr = q.queue[0]
        # If N is reached
        if (curr.val == N):
            # Return the number of moves used
            return curr.moves
        if (not (curr.val - 1) in _set):
            # Mark the number as visited
            _set.add(curr.val - 1)
            # Add the number in the queue
            q.put(Node(curr.val - 1, curr.moves + 1))
        if (not (curr.val + 1) in _set):
            # Mark the number as visited
            _set.add(curr.val + 1)
            # Add the number in the queue
            q.put(Node(curr.val + 1, curr.moves + 1))
        if (not (curr.val * 2) in _set):
            # Mark the number as visited
            _set.add(curr.val * 2)
            # Add the number in the queue
            q.put(Node(curr.val * 2, curr.moves + 1))
        sqr = curr.val * curr.val
        if (not sqr in _set):
            # Mark the number as visited
            # Add the number in the queue
            q.put(Node(sqr, curr.moves + 1))
        if (not (-curr.val) in _set):
            # Mark the number as visited
            # Add the number in the queue
            q.put(Node(-curr.val, curr.moves + 1))
    return -1
# Driver code
N = 50
# Call the function
# and print the answer
# This code is contributed by gfgking


// Javascript code for the above approach
class Node {
  // Constructor
  constructor(v, m) {
    this.val = v;
    this.moves = m;
// Function to calculate
// minimum number of moves
// required to convert N to 0
function minMoves(N) {
  // Initialize a hashset
  // to mark the visited numbers
  let set = new Set();
  // Initialize a queue
  let q = [];
  // Mark 0 as visited
  // Add 0 into the queue
  q.unshift(new Node(0, 0));
  // while N is not reached
  while (q.length) {
    // poll out current node
    let curr = q[q.length - 1];
    // If N is reached
    if (curr.val == N) {
      // Return the number of moves used
      return curr.moves;
    if (!set.has(curr.val - 1)) {
      // Mark the number as visited
      set.add(curr.val - 1);
      // Add the number in the queue
      q.unshift(new Node(curr.val - 1,
        curr.moves + 1));
    if (!set.has(curr.val + 1)) {
      // Mark the number as visited
      set.add(curr.val + 1);
      // Add the number in the queue
      q.unshift(new Node(curr.val + 1,
        curr.moves + 1));
    if (!set.has(curr.val * 2)) {
      // Mark the number as visited
      set.add(curr.val * 2);
      // Add the number in the queue
      q.unshift(new Node(curr.val * 2,
        curr.moves + 1));
    let sqr = curr.val * curr.val;
    if (!set.has(sqr)) {
      // Mark the number as visited
      // Add the number in the queue
      q.unshift(new Node(sqr,
        curr.moves + 1));
    if (!set.has(-curr.val)) {
      // Mark the number as visited
      // Add the number in the queue
      q.unshift(new Node(-curr.val,
        curr.moves + 1));
  return -1;
// Driver code
let N = 50;
// Call the function
// and print the answer
// This code is contributed by gfgking


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Node
    public int val;
    public int moves;
    // Constructor
    public Node(int v, int m)
        val = v;
        moves = m;
class Program
    // Function to calculate
    // minimum number of moves
    // required to convert N to 0
    static int MinMoves(int N)
        // Initialize a hashset
        // to mark the visited numbers
        HashSet<int> set = new HashSet<int>();
        // Initialize a queue
        Queue<Node> q = new Queue<Node>();
        // Mark 0 as visited
        // Add 0 into the queue
        q.Enqueue(new Node(0, 0));
        // while N is not reached
        while (q.Count > 0)
            // poll out current node
            Node curr = q.Dequeue();
            // If N is reached
            if (curr.val == N)
                // Return the number of moves used
                return curr.moves;
            if (!set.Contains(curr.val - 1))
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.Add(curr.val - 1);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.Enqueue(new Node(curr.val - 1, curr.moves + 1));
            if (!set.Contains(curr.val + 1))
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.Add(curr.val + 1);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.Enqueue(new Node(curr.val + 1, curr.moves + 1));
            if (!set.Contains(curr.val * 2))
                // Mark the number as visited
                set.Add(curr.val * 2);
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.Enqueue(new Node(curr.val * 2, curr.moves + 1));
            int sqr = curr.val * curr.val;
            if (!set.Contains(sqr))
                // Mark the number as visited
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.Enqueue(new Node(sqr, curr.moves + 1));
            if (!set.Contains(-curr.val))
                // Mark the number as visited
                // Add the number in the queue
                q.Enqueue(new Node(-curr.val, curr.moves + 1));
        return -1;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int N = 50;
        // Call the function
        // and print the answer



Time Complexity: O(log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(K*log N), where K is the possible operations allowed