Minimum element of each row and each column in a matrix

Given a matrix, the task is to find the minimum element of each row and each column.


Input: [1, 2, 3]
        [1, 4, 9]
        [76, 34, 21]
Output: Minimum element of each row is {1, 1, 21}
Minimum element of each column is {1, 2, 3}

Input: [1, 2, 3, 21]
       [12, 1, 65, 9]
       [11, 56, 34, 2]
Output: Minimum element of each row is {1, 1, 2}
Minimum element of each column is {1, 2, 3 , 2}

Approach: The idea is to run the loop for no_of_rows. Check each element inside the row and find for the minimum element. Finally, print the element. Similarly, check each element inside the column and find for the minimum element. Finally, print the element.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to find the minimum
// element of each row and each column
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 100;
// function to find the minimum
// element of each row.
void smallestInRow(int mat[][MAX], int n, int m)
    cout << " { ";
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // initialize the minimum element
        // as first element
        int minm = mat[i][0];
        for (int j = 1; j < m; j++) {
            // check if any element is smaller
            // than the minimum element of the row
            // and replace it
            if (mat[i][j] < minm)
                minm = mat[i][j];
        // print the smallest element of the row
        cout << minm << ", ";
    cout << "}";
// function to find the minimum
// element of each column.
void smallestInCol(int mat[][MAX], int n, int m)
    cout << " { ";
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        // initialize the minimum element
        // as first element
        int minm = mat[0][i];
        // Run the inner loop for columns
        for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
            // check if any element is smaller
            // than the minimum element of the column
            // and replace it
            if (mat[j][i] < minm)
                minm = mat[j][i];
        // print the smallest element of the row
        cout << minm << ", ";
    cout << "}";
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 3, m = 3;
    int mat[][MAX] = { { 2, 1, 7 },
                       { 3, 7, 2 },
                       { 5, 4, 9 } };
    cout << "Minimum element of each row is ";
    smallestInRow(mat, n, m);
    cout << "\nMinimum element of each column is ";
    smallestInCol(mat, n, m);
    return 0;


// C program to find the minimum
// element of each row and each column
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
// function to find the minimum
// element of each row.
void smallestInRow(int mat[][MAX], int n, int m)
  printf(" { ");
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // initialize the minimum element
    // as first element
    int minm = mat[i][0];
    for (int j = 1; j < m; j++) {
      // check if any element is smaller
      // than the minimum element of the row
      // and replace it
      if (mat[i][j] < minm)
        minm = mat[i][j];
    // print the smallest element of the row
    printf("%d, ",minm);
// function to find the minimum
// element of each column.
void smallestInCol(int mat[][MAX], int n, int m)
  printf(" { ");
  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    // initialize the minimum element
    // as first element
    int minm = mat[0][i];
    // Run the inner loop for columns
    for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
      // check if any element is smaller
      // than the minimum element of the column
      // and replace it
      if (mat[j][i] < minm)
        minm = mat[j][i];
    // print the smallest element of the row
    printf("%d, ",minm);
// Driver code
int main()
  int n = 3, m = 3;
  int mat[][MAX] = { { 2, 1, 7 },
                    { 3, 7, 2 },
                    { 5, 4, 9 } };
  printf("Minimum element of each row is ");
  smallestInRow(mat, n, m);
  printf("\nMinimum element of each column is ");
  smallestInCol(mat, n, m);
  return 0;
// This code is contributed by kothavvasskash.


// Java program to find the minimum
// element of each row and each column
public class GFG {
    final static int MAX = 100;
// function to find the minimum
// element of each row.
    static void smallestInRow(int mat[][], int n, int m) {
        System.out.print(" { ");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // initialize the minimum element
            // as first element
            int minm = mat[i][0];
            for (int j = 1; j < m; j++) {
                // check if any element is smaller
                // than the minimum element of the row
                // and replace it
                if (mat[i][j] < minm) {
                    minm = mat[i][j];
            // print the smallest element of the row
            System.out.print(minm + ", ");
// function to find the minimum
// element of each column.
    static void smallestInCol(int mat[][], int n, int m) {
        System.out.print(" { ");
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            // initialize the minimum element
            // as first element
            int minm = mat[0][i];
            // Run the inner loop for columns
            for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
                // check if any element is smaller
                // than the minimum element of the column
                // and replace it
                if (mat[j][i] < minm) {
                    minm = mat[j][i];
            // print the smallest element of the row
            System.out.print(minm + ", ");
// Driver code
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int n = 3, m = 3;
        int mat[][] = {{2, 1, 7},
        {3, 7, 2},
        {5, 4, 9}};
        System.out.print("Minimum element of each row is ");
        smallestInRow(mat, n, m);
        System.out.print("\nMinimum element of each column is ");
        smallestInCol(mat, n, m);
/*This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar*/


# Python 3 program to find the minimum
MAX = 100
# function to find the minimum
# element of each row.
def smallestInRow(mat, n, m):
    print("{", end = "")
    for i in range(n):
        # initialize the minimum element
        # as first element
        minm = mat[i][0]
        for j in range(1, m, 1):
            # check if any element is smaller
            # than the minimum element of the
            # row and replace it
            if (mat[i][j] < minm):
                minm = mat[i][j]
        # print the smallest element
        # of the row
        print(minm, end = ",")
# function to find the minimum
# element of each column.
def smallestInCol(mat, n, m):
    print("{", end = "")
    for i in range(m):
        # initialize the minimum element
        # as first element
        minm = mat[0][i]
        # Run the inner loop for columns
        for j in range(1, n, 1):
            # check if any element is smaller
            # than the minimum element of the
            # column and replace it
            if (mat[j][i] < minm):
                minm = mat[j][i]
        # print the smallest element
        # of the row
        print(minm, end = ",")
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 3
    m = 3
    mat = [[2, 1, 7],
           [3, 7, 2 ],
           [ 5, 4, 9 ]];
    print("Minimum element of each row is",
                                 end = " ")
    smallestInRow(mat, n, m)
    print("Minimum element of each column is",
                                    end = " ")
    smallestInCol(mat, n, m)
# This code is contributed by
# Shashank_Sharma


// C# program to find the minimum
// element of each row and each column
using System;
class GFG
readonly static int MAX = 100;
// function to find the minimum
// element of each row.
static void smallestInRow(int [,]mat,
                          int n, int m)
    Console.Write(" { ");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // initialize the minimum element
        // as first element
        int minm = mat[i, 0];
        for (int j = 1; j < m; j++)
            // check if any element is smaller
            // than the minimum element of the
            // row and replace it
            if (mat[i, j] < minm)
                minm = mat[i, j];
        // print the smallest element
        // of the row
        Console.Write(minm + ", ");
// function to find the minimum
// element of each column.
static void smallestInCol(int [,]mat,
                          int n, int m)
    Console.Write(" { ");
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        // initialize the minimum element
        // as first element
        int minm = mat[0, i];
        // Run the inner loop for columns
        for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
            // check if any element is smaller
            // than the minimum element of the
            // column and replace it
            if (mat[j, i] < minm)
                minm = mat[j, i];
        // print the smallest element
        // of the row
        Console.Write(minm + ", ");
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int n = 3, m = 3;
    int [,]mat = {{2, 1, 7},
                   {3, 7, 2},
                  {5, 4, 9}};
    Console.Write("Minimum element of " +
                         "each row is ");
    smallestInRow(mat, n, m);
    Console.Write("\nMinimum element of " +
                        "each column is ");
    smallestInCol(mat, n, m);
// This code is contributed
// by 29AjayKumar


// PHP program to find the minimum
// element of each row and each column
$MAX = 100;
// function to find the minimum
// element of each row.
function smallestInRow(&$mat, $n, $m)
    echo " { ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        // initialize the minimum element
        // as first element
        $minm = $mat[$i][0];
        for ($j = 1; $j < $m; $j++)
            // check if any element is smaller
            // than the minimum element of the
            // row and replace it
            if ($mat[$i][$j] < $minm)
                $minm = $mat[$i][$j];
        // print the smallest element
        // of the row
        echo $minm . ", ";
    echo "}";
// function to find the minimum
// element of each column.
function smallestInCol(&$mat, $n, $m)
    echo " { ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++)
        // initialize the minimum element
        // as first element
        $minm = $mat[0][$i];
        // Run the inner loop for columns
        for ($j = 1; $j < $n; $j++)
            // check if any element is smaller
            // than the minimum element of the column
            // and replace it
            if ($mat[$j][$i] < $minm)
                $minm = $mat[$j][$i];
        // print the smallest element of the row
        echo $minm . ", ";
    echo "}";
// Driver code
$n = 3;
$m = 3;
$mat = array(array( 2, 1, 7 ),
             array( 3, 7, 2 ),
             array( 5, 4, 9 ));
echo "Minimum element of each row is ";
smallestInRow($mat, $n, $m);
echo "\nMinimum element of each column is ";
smallestInCol($mat, $n, $m);
// This code is contributed by ita_c


// Java script program to find the minimum
// element of each row and each column
let MAX = 100;
// function to find the minimum
// element of each row.
    function smallestInRow(mat,n,m) {
        document.write(" { ");
        for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // initialize the minimum element
            // as first element
            let minm = mat[i][0];
            for (let j = 1; j < m; j++) {
                // check if any element is smaller
                // than the minimum element of the row
                // and replace it
                if (mat[i][j] < minm) {
                    minm = mat[i][j];
            // print the smallest element of the row
            document.write(minm + ", ");
// function to find the minimum
// element of each column.
    function smallestInCol(mat,n,m) {
        document.write(" { ");
        for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            // initialize the minimum element
            // as first element
            let minm = mat[0][i];
            // Run the inner loop for columns
            for (let j = 1; j < n; j++) {
                // check if any element is smaller
                // than the minimum element of the column
                // and replace it
                if (mat[j][i] < minm) {
                    minm = mat[j][i];
            // print the smallest element of the row
            document.write(minm + ", ");
// Driver code
        let n = 3, m = 3;
        let mat = [[2, 1, 7],
        [3, 7, 2],
        [5, 4, 9]];
        document.write("Minimum element of each row is ");
        smallestInRow(mat, n, m);
        document.write("\nMinimum element of each column is ");
        smallestInCol(mat, n, m);
// This code is contributed by Bobby


Minimum element of each row is  { 1, 2, 4, }
Minimum element of each column is  { 2, 1, 2, }

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time complexity: O(n*m), as we are using nested for loops to traverse the Matrix.
  • Auxiliary Space: O(1), as we are not using any extra space.