Minimum Increment or Bitwise OR operations to make two integers equal

Given two integers X and Y (X < Y), we can perform the following operations any number of times:

  • Increment X by 1, X = X + 1
  • Increment Y by 1, Y = Y + 1
  • Change X to X | Y, X = X | Y

The task is to determine the minimum number of operations required to make X = Y.

Input: X = 1, Y = 3
Output: 1
Explanation: It takes only one operation to make X = Y,

  • Apply type 3 operation (X = X | Y), so X = 1 | 3 = 3 and Y = 3.

Input: X = 5, Y = 8
Output: 3
Explanation: It takes three operations to make X = Y,

  • Perform type 1 operation (X = X + 1), so X = 6, Y = 8
  • Perform type 1 operation (X = X + 1), so X = 7, Y = 8
  • Perform type 1 operation (X = X + 1), so X = 8, Y = 8

Approach: To solve the problem, follow the below idea:

It can be observed that its optimal to apply type 3 operation at most once as if we apply X = X | Y, the value of X will become greater than or equal to Y. So, if it becomes equal to Y then we don’t need to apply any operation otherwise if it becomes greater than Y, then we need to apply only type 2 operations.

Now, we know that the max number of operations needed are (Y – X). Let’s say we apply some type 1 operations and some type 2 operations before applying type 3 operation, so the new value of X becomes X1 and the new value of Y becomes Y1 before performing the type 3 operation. So, now the total operations needed will be: F = (X1 – X) + (Y1 – Y) + ((X1 | Y1) – Y1) + 1, which can be simplified as F = X1 + (X1 | Y1) – (X + Y – 1). Now, we need minimize F which is same as minimizing X1 + (X1 | Y1), since (X + Y – 1) is constant.

We can iterate X1 from X to Y and for a fixed X1, we need to minimize the value of X1 | Y1, so we can construct Y1 bit by bit as follows:

  • If ith bit of X1 = 0 and Y = 0, so ith bit of Y1 will be 0.
  • If ith bit of X1 = 0 and Y = 1, so ith bit of Y1 will be 1.
  • If ith bit of X1 = 1 and Y = 0, so ith bit of Y1 will be 1 and break.
  • If ith bit of X1 = 1 and Y = 1, so ith bit of Y1 will be 1.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  • Initialize minimum operations = Y – X.
  • Iterate X1 from X to Y, and for every X1,
    • Construct Y1 bit by bit.
    • Calculate total number of operations as currentOperations.
    • Update min operations if currentOperations < min operations.
  • Return min operations as the answer.

Below is the implementation of the algorithm:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int getMinOperations(int X, int Y) {
    int minOperations = Y - X;
    for(int X1 = X; X1 <= Y; X1 ++) {
        int currentOperations = 0;
        // Operations needed to convert X to X1
        currentOperations += (X1 - X);
        int Y1 = 0;
        for(int j = 30; j >= 0; j --) {
            // Find jth bit of X1
            int bitX1 = (X1 >> j) & 1;
            // Find jth bit of Y
            int bitY = (Y >> j) & 1;
            if((bitX1 == 0 && bitY == 1) || (bitX1 == 1 && bitY == 1)) {
                Y1 |= (1 << j);
            else if(bitX1 == 1 && bitY == 0) {
                Y1 |= (1 << j);
        // Operations needed to convert Y to Y1
        currentOperations += (Y1 - Y);
        // One operation of type 3
        currentOperations += 1;
        // Operations needed to convert Y1 to (X1 | Y1)
        currentOperations += ((X1 | Y1) - Y1);
        minOperations = min(minOperations, currentOperations);
    return minOperations;
int main() {
    cout << getMinOperations(1, 3) << "\n";
    cout << getMinOperations(5, 8) << "\n";
    return 0;


public class Main {
    public static int getMinOperations(int X, int Y) {
        int minOperations = Y - X;
        for (int X1 = X; X1 <= Y; X1++) {
            int currentOperations = 0;
            // Operations needed to convert X to X1
            currentOperations += (X1 - X);
            int Y1 = 0;
            for (int j = 30; j >= 0; j--) {
                // Find jth bit of X1
                int bitX1 = (X1 >> j) & 1;
                // Find jth bit of Y
                int bitY = (Y >> j) & 1;
                if ((bitX1 == 0 && bitY == 1) || (bitX1 == 1 && bitY == 1)) {
                    Y1 |= (1 << j);
                } else if (bitX1 == 1 && bitY == 0) {
                    Y1 |= (1 << j);
            // Operations needed to convert Y to Y1
            currentOperations += (Y1 - Y);
            // One operation of type 3
            currentOperations += 1;
            // Operations needed to convert Y1 to (X1 | Y1)
            currentOperations += ((X1 | Y1) - Y1);
            minOperations = Math.min(minOperations, currentOperations);
        return minOperations;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(getMinOperations(1, 3));
        System.out.println(getMinOperations(5, 8));
// This code is contributed by akshitaguprzj3


using System;
class GFG
    static int GetMinOperations(int X, int Y)
        int minOperations = Y - X;
        for (int X1 = X; X1 <= Y; X1++)
            int currentOperations = 0;
            // Operations needed to convert X to X1
            currentOperations += (X1 - X);
            int Y1 = 0;
            for (int j = 30; j >= 0; j--)
                // Find jth bit of X1
                int bitX1 = (X1 >> j) & 1;
                // Find jth bit of Y
                int bitY = (Y >> j) & 1;
                if ((bitX1 == 0 && bitY == 1) || (bitX1 == 1 && bitY == 1))
                    Y1 |= (1 << j);
                else if (bitX1 == 1 && bitY == 0)
                    Y1 |= (1 << j);
            // Operations needed to convert Y to Y1
            currentOperations += (Y1 - Y);
            // One operation of type 3
            currentOperations += 1;
            // Operations needed to convert Y1 to (X1 | Y1)
            currentOperations += ((X1 | Y1) - Y1);
            minOperations = Math.Min(minOperations, currentOperations);
        return minOperations;
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine(GetMinOperations(1, 3));
        Console.WriteLine(GetMinOperations(5, 8));


// JavaScript Implementation
function getMinOperations(X, Y) {
    let minOperations = Y - X;
    for (let X1 = X; X1 <= Y; X1++) {
        let currentOperations = 0;
        // Operations needed to convert X to X1
        currentOperations += (X1 - X);
        let Y1 = 0;
        for (let j = 30; j >= 0; j--) {
            // Find jth bit of X1
            let bitX1 = (X1 >> j) & 1;
            // Find jth bit of Y
            let bitY = (Y >> j) & 1;
            if ((bitX1 === 0 && bitY === 1) || (bitX1 === 1 && bitY === 1)) {
                Y1 |= (1 << j);
            } else if (bitX1 === 1 && bitY === 0) {
                Y1 |= (1 << j);
        // Operations needed to convert Y to Y1
        currentOperations += (Y1 - Y);
        // One operation of type 3
        currentOperations += 1;
        // Operations needed to convert Y1 to (X1 | Y1)
        currentOperations += ((X1 | Y1) - Y1);
        minOperations = Math.min(minOperations, currentOperations);
    return minOperations;
console.log(getMinOperations(1, 3));
console.log(getMinOperations(5, 8));
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdu420)


def get_min_operations(X, Y):
    min_operations = Y - X
    for X1 in range(X, Y + 1):
        current_operations = 0
        # Operations needed to convert X to X1
        current_operations += (X1 - X)
        Y1 = 0
        for j in range(30, -1, -1):
            # Find jth bit of X1
            bit_X1 = (X1 >> j) & 1
            # Find jth bit of Y
            bit_Y = (Y >> j) & 1
            if (bit_X1 == 0 and bit_Y == 1) or (bit_X1 == 1 and bit_Y == 1):
                Y1 |= (1 << j)
            elif bit_X1 == 1 and bit_Y == 0:
                Y1 |= (1 << j)
        # Operations needed to convert Y to Y1
        current_operations += (Y1 - Y)
        # One operation of type 3
        current_operations += 1
        # Operations needed to convert Y1 to (X1 | Y1)
        current_operations += ((X1 | Y1) - Y1)
        min_operations = min(min_operations, current_operations)
    return min_operations
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(get_min_operations(1, 3))
    print(get_min_operations(5, 8))



Time Complexity: O(X log Y), where X and Y are the two input numbers.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)