Minimum index at which 1 row and 1 column completely vanishes

Given an array X[] and a matrix M[][]. Then the task is to output the minimum elements needed to remove so that one row and one column of M[][] becomes completely empty, return -1 if not possible. For that, you are allowed to remove the first element of X[] and remove the same element from M[][].

Note: All elements of X[] and M[][] are unique. All the elements of X[] will surely present in M[][], but vice – versa is not true.


Input: X[] = {1, 4, 6, 2, 8, 7, 5, 9, 3}, M[][] = {{3, 2, 5}, {1, 4, 6}, {8, 7, 9}}
Output: 6

Input: X[] = {1, 4}, M[][] = {{3, 2}, {1, 4}} 
Output: -1
Explanation: It can be verified that X[] becomes empty, But any row and any column of matrix didn’t become empty. Therefore, output is -1

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem:

The problem can be solved by using HashMap for storing the position of element in M[][] and Frequency arrays for storing the frequency of vanished element of rows and columns. For more clarifications see the Concept of approach section below.    

Concept of approach:

The problem can be solved easily, If we can get the location of an element in matrix efficiently and number of elements vanished in row and column. We can resolve both of this.

  • How to get location of elements efficiently: Create a HashMap<Integer, Pair> which stores element and its location in Pair(Row, Col) in form of Key and Value. As it is given that all the elements are unique so no duplicacy will occur and map, Thus it is a perfect data structure to use here. After this we can get location of any element in O(1) time. 
  • How to get number of elements vanished in row or column: Create two frequency arrays Row[] and Col[], Which stores number of vanished elements in particular row or column. These frequency arrays will reduce time to check that any row or column is vanished or not.    

After this just implement the below approach:  

  • Traverse on Matrix and initialize all elements’ location in map.
  • Create two arrays Row[] and Col[].
  • Traverse on X[] and get location of current element and increment number of vanished elements in row[] and col[] at same location.
  • If any value in Row[] become equal to M[0].length and any value of column[] become equal to M.length.Then return the number of elements traversed in X[].
  • Else return -1.      

Steps were taken to solve the problem:

  • Create a HashMap<Integer, Pair(int, int)> let’s say map for storing an element and its location.
  • Run two nested loops for traversing on M[][] and initialize elements and their location in the map.
  • Initialize a variable let’s say min_element for storing the minimum number of elements required.
  • Create two frequency arrays Row[] and Col[] and two boolean variables Row_max and Col_max, and set them initially as false.
  • Run a loop for traversing X[] and follow the below-mentioned steps under the scope of the loop:
    • Increment min_element.
    • Get the location of the current element of X[]. Let say location of current element in M[][] will be = (r, c)
    • Increment Row[r] by 1.
    • Increment Col by 1.
    • If (Row[r] == M[0].length), Then mark Row_max flag as true.
    • If (Col == M.length), then mark the Col_max flag as true.
    • If (Row_max == True && Col_max == True), Then return the value of min_element.
  • Return -1.  

Below is the code to implement the approach:


#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
// Method to return
int Min_Element(int X[], int M[][2], int n, int m)
    // HashMap for storing the
    // position of elements in M[][]
    unordered_map<int, pair<int, int>> map;
    // Loops for initializing HashMap
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
            map[M[i][j]] = make_pair(i, j);
    // Frequency arrays, Which will
    // store Number of vanished
    // elements in partiular Row or
    // Column of M[][]
    int row[n] = {0};
    int col[m] = {0};
    // Variable for storing minimum
    // number of elements
    int min_element = 0;
    // Boolean flags for checking
    // either one row or column is
    // completely vanished or not
    bool row_max = false;
    bool col_max = false;
    // Loop for traversing over X[]
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        // Increment min_element
        // It means we are vanishing
        // on element
        // Get the location(row, col)
        // of current element = (X[i])
        // From HashMap
        pair<int, int> y = map[X[i]];
        // Incrementing number of
        // vanished elements in both
        // frequency arrays
        row[y.first] += 1;
        col[y.second] += 1;
        // If any row completely
        // vanishes then marking
        // row_max flag as true
        if (row[y.first] == m) {
            row_max = true;
        // If any col completely
        // vanishes then marking
        // row_col flag as true
        if (col[y.second] == n) {
            col_max = true;
        // This block will execute,
        // When both flags will be
        // true. Formally, When a
        // row and a column will
        // completly become empty
        if (row_max && col_max) {
            // Returning the value of
            // min_element variable
            return min_element;
    // If no row ans no column become
    // empty Then returning -1
    // as Not Possible
    return -1;
// Driver Function
int main()
    // Inputs
    int X[] = { 1, 4 };
    int M[][2] = {
        { 3, 2 },
        { 1, 4 },
    // Function call and stroing
    // answer as returned value
    int ans = Min_Element(X, M, 2, 2);
    // Ouptut of returned value
    cout << ans << endl;
    return 0;


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.util.*;
// Custom pair class
class pair {
    int row, col;
    pair(int row, int col)
        this.row = row;
        this.col = col;
public class GFG {
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Inputs
        int[] X = { 1, 4 };
        int[][] M = {
            { 3, 2 },
            { 1, 4 },
        // Function call and stroing
        // answer as returned value
        int ans = Min_Element(X, M);
        // Ouptut of returned value
    // Method to return
    static int Min_Element(int[] X, int[][] M)
        // HashMap for storing the
        // position of elements in M[][]
        HashMap<Integer, pair> map = new HashMap<>();
        // Loops for initializing HashMap
        for (int i = 0; i < M.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < M[0].length; j++) {
                map.put(M[i][j], new pair(i, j));
        // Frequency arrays, Which will
        // store Number of vanished
        // elements in partiular Row or
        // Column of M[][]
        int[] row = new int[M.length];
        int[] col = new int[M[0].length];
        // Variable for storing minimum
        // number of elements
        int min_element = 0;
        // Boolean flags for checking
        // either one row or column is
        // completely vanished or not
        boolean row_max = false;
        boolean col_max = false;
        // Loop for traversing over X[]
        for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
            // Increment min_element
            // It means we are vanishing
            // on element
            // Get the location(row, col)
            // of current element = (X[i])
            // From HashMap
            pair y = map.get(X[i]);
            // Incrementing number of
            // vanished elements in both
            // frequency arrays
            row[y.row] += 1;
            col[y.col] += 1;
            // If any row completely
            // vanishes then marking
            // row_max flag as true
            if (row[y.row] == M[0].length) {
                row_max = true;
            // If any col completely
            // vanishes then marking
            // row_col flag as true
            if (col[y.col] == M.length) {
                col_max = true;
            // This block will execute,
            // When both flags will be
            // true. Formally, When a
            // row and a column will
            // completly become empty
            if (row_max && col_max) {
                // Returning the value of
                // min_element variable
                return min_element;
        // If no row ans no column become
        // empty Then returning -1
        // as Not Possible
        return -1;


class Pair:
    def __init__(self, row, col):
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
def min_element(X, M):
    # HashMap for storing the position of elements in M[][]
    map = {}
    # Loops for initializing HashMap
    for i in range(len(M)):
        for j in range(len(M[0])):
            map[M[i][j]] = Pair(i, j)
    # Frequency arrays, Which will store the number of vanished
    # elements in particular Row or Column of M[][]
    row = [0] * len(M)
    col = [0] * len(M[0])
    # Variable for storing the minimum number of elements
    min_element = 0
    # Boolean flags for checking either one row or column is
    # completely vanished or not
    row_max = False
    col_max = False
    # Loop for traversing over X[]
    for i in range(len(X)):
        # Increment min_element
        # It means we are vanishing
        # one element
        min_element += 1
        # Get the location (row, col)
        # of the current element (X[i])
        # From HashMap
        y = map[X[i]]
        # Incrementing the number of vanished elements in both
        # frequency arrays
        row[y.row] += 1
        col[y.col] += 1
        # If any row completely vanishes then marking
        # row_max flag as true
        if row[y.row] == len(M[0]):
            row_max = True
        # If any column completely vanishes then marking
        # col_max flag as true
        if col[y.col] == len(M):
            col_max = True
        # This block will execute,
        # When both flags will be
        # true. Formally, When a
        # row and a column will
        # completely become empty
        if row_max and col_max:
            # Returning the value of
            # min_element variable
            return min_element
    # If no row and no column become empty,
    # then returning -1 as Not Possible
    return -1
# Driver Function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Inputs
    X = [1, 4]
    M = [
        [3, 2],
        [1, 4],
    # Function call and storing
    # answer as the returned value
    ans = min_element(X, M)
    # Output of the returned value
# This code is contributed by shivamgupta310570


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Solution
    // Method to return
    private static int MinElement(int[] X, int[,] M, int n, int m)
        // Dictionary for storing the
        // position of elements in M[,]
        Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> map = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
        // Loops for initializing Dictionary
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                map[M[i, j]] = Tuple.Create(i, j);
        // Frequency arrays, Which will
        // store Number of vanished
        // elements in particular Row or
        // Column of M[,]
        int[] row = new int[n];
        int[] col = new int[m];
        // Variable for storing minimum
        // number of elements
        int minElement = 0;
        // Boolean flags for checking
        // whether one row or column is
        // completely vanished or not
        bool rowMax = false;
        bool colMax = false;
        // Loop for traversing over X[]
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            // Increment minElement
            // It means we are vanishing
            // one element
            // Get the location(row, col)
            // of current element = (X[i])
            // From Dictionary
            Tuple<int, int> y = map[X[i]];
            // Incrementing number of
            // vanished elements in both
            // frequency arrays
            row[y.Item1] += 1;
            col[y.Item2] += 1;
            // If any row completely
            // vanishes then marking
            // rowMax flag as true
            if (row[y.Item1] == m)
                rowMax = true;
            // If any col completely
            // vanishes then marking
            // colMax flag as true
            if (col[y.Item2] == n)
                colMax = true;
            // This block will execute,
            // When both flags will be
            // true. Formally, When a
            // row and a column will
            // completely become empty
            if (rowMax && colMax)
                // Returning the value of
                // minElement variable
                return minElement;
        // If no row and no column become
        // empty then returning -1
        // as Not Possible
        return -1;
    // Driver Function
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Inputs
        int[] X = { 1, 4 };
        int[,] M = {
            { 3, 2 },
            { 1, 4 }
        // Function call and storing
        // answer as returned value
        int ans = MinElement(X, M, 2, 2);
        // Output of returned value


class Pair {
    constructor(row, col) {
        this.row = row;
        this.col = col;
function minElement(X, M) {
    const map = new Map();
    for (let i = 0; i < M.length; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < M[0].length; j++) {
            map.set(M[i][j], new Pair(i, j));
    const row = new Array(M.length).fill(0);
    const col = new Array(M[0].length).fill(0);
    let minElementCount = 0;
    let rowMax = false;
    let colMax = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
        const y = map.get(X[i]);
        if (row[y.row] === M[0].length) {
            rowMax = true;
        if (col[y.col] === M.length) {
            colMax = true;
        if (rowMax && colMax) {
            return minElementCount;
    return -1;
// Example Inputs
const X = [1, 4];
const M = [
    [3, 2],
    [1, 4]
// Calling the function and printing the output
const ans = minElement(X, M);



Time Complexity: O(M*N), As HashMap is used to store the location of an element in M[][] in the form of Pairs.
Auxiliary Space: O((M + N) + (M*N)), Frequency arrays of size M and N are used to store values. Where M and N are the numbers of rows and columns of M[][] and HashMap of space (N*M) is used.