Minimum no. of iterations to pass information to all nodes in the tree

Given a very large n-ary tree. Where the root node has some information which it wants to pass to all of its children down to the leaves with the constraint that it can only pass the information to one of its children at a time (take it as one iteration). 

Now in the next iteration the child node can transfer that information to only one of its children and at the same time instance the child’s parent i.e. root can pass the info to one of its remaining children. Continuing in this way we have to find the minimum no of iterations required to pass the information to all nodes in the tree.

Minimum no of iterations for tree below is 6. The root A first passes information to B. In next iteration, A passes information to E and B passes information to H and so on. 

Step-wise Tree Traversal

We strongly recommend to minimize the browser and try this yourself first.

This can be done using Post Order Traversal. The idea is to consider height and children count on each and every node. 

If a child node i takes ci iterations to pass info below its subtree, then its parent will take (ci + 1) iterations to pass info to subtree rooted at that child i. 

If parent has more children, it will pass info to them in subsequent iterations. Let’s say children of a parent takes c1, c2, c3, c4, …, cn iterations to pass info in their own subtree, Now parent has to pass info to these n children one by one in n iterations. If parent picks child i in ith iteration, then parent will take (i + ci) iterations to pass info to child i and all it’s subtree. 

In any iteration, when parent passes info a child i+1, children (1 to i) which got info from parent already in previous iterations, will pass info to further down in subsequent iterations, if any child (1 to i) has its own child further down. 

To pass info to whole tree in minimum iterations, it needs to be made sure that bandwidth is utilized as efficiently as possible (i.e. maximum passable no of nodes should pass info further down in any iteration) 

The best possible scenario would be that in nth iteration, n different nodes pass info to their child. 

Nodes with height = 0: (Trivial case) Leaf node has no children (no information passing needed), so no of iterations would be ZERO. 

Nodes with height = 1: Here node has to pass info to all the children one by one (all children are leaf node, so no more information passing further down). Since all children are leaf, node can pass info to any child in any order (pick any child who didn’t receive the info yet). One iteration needed for each child and so no of iterations would be no of children.So node with height 1 with n children will take n iterations. 

Take a counter initialized with ZERO, loop through all children and keep incrementing counter. 

Nodes with height > 1: Let’s assume that there are n children (1 to n) of a node and minimum no iterations for all n children are c1, c2, …., cn. 

To make sure maximum no of nodes participate in info passing in any iteration, parent should 1st pass info to that child who will take maximum iteration to pass info further down in subsequent iterations. i.e. in any iteration, parent should choose the child who takes maximum iteration later on. It can be thought of as a greedy approach where parent choose that child 1st, who needs maximum no of iterations so that all subsequent iterations can be utilized efficiently. 

If parent goes in any other fashion, then in the end, there could be some nodes which are done quite early, sitting idle and so bandwidth is not utilized efficiently in further iterations. 
If there are two children i and j with minimum iterations ci and cj where ci > cj, then If parent picks child j 1st then no of iterations needed by parent to pass info to both children and their subtree would be:max (1 + cj, 2 + ci) = 2 + ci 

If parent picks child i 1st then no of iterations needed by parent to pass info to both children and their subtree would be: max(1 + ci, 2 + cj) = 1 + ci (So picking ci gives better result than picking cj)
This tells that parent should always choose child i with max ci value in any iteration. 

SO here greedy approach is: 

sort all ci values decreasing order, 
let’s say after sorting, values are c1 > c2 > c3 > …. > cn 
take a counter c, set c = 1 + c1 (for child with maximum no of iterations) 
for all children i from 2 to n, c = c + 1 + ci 
then total no of iterations needed by parent is max(n, c)

Let minItr(A) be the minimum iteration needed to pass info from node A to it’s all the sub-tree. Let child(A) be the count of all children for node A. So recursive relation would be: 

1. Get minItr(B) of all children (B) of a node (A)
2. Sort all minItr(B) in descending order
3. Get minItr of A based on all minItr(B)
minItr(A) = child(A)
For children B from i = 0 to child(A)
minItr(A) = max ( minItr(A), minItr(B) + i + 1)

Base cases would be:
If node is leaf, minItr = 0
If node's height is 1, minItr = children count

Following is the implementation of above idea. 


// C++ program to find minimum number of iterations to pass
// information from root to all nodes in an n-ary tree
using namespace std;
// A class to represent n-ary tree (Note that the implementation
// is similar to graph for simplicity of implementation
class NAryTree
    int N;    // No. of nodes in Tree
    // Pointer to an array containing list of children
    list<int> *adj;
    // A function used by getMinIter(), it basically does postorder
    void getMinIterUtil(int v, int minItr[]);
    NAryTree(int N);   // Constructor
    // function to add a child w to v
    void addChild(int v, int w);
    // The main function to find minimum iterations
    int getMinIter();
    static int compare(const void * a, const void * b);
NAryTree::NAryTree(int N)
    this->N = N;
    adj = new list<int>[N];
// To add a child w to v
void NAryTree::addChild(int v, int w)
    adj[v].push_back(w); // Add w to v’s list.
/* A recursive function to used by getMinIter(). This function
// mainly does postorder traversal and get minimum iteration of all children
// of node u, sort them in decreasing order and then get minimum iteration
// of node u
1. Get minItr(B) of all children (B) of a node (A)
2. Sort all minItr(B) in descending order
3. Get minItr of A based on all minItr(B)
    minItr(A) = child(A) -->> child(A) is children count of node A
    For children B from i = 0 to child(A)
             minItr(A) = max ( minItr(A), minItr(B) + i + 1)
Base cases would be:
If node is leaf, minItr = 0
If node's height is 1, minItr = children count
void NAryTree::getMinIterUtil(int u, int minItr[])
    minItr[u] = adj[u].size();
    int *minItrTemp = new int[minItr[u]];
    int k = 0, tmp = 0;
    // Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex
    list<int>::iterator i;
    for (i = adj[u].begin(); i!= adj[u].end(); ++i)
        getMinIterUtil(*i, minItr);
        minItrTemp[k++] = minItr[*i];
    qsort(minItrTemp, minItr[u], sizeof (int), compare);
    for (k = 0; k < adj[u].size(); k++)
        tmp = minItrTemp[k] + k + 1;
        minItr[u] = max(minItr[u], tmp);
    delete[] minItrTemp;
// The function to do PostOrder traversal. It uses
// recursive getMinIterUtil()
int NAryTree::getMinIter()
    // Set minimum iteration all the vertices as zero
    int *minItr = new int[N];
    int res = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        minItr[i] = 0;
    // Start Post Order Traversal from Root
    getMinIterUtil(0, minItr);
    res = minItr[0];
    delete[] minItr;
    return res;
int NAryTree::compare(const void * a, const void * b)
        return ( *(int*)b - *(int*)a );
//  Driver function to test above functions
int main()
    // TestCase 1
    NAryTree tree1(17);
    tree1.addChild(0, 1);
    tree1.addChild(0, 2);
    tree1.addChild(0, 3);
    tree1.addChild(0, 4);
    tree1.addChild(0, 5);
    tree1.addChild(0, 6);
    tree1.addChild(1, 7);
    tree1.addChild(1, 8);
    tree1.addChild(1, 9);
    tree1.addChild(4, 10);
    tree1.addChild(4, 11);
    tree1.addChild(6, 12);
    tree1.addChild(7, 13);
    tree1.addChild(7, 14);
    tree1.addChild(10, 15);
    tree1.addChild(11, 16);
    cout << "TestCase 1 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree1.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 2
    NAryTree tree2(3);
    tree2.addChild(0, 1);
    tree2.addChild(0, 2);
    cout << "TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree2.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 3
    NAryTree tree3(1);
    cout << "TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree3.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 4
    NAryTree tree4(6);
    tree4.addChild(0, 1);
    tree4.addChild(1, 2);
    tree4.addChild(2, 3);
    tree4.addChild(3, 4);
    tree4.addChild(4, 5);
    cout << "TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree4.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 5
    NAryTree tree5(6);
    tree5.addChild(0, 1);
    tree5.addChild(0, 2);
    tree5.addChild(2, 3);
    tree5.addChild(2, 4);
    tree5.addChild(2, 5);
    cout << "TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree5.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 6
    NAryTree tree6(6);
    tree6.addChild(0, 1);
    tree6.addChild(0, 2);
    tree6.addChild(2, 3);
    tree6.addChild(2, 4);
    tree6.addChild(3, 5);
    cout << "TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree6.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 7
    NAryTree tree7(14);
    tree7.addChild(0, 1);
    tree7.addChild(0, 2);
    tree7.addChild(0, 3);
    tree7.addChild(1, 4);
    tree7.addChild(2, 5);
    tree7.addChild(2, 6);
    tree7.addChild(4, 7);
    tree7.addChild(5, 8);
    tree7.addChild(5, 9);
    tree7.addChild(7, 10);
    tree7.addChild(8, 11);
    tree7.addChild(8, 12);
    tree7.addChild(10, 13);
    cout << "TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree7.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 8
    NAryTree tree8(14);
    tree8.addChild(0, 1);
    tree8.addChild(0, 2);
    tree8.addChild(0, 3);
    tree8.addChild(0, 4);
    tree8.addChild(0, 5);
    tree8.addChild(1, 6);
    tree8.addChild(2, 7);
    tree8.addChild(3, 8);
    tree8.addChild(4, 9);
    tree8.addChild(6, 10);
    tree8.addChild(7, 11);
    tree8.addChild(8, 12);
    tree8.addChild(9, 13);
    cout << "TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree8.getMinIter() << endl;
    // TestCase 9
    NAryTree tree9(25);
    tree9.addChild(0, 1);
    tree9.addChild(0, 2);
    tree9.addChild(0, 3);
    tree9.addChild(0, 4);
    tree9.addChild(0, 5);
    tree9.addChild(0, 6);
    tree9.addChild(1, 7);
    tree9.addChild(2, 8);
    tree9.addChild(3, 9);
    tree9.addChild(4, 10);
    tree9.addChild(5, 11);
    tree9.addChild(6, 12);
    tree9.addChild(7, 13);
    tree9.addChild(8, 14);
    tree9.addChild(9, 15);
    tree9.addChild(10, 16);
    tree9.addChild(11, 17);
    tree9.addChild(12, 18);
    tree9.addChild(13, 19);
    tree9.addChild(14, 20);
    tree9.addChild(15, 21);
    tree9.addChild(16, 22);
    tree9.addChild(17, 23);
    tree9.addChild(19, 24);
    cout << "TestCase 9 - Minimum Iteration: "
         << tree9.getMinIter() << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to find minimum number of
// iterations to pass information from
// root to all nodes in an n-ary tree
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
class GFG
    // No. of nodes
    private static int N;
    // Adjacency list containing
    // list of children
    private static List<List<Integer>> adj;
    GFG(int N)
        this.N = N;
        adj = new ArrayList<>(N);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            adj.add(new ArrayList<>());
    // function to add a child w to v
    void addChild(int v, int w)
    // Main function to find the
    // minimum iterations
    private int getMinIteration()
        // Base case : if height = 0 or 1;
        if (N == 0 || N == 1)
            return 0;
        int[] mintItr = new int[N];
        // Start Post Order Traversal from Root
        getMinIterUtil(0, mintItr);
        return mintItr[0];
    /* A recursive function to used by getMinIter().
    This function mainly does postorder traversal
    and get minimum iteration of all children
    of parent node, sort them in decreasing order
    and then get minimum iteration of parent node
    1. Get minItr(B) of all children (B) of a node (A)
    2. Sort all minItr(B) in descending order
    3. Get minItr of A based on all minItr(B)
        minItr(A) = child(A) -->> child(A)
        is children count of node A
        For children B from i = 0 to child(A)
                minItr(A) = max (minItr(A),
                                 minItr(B) + i + 1)
    Base cases would be:
    If node is leaf, minItr = 0
    If node's height is 1, minItr = children count
    private void getMinIterUtil(int u, int[] minItr)
        // Base case : Leaf node
        if (adj.get(u).size() == 0)
        minItr[u] = adj.get(u).size();
        Integer[] minItrTemp = new Integer[minItr[u]];
        int k = 0;
        Iterator itr = adj.get(u).iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext())
            int currentChild = (int);
            getMinIterUtil(currentChild, minItr);
            minItrTemp[k++] = minItr[currentChild];
        Arrays.sort(minItrTemp, Collections.reverseOrder());
        for (k = 0; k < adj.get(u).size(); k++)
            int temp = minItrTemp[k] + k + 1;
            minItr[u] = Math.max(minItr[u], temp);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // TestCase1
        GFG testCase1 = new GFG(17);
        testCase1.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase1.addChild(0, 2);
        testCase1.addChild(0, 3);
        testCase1.addChild(0, 4);
        testCase1.addChild(0, 5);
        testCase1.addChild(0, 6);
        testCase1.addChild(1, 7);
        testCase1.addChild(1, 8);
        testCase1.addChild(1, 9);
        testCase1.addChild(4, 10);
        testCase1.addChild(4, 11);
        testCase1.addChild(6, 12);
        testCase1.addChild(7, 13);
        testCase1.addChild(7, 14);
        testCase1.addChild(10, 15);
        testCase1.addChild(11, 16);
        System.out.println("TestCase 1 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase2
        GFG testCase2 = new GFG(3);
        testCase2.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase2.addChild(0, 2);
        System.out.println("TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase3
        GFG testCase3 = new GFG(1);
        System.out.println("TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase4
        GFG testCase4 = new GFG(6);
        testCase4.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase4.addChild(1, 2);
        testCase4.addChild(2, 3);
        testCase4.addChild(3, 4);
        testCase4.addChild(4, 5);
        System.out.println("TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase 5
        GFG testCase5 = new GFG(6);
        testCase5.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase5.addChild(0, 2);
        testCase5.addChild(2, 3);
        testCase5.addChild(2, 4);
        testCase5.addChild(2, 5);
        System.out.println("TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase 6
        GFG testCase6 = new GFG(6);
        testCase6.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase6.addChild(0, 2);
        testCase6.addChild(2, 3);
        testCase6.addChild(2, 4);
        testCase6.addChild(3, 5);
        System.out.println("TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase 7
        GFG testCase7 = new GFG(14);
        testCase7.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase7.addChild(0, 2);
        testCase7.addChild(0, 3);
        testCase7.addChild(1, 4);
        testCase7.addChild(2, 5);
        testCase7.addChild(2, 6);
        testCase7.addChild(4, 7);
        testCase7.addChild(5, 8);
        testCase7.addChild(5, 9);
        testCase7.addChild(7, 10);
        testCase7.addChild(8, 11);
        testCase7.addChild(8, 12);
        testCase7.addChild(10, 13);
        System.out.println("TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration: " +    
        // TestCase 8
        GFG testCase8 = new GFG(14);
        testCase8.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase8.addChild(0, 2);
        testCase8.addChild(0, 3);
        testCase8.addChild(0, 4);
        testCase8.addChild(0, 5);
        testCase8.addChild(1, 6);
        testCase8.addChild(2, 7);
        testCase8.addChild(3, 8);
        testCase8.addChild(4, 9);
        testCase8.addChild(6, 10);
        testCase8.addChild(7, 11);
        testCase8.addChild(8, 12);
        testCase8.addChild(9, 13);
        System.out.println("TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration: " +
        // TestCase 9
        GFG testCase9 = new GFG(25);
        testCase9.addChild(0, 1);
        testCase9.addChild(0, 2);
        testCase9.addChild(0, 3);
        testCase9.addChild(0, 4);
        testCase9.addChild(0, 5);
        testCase9.addChild(0, 6);
        testCase9.addChild(1, 7);
        testCase9.addChild(2, 8);
        testCase9.addChild(3, 9);
        testCase9.addChild(4, 10);
        testCase9.addChild(5, 11);
        testCase9.addChild(6, 12);
        testCase9.addChild(7, 13);
        testCase9.addChild(8, 14);
        testCase9.addChild(9, 15);
        testCase9.addChild(10, 16);
        testCase9.addChild(11, 17);
        testCase9.addChild(12, 18);
        testCase9.addChild(13, 19);
        testCase9.addChild(14, 20);
        testCase9.addChild(15, 21);
        testCase9.addChild(16, 22);
        testCase9.addChild(17, 23);
        testCase9.addChild(19, 24);
        System.out.println("TestCase 9 - Minimum Iteration: " +
// This code is contributed
// by MitaliSrivastava


# Python program to find minimum number of iterations to pass
# information from root to all nodes in an n-ary tree
from typing import List
# A class to represent n-ary tree (Note that the implementation
# is similar to graph for simplicity of implementation
class NAryTree:
    def __init__(self, N: int):
        # No. of nodes in a tree
        self.N = N
        # Pointer to an array containing list of children
        self.adj = [[] for _ in range(N)]
    # function to add a child w to v
    def addChild(self, v: int, w: int):
    # The main function to find minimum iterations
    def getMinIter(self) -> int:
        minItr = [0] * self.N
        # A function used by getMinIter(), it basically does postorder
        ''' A recursive function to used by getMinIter(). This function
        # mainly does postorder traversal and get minimum iteration of all children
        # of node u, sort them in decreasing order and then get minimum iteration
        # of node u
        1. Get minItr(B) of all children (B) of a node (A)
        2. Sort all minItr(B) in descending order
        3. Get minItr of A based on all minItr(B)
            minItr(A) = child(A) -->> child(A) is children count of node A
            For children B from i = 0 to child(A)
                minItr(A) = max ( minItr(A), minItr(B) + i + 1)
        Base cases would be:
        If node is leaf, minItr = 0
        If node's height is 1, minItr = children count
        def getMinIterUtil(u: int) -> int:
            nonlocal minItr
            minItr[u] = len(self.adj[u])
            minItrTemp = []
            for i in self.adj[u]:
            for k in range(len(self.adj[u])):
                tmp = minItrTemp[k] + k + 1
                minItr[u] = max(minItr[u], tmp)
            return minItr[u]
        return getMinIterUtil(0)
# Drive Code
# Test Cases
# TestCase 1
tree1 = NAryTree(17)
tree1.addChild(0, 1)
tree1.addChild(0, 2)
tree1.addChild(0, 3)
tree1.addChild(0, 4)
tree1.addChild(0, 5)
tree1.addChild(0, 6)
tree1.addChild(1, 7)
tree1.addChild(1, 8)
tree1.addChild(1, 9)
tree1.addChild(4, 10)
tree1.addChild(4, 11)
tree1.addChild(6, 12)
tree1.addChild(7, 13)
tree1.addChild(7, 14)
tree1.addChild(10, 15)
tree1.addChild(11, 16)
print("TestCase 1 - Minimum Iteration:", tree1.getMinIter())
# TestCase 2
tree2 = NAryTree(3)
tree2.addChild(0, 1)
tree2.addChild(0, 2)
print("TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration:", tree2.getMinIter())
# TestCase 3
tree3 = NAryTree(1)
print("TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration:", tree3.getMinIter())
# TestCase 4
tree4 = NAryTree(6)
tree4.addChild(0, 1)
tree4.addChild(1, 2)
tree4.addChild(2, 3)
tree4.addChild(3, 4)
tree4.addChild(4, 5)
print("TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration:", tree4.getMinIter())
# TestCase 5
tree5 = NAryTree(6)
tree5.addChild(0, 1)
tree5.addChild(0, 2)
tree5.addChild(2, 3)
tree5.addChild(2, 4)
tree5.addChild(2, 5)
print("TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration:", tree5.getMinIter())
# TestCase 6
tree6 = NAryTree(6)
tree6.addChild(0, 1)
tree6.addChild(0, 2)
tree6.addChild(2, 3)
tree6.addChild(2, 4)
tree6.addChild(3, 5)
print("TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration:",tree6.getMinIter())
# TestCase 7
tree7 = NAryTree(14)
tree7.addChild(0, 1)
tree7.addChild(0, 2)
tree7.addChild(0, 3)
tree7.addChild(1, 4)
tree7.addChild(2, 5)
tree7.addChild(2, 6)
tree7.addChild(4, 7)
tree7.addChild(5, 8)
tree7.addChild(5, 9)
tree7.addChild(7, 10)
tree7.addChild(8, 11)
tree7.addChild(8, 12)
tree7.addChild(10, 13)
print("TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration:",tree7.getMinIter())
# TestCase 8
tree8 = NAryTree(14)
tree8.addChild(0, 1)
tree8.addChild(0, 2)
tree8.addChild(0, 3)
tree8.addChild(0, 4)
tree8.addChild(0, 5)
tree8.addChild(1, 6)
tree8.addChild(2, 7)
tree8.addChild(3, 8)
tree8.addChild(4, 9)
tree8.addChild(6, 10)
tree8.addChild(7, 11)
tree8.addChild(8, 12)
tree8.addChild(9, 13)
print("TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration:",tree8.getMinIter())
# TestCase 9
tree9 = NAryTree(25)
tree9.addChild(0, 1)
tree9.addChild(0, 2)
tree9.addChild(0, 3)
tree9.addChild(0, 4)
tree9.addChild(0, 5)
tree9.addChild(0, 6)
tree9.addChild(1, 7)
tree9.addChild(2, 8)
tree9.addChild(3, 9)
tree9.addChild(4, 10)
tree9.addChild(5, 11)
tree9.addChild(6, 12)
tree9.addChild(7, 13)
tree9.addChild(8, 14)
tree9.addChild(9, 15)
tree9.addChild(10, 16)
tree9.addChild(11, 17)
tree9.addChild(12, 18)
tree9.addChild(13, 19)
tree9.addChild(14, 20)
tree9.addChild(15, 21)
tree9.addChild(16, 22)
tree9.addChild(17, 23)
tree9.addChild(19, 24)
print("TestCase 9 - Minimum Iteration:",tree9.getMinIter())
# This code is contributed by codebraxnzt


// C# program to find minimum number of
// iterations to pass information from
// root to all nodes in an n-ary tree
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
  // No. of nodes
  public int N;
  // Adjacency list containing
  // list of children
  static List<List<int>> adj;
  public GFG(int N)
    this.N = N;
    adj = new List<List<int>>(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      adj.Add(new List<int>());
  // function to add a child w to v
  void addChild(int v, int w)
  // Main function to find the
  // minimum iterations
  private int getMinIteration()
    // Base case : if height = 0 or 1;
    if (N == 0 || N == 1)
      return 0;
    int[] mintItr = new int[N];
    // Start Post Order Traversal from Root
    getMinIterUtil(0, mintItr);
    return mintItr[0];
  /* A recursive function to used by getMinIter().
    This function mainly does postorder traversal
    and get minimum iteration of all children
    of parent node, sort them in decreasing order
    and then get minimum iteration of parent node
    1. Get minItr(B) of all children (B) of a node (A)
    2. Sort all minItr(B) in descending order
    3. Get minItr of A based on all minItr(B)
        minItr(A) = child(A) -->> child(A)
        is children count of node A
        For children B from i = 0 to child(A)
                minItr(A) = max (minItr(A),
                                 minItr(B) + i + 1)
    Base cases would be:
    If node is leaf, minItr = 0
    If node's height is 1, minItr = children count
  private void getMinIterUtil(int u, int[] minItr)
    // Base case : Leaf node
    if (adj[u].Count == 0)
    minItr[u] = adj[u].Count;
    int[] minItrTemp = new int[minItr[u]];
    int k = 0;
    // Iterator itr = adj.get(u).iterator();
    foreach (int itr in adj[u])
      int currentChild = (int) itr;
      getMinIterUtil(currentChild, minItr);
      minItrTemp[k++] = minItr[currentChild];
    for(int i =0, j = minItrTemp.Length-1; i<j;i++,j--){
      int temp = minItrTemp[i];
      minItrTemp[i] = minItrTemp[j];
      minItrTemp[j] = temp;
    for (k = 0; k < adj[u].Count; k++)
      int temp = minItrTemp[k] + k + 1;
      minItr[u] = Math.Max(minItr[u], temp);
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(String []args)
    // TestCase1
    GFG testCase1 = new GFG(17);
    testCase1.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase1.addChild(0, 2);
    testCase1.addChild(0, 3);
    testCase1.addChild(0, 4);
    testCase1.addChild(0, 5);
    testCase1.addChild(0, 6);
    testCase1.addChild(1, 7);
    testCase1.addChild(1, 8);
    testCase1.addChild(1, 9);
    testCase1.addChild(4, 10);
    testCase1.addChild(4, 11);
    testCase1.addChild(6, 12);
    testCase1.addChild(7, 13);
    testCase1.addChild(7, 14);
    testCase1.addChild(10, 15);
    testCase1.addChild(11, 16);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 1 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase2
    GFG testCase2 = new GFG(3);
    testCase2.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase2.addChild(0, 2);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase3
    GFG testCase3 = new GFG(1);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase4
    GFG testCase4 = new GFG(6);
    testCase4.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase4.addChild(1, 2);
    testCase4.addChild(2, 3);
    testCase4.addChild(3, 4);
    testCase4.addChild(4, 5);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase 5
    GFG testCase5 = new GFG(6);
    testCase5.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase5.addChild(0, 2);
    testCase5.addChild(2, 3);
    testCase5.addChild(2, 4);
    testCase5.addChild(2, 5);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase 6
    GFG testCase6 = new GFG(6);
    testCase6.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase6.addChild(0, 2);
    testCase6.addChild(2, 3);
    testCase6.addChild(2, 4);
    testCase6.addChild(3, 5);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase 7
    GFG testCase7 = new GFG(14);
    testCase7.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase7.addChild(0, 2);
    testCase7.addChild(0, 3);
    testCase7.addChild(1, 4);
    testCase7.addChild(2, 5);
    testCase7.addChild(2, 6);
    testCase7.addChild(4, 7);
    testCase7.addChild(5, 8);
    testCase7.addChild(5, 9);
    testCase7.addChild(7, 10);
    testCase7.addChild(8, 11);
    testCase7.addChild(8, 12);
    testCase7.addChild(10, 13);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration: " +    
    // TestCase 8
    GFG testCase8 = new GFG(14);
    testCase8.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase8.addChild(0, 2);
    testCase8.addChild(0, 3);
    testCase8.addChild(0, 4);
    testCase8.addChild(0, 5);
    testCase8.addChild(1, 6);
    testCase8.addChild(2, 7);
    testCase8.addChild(3, 8);
    testCase8.addChild(4, 9);
    testCase8.addChild(6, 10);
    testCase8.addChild(7, 11);
    testCase8.addChild(8, 12);
    testCase8.addChild(9, 13);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration: " +
    // TestCase 9
    GFG testCase9 = new GFG(25);
    testCase9.addChild(0, 1);
    testCase9.addChild(0, 2);
    testCase9.addChild(0, 3);
    testCase9.addChild(0, 4);
    testCase9.addChild(0, 5);
    testCase9.addChild(0, 6);
    testCase9.addChild(1, 7);
    testCase9.addChild(2, 8);
    testCase9.addChild(3, 9);
    testCase9.addChild(4, 10);
    testCase9.addChild(5, 11);
    testCase9.addChild(6, 12);
    testCase9.addChild(7, 13);
    testCase9.addChild(8, 14);
    testCase9.addChild(9, 15);
    testCase9.addChild(10, 16);
    testCase9.addChild(11, 17);
    testCase9.addChild(12, 18);
    testCase9.addChild(13, 19);
    testCase9.addChild(14, 20);
    testCase9.addChild(15, 21);
    testCase9.addChild(16, 22);
    testCase9.addChild(17, 23);
    testCase9.addChild(19, 24);
    Console.WriteLine("TestCase 9 - Minimum Iteration: " +
// This code is contributed by aashish1995


var height;
var graph;
function findHeight(node , h)
    height[node] = h;
    for(let i=0;i<graph[node].length;i++)
        let v = graph[node][i];
        findHeight(v , h + 1);
function getMinIteration()
    findHeight(0 , 0);
    let max_height = 0;
    for(let i=0;i<height.length;i++)
        if(height[i] > max_height)
            max_height = height[i];
    for(let i=0;i<height.length;i++)
        height[i] = max_height - height[i];
    return getMinIterationUtil(0);
function getMinIterationUtil(node)
    if(height[node] == 0 )
        return 0;
    if(height[node] == 1 )
        return graph[node].length;
    let edges =[...graph[node] ];
    let edgeLenArr = [];
    for(let i=0;i<edges.length;i++ )
        edgeLenArr.push( graph[ graph[node][i] ].length );
    for (let i = 0; i < edgeLenArr.length - 1; i++) {
        for (let j = i + 1; j < edgeLenArr.length; j++) {
            if(edgeLenArr[i] < edgeLenArr[j])
                let temp  = edgeLenArr[i];
                edgeLenArr[i] = edgeLenArr[j];
                edgeLenArr[j] = temp;
                let temp1  = edges[i];
                edges[i] = edges[j];
                edges[j] = temp1;
    let max_data = edges.length;
    for(let i=0;i<edges.length;i++)
        max_data =    Math.max( max_data , i + 1 + getMinIterationUtil(edges[i]));
    return max_data;
function addChild(a , b)
function intializeGraph(n)
    height = new Array(n);
    graph = new Array(n);
    for(let i=0;i<graph.length;i++)
    { graph[i] = []; }
 // TestCase1
addChild(0, 1);
addChild(0, 2);
addChild(0, 3);
addChild(0, 4);
addChild(0, 5);
addChild(0, 6);
addChild(1, 7);
addChild(1, 8);
addChild(1, 9);
addChild(4, 10);
addChild(4, 11);
addChild(6, 12);
addChild(7, 13);
addChild(7, 14);
addChild(10, 15);
addChild(11, 16);
document.write("TestCase 1 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration());
 // TestCase2
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(0, 2);
 document.write("TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration());
 // TestCase3
 document.write("TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration(1));
//  // TestCase4
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(1, 2);
 addChild(2, 3);
 addChild(3, 4);
 addChild(4, 5);
 document.write("TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration());
 // TestCase 5
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(0, 2);
 addChild(2, 3);
 addChild(2, 4);
 addChild(2, 5);
 document.write("TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration());
 // TestCase 6
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(0, 2);
 addChild(2, 3);
 addChild(2, 4);
 addChild(3, 5);
document.write("TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration());
 // TestCase 7
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(0, 2);
 addChild(0, 3);
 addChild(1, 4);
 addChild(2, 5);
 addChild(2, 6);
 addChild(4, 7);
 addChild(5, 8);
 addChild(5, 9);
 addChild(7, 10);
 addChild(8, 11);
 addChild(8, 12);
 addChild(10, 13);
 document.write("TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration: " +    getMinIteration());
 // TestCase 8
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(0, 2);
 addChild(0, 3);
 addChild(0, 4);
 addChild(0, 5);
 addChild(1, 6);
 addChild(2, 7);
 addChild(3, 8);
 addChild(4, 9);
 addChild(6, 10);
 addChild(7, 11);
 addChild(8, 12);
 addChild(9, 13);
 document.write("TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration());
 // TestCase 9
 addChild(0, 1);
 addChild(0, 2);
 addChild(0, 3);
 addChild(0, 4);
 addChild(0, 5);
 addChild(0, 6);
 addChild(1, 7);
 addChild(2, 8);
 addChild(3, 9);
 addChild(4, 10);
 addChild(5, 11);
 addChild(6, 12);
 addChild(7, 13);
 addChild(8, 14);
 addChild(9, 15);
 addChild(10, 16);
 addChild(11, 17);
 addChild(12, 18);
 addChild(13, 19);
 addChild(14, 20);
 addChild(15, 21);
 addChild(16, 22);
 addChild(17, 23);
 addChild(19, 24);
document.write("TestCase 9 - Minimum Iteration: " + getMinIteration(25));
//this code is contributed by gaurav2146


TestCase 1 - Minimum Iteration: 6
TestCase 2 - Minimum Iteration: 2
TestCase 3 - Minimum Iteration: 0
TestCase 4 - Minimum Iteration: 5
TestCase 5 - Minimum Iteration: 4
TestCase 6 - Minimum Iteration: 3
TestCase 7 - Minimum Iteration: 6
TestCase 8 - Minimum Iteration: 6
TestCase 9 - Minimum Iteration: 8