Minimum steps to minimize n as per given condition

Given a number n, count minimum steps to minimize it to 1 according to the following criteria: 

  • If n is divisible by 2 then we may reduce n to n/2.
  • If n is divisible by 3 then you may reduce n to n/3.
  • Decrement n by 1.


Input : n = 10
Output : 3

Input : 6
Output : 2

Greedy Approach (Doesn’t work always) : 

As per greedy approach we may choose the step that makes n as low as possible and continue the same, till it reaches 1. 

while ( n > 1)
    if (n % 3 == 0)
        n /= 3;    
    else if (n % 2 == 0)
        n /= 2;

If we observe carefully, the greedy strategy doesn’t work here. 
Eg: Given n = 10 , Greedy –> 10 /2 = 5 -1 = 4 /2 = 2 /2 = 1 ( 4 steps ). 
But the optimal way is –> 10 -1 = 9 /3 = 3 /3 = 1 ( 3 steps ). 
So, we must think of a dynamic approach for optimal solution.

Dynamic Approach: 
For finding minimum steps we have three possibilities for n and they are: 

f(n) = 1 + f(n-1)
f(n) = 1 + f(n/2) // if n is divisible by 2
f(n) = 1 + f(n/3) // if n is divisible by 3

Below is memoization based implementation of above recursive formula.


// CPP program to minimize n to 1 by given
// rule in minimum steps
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to calculate min steps
int getMinSteps(int n, int *memo)
    // base case
    if (n == 1)
       return 0;
    if (memo[n] != -1)
       return memo[n];
    // store temp value for n as min( f(n-1),
    // f(n/2), f(n/3)) +1
    int res = getMinSteps(n-1, memo);
    if (n%2 == 0)
        res = min(res, getMinSteps(n/2, memo));
    if (n%3 == 0)
        res = min(res, getMinSteps(n/3, memo));
    // store memo[n] and return
    memo[n] = 1 + res;
    return memo[n];
// This function mainly initializes memo[] and
// calls getMinSteps(n, memo)
int getMinSteps(int n)
    int memo[n+1];
    // initialize memoized array
    for (int i=0; i<=n; i++)
        memo[i] = -1;
    return  getMinSteps(n, memo);
// driver program
int main()
    int n = 10;
    cout << getMinSteps(n);
    return 0;


// Java program to minimize n to 1 
// by given rule in minimum steps
class GFG {
// function to calculate min steps
static int getMinSteps(int n, int memo[])
    // base case
    if (n == 1)
    return 0;
    if (memo[n] != -1)
    return memo[n];
    // store temp value for
    // n as min( f(n-1),
    // f(n/2), f(n/3)) +1
    int res = getMinSteps(n - 1, memo);
    if (n % 2 == 0)
        res = Math.min(res, 
              getMinSteps(n / 2, memo));
    if (n % 3 == 0)
        res = Math.min(res, 
               getMinSteps(n / 3, memo));
    // store memo[n] and return
    memo[n] = 1 + res;
    return memo[n];
// This function mainly
// initializes memo[] and
// calls getMinSteps(n, memo)
static int getMinSteps(int n)
    int memo[] = new int[n + 1];
    // initialize memoized array
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        memo[i] = -1;
    return getMinSteps(n, memo);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        int n = 10;
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


# Python program to minimize
# n to 1 by given
# rule in minimum steps
# function to calculate min steps
def getMinSteps(n, memo):
    # base case
    if (n == 1):
        return 0
    if (memo[n] != -1):
        return memo[n]
    # store temp value for n as min(f(n-1),
    # f(n//2), f(n//3)) + 1
    res = getMinSteps(n-1, memo)
    if (n%2 == 0):
        res = min(res, getMinSteps(n//2, memo))
    if (n%3 == 0):
        res = min(res, getMinSteps(n//3, memo))
    # store memo[n] and return
    memo[n] = 1 + res
    return memo[n]
# This function mainly
# initializes memo[] and
# calls getMinSteps(n, memo)
def getsMinSteps(n):
    memo = [0 for i in range(n+1)]
    # initialize memoized array
    for i in range(n+1):
        memo[i] = -1
    return getMinSteps(n, memo)
# driver program
n = 10
# This code is contributed by Soumen Ghosh.   


// C# program to minimize n to 1 
// by given rule in minimum steps
using System;
class GFG {
    // function to calculate min steps
    static int getMinSteps(int n, int []memo)
        // base case
        if (n == 1)
            return 0;
        if (memo[n] != -1)
            return memo[n];
        // store temp value for
        // n as min( f(n-1),
        // f(n/2), f(n/3)) +1
        int res = getMinSteps(n - 1, memo);
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            res = Math.Min(res, 
                getMinSteps(n / 2, memo));
        if (n % 3 == 0)
            res = Math.Min(res, 
                getMinSteps(n / 3, memo));
        // store memo[n] and return
        memo[n] = 1 + res;
        return memo[n];
    // This function mainly
    // initializes memo[] and
    // calls getMinSteps(n, memo)
    static int getMinSteps(int n)
        int []memo = new int[n + 1];
        // initialize memoized array
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            memo[i] = -1;
        return getMinSteps(n, memo);
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main () 
        int n = 10;
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


// PHP program to minimize n to 1 by
// given rule in minimum steps
// function to calculate min steps
function getMinSteps( $n, $memo)
    // base case
    if ($n == 1)
        return 0;
    if ($memo[$n] != -1)
        return $memo[$n];
    // store temp value for n
    // as min( f(n-1),
    // f(n/2), f(n/3)) +1
    $res = getMinSteps($n - 1, $memo);
    if ($n % 2 == 0)
        $res = min($res, getMinSteps($n / 2, $memo));
    if ($n % 3 == 0)
        $res = min($res, getMinSteps($n / 3, $memo));
    // store memo[n] and return
    $memo[$n] = 1 + $res;
    return $memo[$n];
// This function mainly initializes
// memo[] and calls getMinSteps(n, memo)
function g_etMinSteps( $n)
    $memo= array();
    // initialize memoized array
    for($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++)
        $memo[$i] = -1;
    return getMinSteps($n, $memo);
    // Driver Code
    $n = 10;
    echo g_etMinSteps($n);
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


// javascript program to minimize n to 1 
// by given rule in minimum steps
    // function to calculate min steps
    function getMinSteps(n , memo)
        // base case
        if (n == 1)
            return 0;
        if (memo[n] != -1)
            return memo[n];
        // store temp value for
        // n as min( f(n-1),
        // f(n/2), f(n/3)) +1
        var res = getMinSteps(n - 1, memo);
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            res = Math.min(res, getMinSteps(n / 2, memo));
        if (n % 3 == 0)
            res = Math.min(res, getMinSteps(n / 3, memo));
        // store memo[n] and return
        memo[n] = 1 + res;
        return memo[n];
    // This function mainly
    // initializes memo and
    // calls getMinSteps(n, memo)
    function getMinStep(n) {
        var memo = Array(n + 1).fill(0);
        // initialize memoized array
        for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            memo[i] = -1;
        return getMinSteps(n, memo);
    // Driver Code
        var n = 10;
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 



Time Complexity: O(n), as there will be n unique calls. 

Space Complexity: O(n)

Below is a tabulation based solution :  


#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
int getMinSteps(int n) 
    int table[n+1]; 
    for (int i=2; i<=n; i++) 
    if (!(i%2) && (i%3)) 
        table[i] = 1+min(table[i-1], table[i/2]); 
    else if (!(i%3) && (i%2))
        table[i] = 1+min(table[i-1], table[i/3]); 
    else if(!(i%2) && !(i%3))
        table[i] = 1+min(table[i-1],min(table[i/2],table[i/3])); 
        table[i] =1+table[i-1];
    return table[n]; 
// driver program 
int main() 
    int n = 14; 
    cout << getMinSteps(n); 
    return 0; 


// A tabulation based
// solution in Java
class GFG {
    static int getMinSteps(int n)
        int[] dp = new int[n + 1];
        dp[1] = 0;
        for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
            int min = dp[i - 1];
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
                min = Math.min(min, dp[i / 2]);
            if (i % 3 == 0) {
                min = Math.min(min, dp[i / 3]);
            dp[i] = min + 1;
        return dp[n];
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 14;
// This code is contributed
// by anmol_sharma.


# A tabulation based solution in Python3 
def getMinSteps(n) :
    table = [0] * (n + 1
    for i in range(n + 1) :
        table[i] = n-i
    for i in range(n, 0, -1) :
        if (not(i%2)) :
            table[i//2] = min(table[i]+1, table[i//2])
        if (not(i%3)) :
            table[i//3] = min(table[i]+1, table[i//3])
    return table[1]
# driver program 
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    n = 14
# This code is contributed by Ryuga


// A tabulation based 
// solution in C#
using System;
class GFG 
static int getMinSteps(int n)
    int []table = new int[n + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        table[i] = n - i;
    for (int i = n; i >= 1; i--)
    if (!(i % 2 > 0))
        table[i / 2] = Math.Min(table[i] + 1, 
                                table[i / 2]);
    if (!(i % 3 > 0))
        table[i / 3] = Math.Min(table[i] + 1, 
                                table[i / 3]);
    return table[1];
// Driver Code
public static void Main ()
    int n = 10;
// This code is contributed 
// by anuj_67.


// A tabulation based solution in PHP
function getMinSteps( $n)
    $table = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++)
        $table[$i] = $n - $i;
    for ($i = $n; $i >= 1; $i--)
        if (!($i % 2))
            $table[$i / 2] = min($table[$i] + 
                          1, $table[$i / 2]);
        if (!($i % 3))
            $table[$i / 3] = min($table[$i] + 
                          1, $table[$i / 3]);
    return $table[1];
    // Driver Code
    $n = 10;
    echo getMinSteps($n);
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


    // A tabulation based solution in Javascript
    function getMinSteps(n)
        let table = new Array(n+1);
        for (let i=2; i<=n; i++)
          if (!(i%2) && (i%3))
              table[i] = 1+Math.min(table[i-1], table[i/2]);
          else if (!(i%3) && (i%2))
              table[i] = 1+Math.min(table[i-1], table[i/3]);
          else if(!(i%2) && !(i%3))
              table[i] = 1+Math.min(table[i-1],
              table[i] =1+table[i-1];
        return table[n] + 1;
    let n = 10;



Time Complexity: O(n), as there will be n unique calls.

Space Complexity: O(n)

Using recursion:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int getMinSteps(int n)
    // If n is equal to 1
    if (n == 1)
        return 0;
    int sub = INT_MAX;
    int div2 = INT_MAX;
    int div3 = INT_MAX;
    sub = getMinSteps(n - 1);
    if (n % 2 == 0)
        div2 = getMinSteps(n / 2);
    if (n % 3 == 0)
        div3 = getMinSteps(n / 3);
    return 1 + min(sub, min(div2, div3));
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 10;
    // Function Call
    cout << (getMinSteps(n));
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


// Java program for the above program
class GFG {
    public static int getMinSteps(int n)
        // If n is equal to 1
        if (n == 1)
            return 0;
        int sub = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int div2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int div3 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        sub = getMinSteps(n - 1);
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            div2 = getMinSteps(n / 2);
        if (n % 3 == 0)
            div3 = getMinSteps(n / 3);
        return 1 + Math.min(sub, Math.min(div2, div3));
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 10;
        // Function Call


# Python program for the above program
import sys
def getMinSteps(n):
    # If n is equal to 1
    if (n == 1):
        return 0;
    sub = sys.maxsize;
    div2 = sys.maxsize;
    div3 = sys.maxsize;
    sub = getMinSteps(n - 1);
    if (n % 2 == 0):
        div2 = getMinSteps(n // 2);
    if (n % 3 == 0):
        div3 = getMinSteps(n // 3);
    return 1 + min(sub, min(div2, div3));
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 10;
    # Function Call
# This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 


// C# program for the above program
using System;
class GFG 
    public static int getMinSteps(int n)
        // If n is equal to 1
        if (n == 1)
            return 0;
        int sub = Int32.MaxValue;
        int div2 = Int32.MaxValue;
        int div3 = Int32.MaxValue;
        sub = getMinSteps(n - 1);
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            div2 = getMinSteps(n / 2);
        if (n % 3 == 0)
            div3 = getMinSteps(n / 3);
        return 1 + Math.Min(sub, Math.Min(div2, div3));
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int n = 10;
        // Function Call
//This code is contributed by shivansinghss2110


    function getMinSteps(n)
        // If n is equal to 1
        if (n == 1)
            return 0;
        let sub = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        let div2 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        let div3 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        sub = getMinSteps(n - 1);
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            div2 = getMinSteps(n / 2);
        if (n % 3 == 0)
            div3 = getMinSteps(n / 3);
        return 1 + Math.min(sub, Math.min(div2, div3));
    let n = 10;
    // Function Call



Time Complexity: Exponential(O(2^n)) 

Auxiliary Space: Exponential(O(2^n)) // because at worst case all 2^n solutions will be stored in the recursive call stack space