Mission Sagar

The epidemic left several nations fighting for their lives. In such a situation, the Indian government took initiative and created Mission Sagar in 2020, a program to provide humanitarian and medical help to its coastal states. They sent necessities, such as medicines, to the ports of India’s maritime allies. The goal of this initiative is for India and its maritime neighbors to work together on economic and security matters.
The COVID-19 epidemic led the Indian government to carry out the Sagar initiative’s aim of supplying vital humanitarian aid to its marine neighbors. All of the island nations in the western Indian Ocean were covered at once for the first time, with the exception of Sri Lanka, where the second batch of medications was delivered. This mission, known as “Mission Sagar,” builds on the excellent connections already present between these nations and is consistent with India’s responsibility as the first responder in the area in order to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak and its attendant issues. Till March 2022, eight such missions were launched under Mission Sagar, which were completed by Indian Navy ships.


  • On May 10, 2020, the Indian government launched the Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kesari to nations in the southern Indian Ocean as part of the “Mission Sagar” program. The ship carried food supplies and medical support teams. With the ongoing COVID-19, the government began reaching out to five island nations in the Indian Ocean via Mission Sagar.
  • The Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, and Seychelles were among the nations that asked India for help in fighting the Covid-19 outbreak. Due to the fact that these countries are a part of the Indian Ocean Commission, India joined as an observer.
  • The Indian Naval Ship Kesari left for the Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar, and Comoros, according to the Ministry of Defence, in order to deliver food supplies, COVID-19-related medications, including HCQ tablets, and special ayurvedic medications, along with medical assistance teams on board. This implementation is in accordance with the Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) vision, which the prime minister announced in March 2015.
  • On June 28, 2020, the INS Kesari, which had gone more than 7,500 nautical miles over 55 days, arrived back at the port of Kochi. For the first time, the Indian government had taken on the task of providing self-help to all of the island countries in the western Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka was the notable exception when the Indian Air Force flew supplies into the nation.


  • Airavat INS departed the port in 2020 November. Where this ship supplied food to Eritrea, South Sudan, Djibouti, and Sudan.  
  • In addition to completing the humanitarian mission, India was also improving its strategic position in the region, because these nations were situated along the main maritime route between the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. As a result, they are important maritime routes that may be useful strategically during conflicts.


  • This operation, like the one before it, demonstrated India’s role as a trusted partner for Southeast Asian countries and the first responder in times of regional conflict. It also emphasized how important it is for Southeast Asian countries to work together to strengthen already-existing strategic connections.
  • In December 2020, INS Kiltan went to Vietnam and Cambodia. In responding to the severe flooding that occurred in Vietnam and Cambodia, the INS Kiltan transported more than 15 tonnes of disaster relief and humanitarian aid.


In March 2021, INS Jalashwa sailed to Port Anjouan, Comoros, to deliver 1000 metric tonnes of rice to the island country. The Indian navy ship has already visited Comoros once before. In the past, India has also dispatched teams of medical assistants and supplies to Comoros as part of the Sagar 1 mission.


On August 24, 2021, the Indian Navy’s Landing Ship Tank INS Airavat landed at Tanjung Priok Port in Jakarta, Indonesia, to deliver 100 Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) containers, based on the requirement estimated by the Indonesian government in its fight against covid 19.

After the departure of the medical supplies and as part of the ongoing Mission SAGAR, INS Airavat will continue to deliver medical supplies to other friendly nations in the region, thereby strengthening India’s Act East Policy.


On August 22, 2021, the Indian Navy’s INS Shakti delivered 100 tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) to Colombo in support of Sri Lanka’s fight against COVID19.

Addressing the crew of the INS Shakti, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne, Commander of the Sri Lankan Navy, conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to the Indian Navy for their constant assistance in the timely delivery of supplemental oxygen to Sri Lanka.


On September 2, 2021, INS Savitri delivered two Medical Oxygen Plants (MOPs) to Bangladesh as part of Mission Sagar-III. The MOPs were provided to aid Bangladesh’s ongoing battle against COVID-19. •During the COVID-19 epidemic, Mission Sagar-III is part of India’s HADR assistance to friendly foreign countries.


The Indian Naval Ship Kesari arrived at Maputo, Mozambique on December 25, 2021, as part of yet another deployment undertaken by the Indian Navy since May 2020 under Mission SAGAR.

INS Kesari has delivered 500 tonnes of food supplies to help the government of Mozambique deal with the ongoing drought and pandemic issues.
India is also committed to assisting Mozambique’s Armed Forces in its capacity-building efforts. INS Kesari is transporting two Fast Interceptor Craft and self-defence equipment to be handed over to the Mozambique Armed Forces.

Objectives of the Mission Sagar:

  • The epidemic left several nations fighting for their lives. In such a situation, the Indian government came up big and created Mission Sagar, a program to provide social and medical help to its coastal states.
  • The goal of Mission Sagar was to provide aid, such as food, medication, healthcare, and other necessities, to the coastal states around the Indian Ocean in the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Food aids, oxygen plants, LMO and ISO containers, oxygen cylinders and concentrators, disaster relief and humanitarian relief supplies, medications, and medical teams were all sent as aid to these nations.
  • Helping neighbors who live along the coast and fulfilling the SAGAR policy’s goals for economic and security cooperation between India and its neighbors.

Benefits of Mission Sagar:

  • It strengthened economic and security collaboration.
  • This mission showed the importance India places on its relationships with its neighbors and maintains an already strong connection. Additionally, India increased its trust in its neighbors.
  • India will be the first responder in any circumstance during a disaster, whether it be in the form of human support, financial assistance, or medical assistance.
  • Through this mission, India also aims to protect its own national interests and ensure that the Indian Ocean area respects international law and becomes more open and collaborative.
  • India effectively protected its marine and land assets.

Features of Mission Sagar:

  • During this operation, the Indian navy ships covered a total distance of nearly 40,000 nautical miles.
  • Mission Sagar has seen the Indian Navy send ships to help 15 allied coastal nations.
  • Countries in the Indian Ocean received aid from India in the form of food, medication, and medical care.
  • Deployed medical assistance teams to Mauritius and Comoros to assist with the emergency COVID situation, as well as dengue fever in the case of Comoros.
  • Delivered vital Covid-related pharmaceuticals in consignments to Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar, and Comoros, as well as 600 tonnes of food to the Maldives.
  • India’s reputation as a friendly nation, a first responder, and a trustworthy and strategic partner was established by the operation.
  • In line with the SAGAR strategy, it marked a turning point in India’s relations with nations in the Indian Ocean.

Mission Sagar’s Support for Island Countries

Prime Minister Modi’s goal of Mission Sagar serves as its inspiration (Security and Growth for All in the Region). The following are the main forms of help given to the island countries:

  1. Deploy medical assistance teams to Mauritius and Comoros to assist with the emergency COVID situation, as well as dengue fever in the case of Comoros.
  2. Deliver vital Covid-related pharmaceuticals in consignments to Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar, and Comoros, as well as 600 tonnes of food to the Maldives.
  3. Additionally, a special shipment of Ayurvedic medications is being sent to Mauritius.
  4. India sent necessary medications, such as HCQ pills, to the Maldives, Mauritius, and Seychelles during the COVID-19 pandemic. To battle the COVID-19 epidemic, a team of specially chosen medical specialists was also dispatched to the Maldives.

SAGAR focuses on the significance India places on its relationships with its neighbors and strengthens the already strong connection.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

1Q. What is Mission Sagar?

Ans: In order to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, India launched the Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kesari to nations in the southern Indian Ocean as part of the “Mission Sagar” program. The ship carried food supplies and medical support teams. With the ongoing COVID-19, the government began reaching out to five island nations in the Indian Ocean via Mission Sagar. The Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, and Seychelles were among the nations that asked India for help in fighting the Covid-19 outbreak.

2Q. Explain Mission Sagar’s support to different coast areas by India? 


  1. Deployed medical assistance teams to Mauritius and Comoros to assist with the emergency COVID situation, as well as dengue fever in the case of Comoros.
  2. Delivered vital Covid-related pharmaceuticals in consignments to Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar, and Comoros, as well as 600 tonnes of food to the Maldives.
  3. Additionally, a special shipment of Ayurvedic medications is being sent to Mauritius.
  4. India sent necessary medications, such as HCQ pills, to the Maldives, Mauritius, and Seychelles during the COVID-19 pandemic. To battle the COVID-19 epidemic, a team of specially chosen medical specialists was also dispatched to the Maldives.

3Q. Write the features of Mission Sagar?

  1. Countries in the Indian Ocean received aid from India in the form of food, medication, and medical care.
  2. Deployed medical assistance teams to Mauritius and Comoros to assist with the emergency COVID situation, as well as dengue fever in the case of Comoros.
  3. Delivered vital Covid-related pharmaceuticals in consignments to Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar, and Comoros, as well as 600 tonnes of food to the Maldives.
  4. India’s reputation as a friendly nation, a first responder, and a trustworthy and strategic partner was established by the operation.
  5. In line with the SAGAR strategy, it marked a turning point in India’s relations with nations in the Indian Ocean.

4Q. Write the benefits of the Mission Sagar Scheme?


  1. It strengthened economic and security collaboration.
  2. This mission showed the importance India places on its relationships with its neighbors and maintains an already strong connection. Additionally, India increased its trust in its neighbors.
  3. India will be the first responder in any circumstance during a disaster, whether it be in the form of human support, financial assistance, or medical assistance.
  4. Through this mission, India also aims to protect its own national interests and ensure that the Indian Ocean area respects international law and becomes more open and collaborative.
  5. India effectively protected its marine and land assets.