Top 10 MLOps Tools to Learn in 2024

Due to the increase in machine learning and AI technologies in the IT industries the businesses that want to lead in this competitive market are highly using these AI and ML technologies. Business needs to develop machine learning models to get benefits in several ways. Hence by using these MLOps tools, businesses can manage the process to make Machine learning lifecycle management more accessible.

These MLOps tools are also used to provide the needed frameworks and infrastructure to develop a machine learning model that is scalable and deployable. Therefore in this article, comprehensive knowledge has been provided about the MLOps and the top MLOps tools in 2024.

What is MLOps?

MLOps is abbreviated as Machine Learning Operations which is particularly a set of practices that is used to automate machine learning workflows and deployments. Therefore, MLOps is mainly used for adding discipline to the development of machine learning models and thus it makes the development process more productive. MLOps is one of the useful approaches for the development and quality of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions.

Top 10 MLOps Tools to Learn in 2024

There are multiple MLOps tools available in the market that help businesses improve their scalability, efficiency, and risk reduction. Some of the top 10 MLOps tools used in 2024 are mentioned below:

1. Tensor Board

TensorBoard is one of the popular MLOps tools that is used for providing the visualization and measurement that is required during the machine learning workflows. This tool provides a large set of libraries and tools which is used for developing, deploying, and training the machine learning models. It also enables tracking experiment metrics like loss and accuracy.

Key Features

  • Tensor Board is mainly used for tracking and visualizing metrics such as loss and accuracy.
  • It is used to visualize deep learning models and also to visualize the histograms of biases and weights over the epochs.
  • Graph visualization, profiling, debugging, and statistics are some of the features of this tool.
  • Tensorboard is used for performance, debugging, understanding complex models, and many other things.

2. Qdrant

Qdrant is another popular MLOps tool that provides fast and scalable vector similarity search services. This MLOps tool is used to provide a production-ready service that allows individuals to store, manage, and Search vector embeddings. Quadrant also supports a large range of data types and query conditions including numerical ranges, string matching, and so on.

Key Features

  • Qdrant is an easy-to-use API that can scale horizontally by allowing developers to use the right amount of computational resources.
  • It also allows the developers to generate client libraries in various programming languages.
  • Qdrant uses a custom modification of the HNSW algorithm for approx nearest neighbor search.
  • The use of Qdrant binary Quantization to enhance the Open AI embeddings.

3. Kubeflow

Kubeflow is a famous platform for data scientists who want to develop and experiment with ML pipelines. This MLOps tool is used by the operational teams and the ML engineers who want to deploy the ML systems to multiple environments for testing, development, and production-level serving.

Key Features

  • Kubeflow is a type of workflow management and model training platform that is used to develop, deploy, and manage ML workflows on Kubernetes.
  • This tool is used to manage and scale the ML workflows on Kubernetes by reducing time and costs.
  • Deployment, experiment tracking, and serving are some of the features of Kubeflow.
  • It also provides a multiframework component for model serving.

4. Prefect

Prefect is another popular tool which is used to develop, observe, and react to data pipelines. Therefore Prefect is an open-source tool that is powered by the Prefect core workflow engine and serves modern project management. This tool is designed to orchestrate the data stacks by developing, running, and monitoring the data pipelines.

Key Features

  • It allows to enhancement of the data pipelines with semantics like dynamic mapping, logging, caching, and so on.
  • A real-time user interface is provided in Prefect.
  • It also consists of a comprehensive library with pre-defined tasks such as shell script execution and so on.
  • It also provides rich state objects for transmitting information about tasks and flows.

5. MLflow

MLflow is mainly used to provide tools to deploy multiple common model types to diversify the platform. It mainly aims to enable innovations in ML solutions development by streamlining. With the help of MLflow individuals can manage the machine learning experiments and the model metadata by using Python, Java, R, and so on.

Key Features

  • ML flow is mainly used for storing, configuration, coding, data model packaging, and deployment.
  • It is used to deploy and manage the machine learning models in multiple serving environments.
  • ML flow consists of a central model that is used to store and provide stage transitions, annotations, and so on.
  • It is also used to manage and share ML experiments all across the teams.

6. Metaflow

Metaflow is a library that is particularly used to develop and manage real-life data science projects. It is a type of framework that is used to run, manage, and deploy their code in a production environment. Therefore metaflow is a Python framework that simplifies building, managing, and maintaining data science projects.

Key Features

  • It allows individuals to write business logic and models as an idiomatic R code.
  • It can be tightly integrated with the Amazon Web services.
  • This tool is mainly used for developing and managing data science projects.

7. Data Version Control (DVC)

Data Version Control is another famous MLOps tools that can be learned by the developers for using it for machine learning projects and this tool work seamlessly with Git. DVC is used to provide individuals with the code, model, data, metadata, and pipeline versioning. DVC can also be used for the workflow for deployment and collaboration.

Key Features

  • DVC is mainly used for experiment tracking in model metrics, versioning, and parameters.
  • This tool is used to develop, visualize, and run the machine learning pipelines.
  • It also provides a mechanism to switch between the different data contents.

8. Flyte

Flyte is another famous MLOps platform that is used for maintaining and tracking machine learning workflows. This tool also makes sure that the execution of the machine learning models is reproducible by tracking the changes to the model and versioning it.

Key Features

  • The Flyte tool is used to easily track the data lineages.
  • It consists of built-in data and artifact visualization.
  • It consists of structured datasets that are used to enable easy conversion of the data frames between the types and the column level types checking.

9. Pachyderm

Pachyderm is a famous MLOps tool that is used across a variety of industries and use cases. It mainly provides a good solution to optimize data processing, ML lifecycles, and MLOps. It is a type of software platform that is used to integrate with multiple cloud providers.

Key Features

  • This tool is used for data lineage and automatic data versioning.
  • Pachyderm can be run on cloud and on-premise environments.
  • It is used for the integration with the various cloud providers.

10. Comet ML

Comet ML is another popular MLOps tool that is mainly used for tracking, explaining, and also comparing the machine learning models that individuals can use with any machine learning library. Comet ML helps in visualizing and comparing the experiments.

Key Features

  • Comet ML is used for experiment tracking and monitoring machine learning experiments in real-time.
  • This tool can easily integrate with any training environment.
  • It helps the development teams to track, compare, and explain the machine learning models and the experiments.


These MLOps tools are designed to integrate seamlessly with the already existing data science workflows. These tools are generally used by data scientists and organizations that are attempting to develop processes for machine learning in production. Therefore in this article, comprehensive knowledge has been provided about the MLOps tools and the top 10 MLOps tools that can be used by the organizations for their betterment and increasing efficiency of the business.

FAQs on Top 10 MLOps Tools to learn in 2024

What do you mean by MLOps?

MLOps is the set of practices that are used for developing new machine learning and deep learning models. The MLOps pipelines consist of multiple services to the data science teams which include continuous integration, continuous delivery model performance, security, and so on.

What is the purpose of MLOps?

The main purpose of MLOps is to improve troubleshooting and model management in production. They are also used to track and manage the model versions that need to be picked and will be suitable for the business.

Name the top MLOps tools that can be learned in 2024.

Some of the top 10 MLOps tools that can be learned in 2024 are- Tensor Board, Qdrant, Kubeflow, Prefect, MLflow, Metaflow, Data Version Control (DVC), Flyte, Pachyderm, and Comet ML.