MNC Journey From a Tier 3 college to Capgemini

My journey from a Tier 3 college to joining Capgemini, my first MNC, as a Salesforce admin was anything but easy. Coming from a college that didn’t boast a prestigious reputation, I knew I had to work twice as hard to make my mark in the corporate world.

I began by honing my skills relentlessly. I immersed myself in learning everything I could about Salesforce administration, knowing that expertise in this field could open doors to lucrative opportunities. I devoured online tutorials, enrolled in certification courses, and spent countless hours practising in virtual environments.

Internships became my gateway to practical experience. While my college didn’t offer many opportunities, I sought out internships wherever I could find them. These experiences, though humble, allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios and gain invaluable insights into the workings of the industry.

Networking played a crucial role in my journey. Despite my college’s limitations, I made it a point to attend industry events, seminars, and workshops whenever possible. Building connections with professionals in the field not only provided me with guidance and mentorship but also opened doors to potential job opportunities.

When the time came for campus placements, I was determined to make the most of it. I prepared rigorously, fine-tuning my resume, practising mock interviews, and researching everything I could about Capgemini and its culture. During the interviews, I showcased not just my technical skills but also my passion, dedication, and eagerness to learn and grow.

Finally, my hard work paid off when I received the offer to join Capgemini as a Salesforce admin. It was a moment of immense pride and validation, knowing that my perseverance and determination had led me to this milestone. Joining an MNC from a Tier 3 college was a dream come true, but it was also a testament to the fact that hard work knows no boundaries.

As I embark on this new chapter of my career, I carry with me the lessons learned from my journey – the importance of resilience, the power of continuous learning, and the belief that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.