Mobiux Interview Experience

Assignment Round:

I got an assignment from Mobiux for a full-stack developer role. The question is to write code to load given sales data set without using any inbuilt functions. Ideally asking us to build the data structure on our own. I completed the task and submitted the solution after which I was called for the interview.

Actual Interview:

The interview was held in a single round. The interviewer asked me to share the screen. Then asked to open the code I submitted. Now the interviewer asked to make changes to the code as required. I could make all the changes asked by the interviewer. But for the final change, the interviewer asked to replace the for loop with a more efficient one. In that context, itertools are more efficient. But due to nervousness, I did not get the idea of itertools in Python. Hence at the last step, I got rejected.

I had firsthand experience of having this unique style of interview. Though it was painful to be rejected at that last step, I learnt to be calm and confident during interviews. I hope this experience helps you all to be prepared for any kind of interview.