Modifier isStrict(mod) method in Java with Examples

The isStrict(mod) method of java.lang.reflect.Modifier is used to check if the integer argument includes the strictfp modifier or not. If this integer parameter represents strictfp type Modifier then method returns true else false.


public static boolean isStrict(int mod)

Parameters: This method accepts a integer names as mod represents a set of modifiers.

Return: This method returns true if mod includes the strictfp modifier; false otherwise.

Below programs illustrate isStrict() method:
Program 1:

// Java program to illustrate isStrict() method
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws NoSuchFieldException,
        // get Modifier Integer value
        int mod = Test.class.getModifiers();
        // check Modifier is strict or not
        boolean result = Modifier.isStrict(mod);
        System.out.println("Mod integer value "
                           + mod + " is strict : "
                           + result);
    strictfp class Test {
        strictfp double mul()
            return 0;


Mod integer value 0 is strict : false

Program 2:

// Java program to illustrate isStrict()
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws NoSuchFieldException,
        // get Modifier Integer value
        int mod = interfaceTest
        // check Modifier is strict or not
        boolean result
            = Modifier.isStrict(mod);
        System.out.println("Mod integer value "
                           + mod + " is strict : "
                           + result);
    strictfp interface interfaceTest {
        double method1();
        int method2();


Mod integer value 1544 is strict : false
