Mongo url Shorter TypeError db.collection is not a Function

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that is widely used for its scalability and flexibility. A popular application is to develop a URL shortener that transforms long URLs into compressed ones easier to use.

However, while working with MongoDB, we may encounter errors like “TypeError: db. collection is not a function“. In this article, we will learn about this mistake in respect of creating a MongoDB URL shortener and give solutions to solve it.

Understanding the Error

The error “TypeError: Unexpected error like “db. collection is not a function” is a very common problem associated with accessing a collection in MongoDB. method but the method is not recognized. Below are the reasons why the error occurred as follows:

  • Incorrect Database Connection: If the database connection is not established properly, the DB object may not be able to use collection methods.
  • Missing or Incorrect Database Name: If the database name passed to the connection string is incorrect or missing, MongoDB can’t identify the collection in that database.
  • Authentication Issues: If the user lacks the essential permissions to the collection then MongoDB will result from an error.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the “TypeError: db.collection is not a function” error in a MongoDB URL shortener project we will follow the below steps:

1. Check Database Connection

  • Ensure that the database connection is established correctly.
  • Verify the connection string and make sure it includes the correct host, port, and database name.
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase';

MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Connected successfully to MongoDB");
const db = client.db('mydatabase');
// Now you can access collections using db.collection()

Explanation: In the above Query, We have connect to a MongoDB database using the MongoClient object. If the connection is successful then it logs a meeesage which indicate the successful connection, It allow access to collections in the desired database (‘mydatabase’ in this case) using the db.collection() method.

2. Verify Collection Access

  • After connecting to the database, verify that we are accessing the correct collection using the db.collection() method.
  • Check for any misspellings in the collection name.
const collection = db.collection('urls'); // Replace 'urls' with your collection name

Explanation: This code assigns the ‘urls’ collection from the MongoDB database to the variable ‘collection’, allowing us to perform operations on that collection

3. Ensure Proper Authentication

  • If authentication is required to access the database, make sure us to provide the correct credentials in the connection string.
  • Ensure that the user has the necessary privileges to read and write to the collection.
const url = 'mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/mydatabase';

Explanation: This code defines a MongoDB connection URL with the format 'mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/mydatabase'. It includes the username, password, host (localhost), port (27017), and the database name (‘mydatabase‘) to connect to a MongoDB database with authentication credentials

4. Handle Connection Errors

  • Implement error handling to catch any connection errors that may occur during the connection process.
  • This helps in identifying issues with the database connection.
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) {
if (err) {
console.error("Error connecting to MongoDB:", err);
console.log("Connected successfully to MongoDB");
const db = client.db('mydatabase');
// Now you can access collections using db.collection()

Explanation: In the above Query, We have establishes a connection to a MongoDB database using the specified URL. If there’s an error when connecting, it logs the error message. If the connection is successful, it logs a success message and allows access to collections in the ‘mydatabase’ database using the db.collection() method


Overall, The “TypeError: In MongoDB URL shortener projects we may face an error like “TypeError: db. collection is not a function“which is being caused by not correct data base connection, not proper access to given collection, authentication, and error handling. The steps outlined above and cause of the error can guide developers to develop robust and reliable MongoDB applications such as URL shorteners with confidence.

One of the most essential practices is to verify the connection details, generally through troubleshooting and error handling. It is also important to secure the database access by verifying the permissions, in order to avoid this error in your MongoDB applications.