Monotonic Reasoning vs Non-Monotonic Reasoning


Monotonic means something that does not vary or change.

Non-Monotonic means something which can vary according to the situation or condition.

Monotonic Reasoning

Monotonic Reasoning is the process that does not change its direction or can say that it moves in the one direction.

  • Monotonic Reasoning will move in the same direction continuously means it will either move in increasing order or decrease.
  • But since Monotonic Reasoning depends on knowledge and facts, It will only increase and will never decrease in this reasoning.
  • Example:
    • Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Non-monotonic Reasoning

Non-monotonic Reasoning is the process that changes its direction or values as the knowledge base increases.

  • It is also known as NMR in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Non-monotonic Reasoning will increase or decrease based on the condition.
  • Since that Non-monotonic Reasoning depends on assumptions, It will change itself with improving knowledge or facts.
  • Example:
    • Consider a bowl of water, If we put it on the stove and turn the flame on it will obviously boil hot and as we will turn off the flame it will cool down gradually.

Monotonic Reasoning vs Non-monotonic Reasoning

  Monotonic Reasoning Non-Monotonic Reasoning
1 Monotonic Reasoning is the process which does not change its direction or can say that it moves in the one direction. Non-monotonic Reasoning is the process which changes its direction or values as the knowledge base increases.
2 Monotonic Reasoning deals with very specific type of models, which has valid proofs. Non-monotonic reasoning deals with incomplete or not known facts.
3 The addition in knowledge won’t change the result. The addition in knowledge will invalidate the previous conclusions and change the result.
4 In monotonic reasoning, results are always true, therefore, set of prepositions will only increase. In non-monotonic reasoning, results and set of prepositions will increase and decrease based on condition of added knowledge.
5 Monotonic Reasoning is based on true facts. Non-monotonic Reasoning is based on assumptions.
6 Deductive Reasoning is the type of monotonic reasoning. Abductive Reasoning and Human Reasoning is a non-monotonic type of reasoning.