Morgan Stanley Interview Experience For Spring Analyst (Off-Campus)

October 2023: Applied for Spring Analyst role on the career portal of Morgan Stanley without any referral and received a schedule of the program.

Online test

Test Pattern:

There were 3 sections:

  1. Debugging
  2. Aptitude
  3. Coding (3 questions) – Leetcode is easy to medium level.

To get an interview call, one needs to solve all debugging and coding questions.

First Interview (About 1 Hr 10 minutes)

The interview started with my introduction. Later interviewer introduced him. He started with basic questions on OOPS. He asked me to explain the 4 pillars of OOPS with real-life objects. It took around 7 minutes.

Later, he asked me to open any code editor. And asked 4 DSA questions.

  1. It was an array-based question. We have to print the waveform of the array. (Told 2 solutions and written code for optimal)
  2. Diagonal Sum of Binary Tree. (I was able to tell the approach. When I started to code, he interrupted and went on to the next question).
  3. Best time to buy and sell stock: (I told DP approach, he wanted a Greedy solution, so thought for 5 minutes and was able to code a working solution in the next 5 minutes).
  4. Now only 7 minutes remained. Still, he asked me a 4th question. Minimum number of deletions to make string palindrome. (I told them only approach and time was up).

I cleared this round unexpectedly.

Technical + ProFit + HR Round. (About 1 Hour)

The interviewer introduced himself and asked for my introduction. He warned me at the start that he would be rude sometimes.

  1. He explained the dining philosopher problem and asked me to come up with as many solutions as I could. I told him 3 solutions. He discussed on this more and wanted more solutions. Also asked which one is most optimal.
  2. Measure 4-litre water using 3-litre and 5-litre cans. (Standard Puzzle). But he wanted me to think in a way that water is a precious resource, and it should be wasted minimally.
  3. Some dice problem on probability. You have standard 6-faced dice. You have one more dice which has nothing on its face. Furthermore, you need to number faces on the second dice such that the probability of the sum of numbers on the face of both dice when rolled is the same.

I was thinking a lot about this, but unable to answer it completely. He was just checking my thought process.

Situation-based questions.

  1. Think like You are a manager, and one of the star performers in your team wants to leave your team. What will you do? (Tricked me on this, and tried to manipulate my answer)
  2. More questions like this to test my personality

Received mail that I got selected as Spring Analyst 2024.

I feel very fortunate to be a part of a Prestigious Organization like Morgan Stanley