Morgan Stanley Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Round One: The Online Technical Test

The journey began with an online technical test that assessed candidates’ knowledge in crucial areas of computer science. The test consisted of multiple-choice questions on Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems (OS), and Networking. Additionally, there were two coding questions focused on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). I recall one of the coding questions was to implement a function to find the shortest path in a graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm, and the other was to reverse a linked list in pairs.

Round Two: The Technical Interview

The second round was a face-to-face technical interview, which started with a discussion about my resume and the projects I had mentioned. The interviewer was particularly interested in a personal project I had done using a circular linked list. I was asked to explain the project in detail, the challenges I faced, and how I overcame them.

Subsequently, the technical questions delved into my proficiency in Java and Operating Systems. I was asked to write code for various Java concepts like multithreading and exception handling. The OS questions focused on process synchronization and memory management.

Round Three: The System Design Round

The third round was an intriguing system design interview where I was presented with a hypothetical scenario of designing a logging system in an operating system. The challenge was to create a robust and efficient system that could handle a vast amount of logs generated by various processes while ensuring minimal impact on the system’s performance.

In this round, the interviewer was interested in understanding my thought process, how I approached the problem, and my ability to design scalable solutions. Although it was a challenging task, it gave me an opportunity to showcase my problem-solving skills and demonstrate my understanding of system design principles.

Round Four: The HR Round

The final round was the HR interview, which was intended to assess my fit with the company’s culture and values. The questions were more focused on my personality, aspirations, and career goals. Two examples of questions asked during this round were:

  1. “Tell us about a situation where you faced a difficult team member during a group project and how you handled it?”
  2. “What do you see as the most exciting trend in the technology industry, and how do you envision yourself contributing to it?”

The Verdict and My Takeaways

Despite putting my best foot forward during the interview process, I received the unfortunate news that I wasn’t selected for the role. While it was initially disheartening, I soon realized that every interview experience is an opportunity for growth and learning.

I took away several valuable lessons from the process:

  1. Continuous Learning: The interview process highlighted areas where I needed to improve my technical skills. I used this feedback to strengthen my knowledge in those domains.
  2. Problem-Solving Skills: The coding and system design questions challenged me to think critically and creatively. I honed my problem-solving abilities, which are essential in any technical role.
  3. Confidence and Communication: The interviews improved my ability to articulate my thoughts clearly and confidently, an essential skill in any professional setting.
  4. Resilience: Facing rejection is a part of the job-hunting process. The experience taught me to be resilient and keep pushing forward despite setbacks.