Morgan Stanley Interview Experience | Set 32 (On-Campus)

Aptitude Test(90 mins, on Hackerrank)
7 aptitude questions based on Math and Logic<
7 Technical Subject Questions on Data Structures, 1 from OS(Few of them that I

  1. Hashing (Linear Probing)
  2. Counting Page Faults
  3. BST preorder and postorder
  4. Graph minimum distance
  5. Recursion(Given a recursive function f(int a),find f(8))
  6. Find Inorder successor in BST
  7. 2 Coding questions
    1.String Manipulation
    Given two Strings A and B of same length. You can replace any substring of A(i,j) with
    substring of B(i,j).(Here note that substring from A and substring from B should have that same
    start index and end index).find count of unique strings can be possible.answer might be
    large.print answer%1000000007.

    Note : Substring can be empty.
    Test Case
    -> answer :1

    Explanation : No matter what substring you replace,only one unique string is formed

    i.e aaa.
    -> answer :8 

    8 different strings are possible…{abc , xyz , ayz , xbc , ayc , xbz , abz ,

    2. Matrix Problem
    Given a square matrix A[][] of size N*N.Each element A[i][j] of matrix is red color or blue color.
    Red ->1
    Blue ->0
    You are also given a number k.Find the side of largest square submatix having atmost k
    red cells.

    Size of matrix,N<=500
    Test Case:
    3 2 (N k)
    1 1 1
    1 0 1
    1 1 0
    Answer : 2 

    Explanation : Submatrix having top left corner (1,1) and bottom right corner (2,2) is the largest square submatrix having atmost 2( i.e k) red cells.

    Onsite Interview
    Round 1(Tech) :

  8. Java
  9. 1.Difference between abstract and interface?
    2.“Animal” should be abstract class or interface?
    3.Why java developers thought to introduce interface?
    4.Few deep thinking questions on same abstract vs interface topic.
    5.Polymorphic Reference in Java.

  10. Data Structures
  11. 1.Write recursive code for checking string palindrome or not.
    2.Using stack and queue together,check if string is palindrome or not.
    3.Given an array and a sum,find if there is any pair in array having sum equal to givensum.(I used hashmap,so few questions about hashmap complexity)
    4.Given an array and a sum,find if there is any triplet in array having sum equal to givensum.

  12. OS
  13. 1.You want to run an animation and movie in your TV at the same time,how will you
    schedule it?(Asked about using different scheduling algos)

  14. DBMS
  15. 2.Find tuple having third most highest salary in table.

    Round 2(Group Activity)

    10 candidates were selected from round 1,in this round we were given lego blocks.They told us
    to work in a team and using that lego blocks build something(we made a solar panel house) in
    30 mins.After that,there was a 5 min presentation about the product that we just built.We have
    to impress investors to invest in our product.
    Also write features of your product.Design Logo and name of your company.
    Round 3(Tech – System Design)
    Design a ticket booking portal for airplanes.You have apis of various airlines like JET
    Airways,Indigo to get all the plane details.A user will come to your portal to book tickets.Using
    apis,confirm availability of tickets from various airlines and book the tickets selected by users.
    Design database structure,class diagrams,flow of system.

    Round 4(HR)

    1.About internship
    2.Experience of working in groups
    3.Coding experience
    4.Who is your idol and why?
    5.Why Morgan Stanley?

    There was a re-interview of round 3
    Design UBER.(database structure,OOP Model)
    Some basics of compile time polymorphism.

    Tips to follow :
    Three years before

  16. Focus on academics.Score excellent grades in academics because only students above 8.5(last year 9)CGPA are allowed to give first round(aptitude round).
  17. Select a programming language like C,C++,Java,Python and start learning syntax and semantics of selected language.(Java would be a better option compared to others)
  18. Two years before

  19. Start learning Data Structures,Java,DBMS,OS etc from standard reference books or online resources
  20. Solve algorithms from websites like w3wiki , ideserve , careercup etc.
  21. Start coding in hackerrank and actively participate in all contests.Focus on improving performance in every contest.
  22. Look for internships
  23. One year before

  24. Work on some big long-duration projects(So that you can show-off in your resume)
  25. Focus on building a well-balanced resume which should throw light on overall development of your personality.(Participate in GD,Debate,Sports activities,Coding competitions,Hackathon etc).
  26. Start coding in codechef,codeforces.
  27. Few minutes before
    Think of all the days and nights that you spent preparing for this interview!