Most Important Questions on Buddhist Literature

Following we are presenting a List Of Important Questions on Buddhist Literature. In every exam of the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level, questions were asked about these topics. So it is important for all the candidates who are preparing for these exams. These topics may also help in State Commission’s Exams and Banking Exams.

Que 1. Which religion is related to the “Tripitaka literature”?

(a) Buddhism
(b) Jainism
(c) Shaivism
(d) Vaishnava sect

Ans. (a) Buddhism
Explanation – “Tripitaka literature” is related to Buddhism. The Buddhist literature itself is called Tripitaka.

Que 2. In which language Buddhist literature is written?

(a) Sanskrit
(b) Pali 
(c) Prakrit
(d) Hindi

Ans. (b) Pali 
Explanation – Buddhist literature is written in the Pali language.

Que 3. Which of the following texts does not come under Tripitaka literature?

(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Abhidhammapitaka
(d) Abhidharmakosa

Ans. (d) Abhidharmakosa
Explanation – The Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka come under the Tripitaka literature.

Que 4. In which of the following texts are the teachings of Buddhism given?

(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Abhidhammapitaka
(d) Abhidharmakosa

Ans. (a) Sutta Pitaka
Explanation – The teachings of Buddhism are given in the Sutta Pitaka. Sutta means the teaching of Dharma. It is part of Tripitaka literature. It was composed by Ananda during the first Buddhist council.

Que 5. In which of the following texts, rules related to union and daily life are given?

(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Abhidhammapitaka
(d) Abhidharmakosa

Ans. (b) Vinaya Pitaka
Explanation – Rules related to union and daily life have been given in Vinaya Pitaka. It is part of Tripitaka literature. It was composed by Upali during the first Buddhist council.

Que 6. Which of the following texts mention Buddhist religious principles?

(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Abhidhammappitaka
(d) Abhidharmakosa

Ans. (c) Abhidhammapitaka
Explanation – Buddhist religious principles are mentioned in the Abhidhamma Pitaka. The Abhidhammappitaka was composed during the Tritiya Buddhist Council. It is part of Tripitaka literature.

Que 7. Which of the following texts has been composed in question-answer style?

(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Abhidhammapitaka
(d) Abhidharmakosa

Ans. (c) Abhidhammappitaka
Explanation – Abhidhammapitaka is composed in question-answer style.

Que 8. Which of the following texts is a part of “Kathavathu”?

(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Abhidhammapitaka
(d) Abhidharmakosa

Ans. (c) Abhidhammappitaka
Explanation – The part of the Abhidhammapitaka is “Kathavathu”. This text was composed by Moggaliputta Tissa during the Tritiya Buddhist Council.

Que 9. Which of the following texts is a part of “Digha Nikaya”?

(a) Abhidhammapitaka
(b) Vinaya Pitaka
(c) Sutta Pitaka
(d) Mahavastu

Ans. (c) Sutta Pitaka
Explanation – Part of the Sutta Pitaka is the “Digha Nikaya”. The Long Nikaya contains a compilation of the teachings of Mahatma Buddha.

Que 10. The Sutta Pitaka is divided into how many Nikaya texts?

(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Five

Ans. (d) Five
Explanation – The Sutta Pitaka is divided into five Nikaya texts. The most important of these is the long body and the Anguttara Nikaya.

Que 11. In which of the following texts, sixteen Mahajanapadas are mentioned?

(a) Digha Nikaya
(b) Anguttara Nikaya
(c) Samyutta Nikaya
(d) Khuddaka Nikaya

Ans.(b) Anguttara Nikaya
Explanation – Sixteen Mahajanapadas are mentioned in the Anguttara Nikaya.

Que 12. In which of the following texts there is mention of “Astangika Path”?
(a) Digha Nikaya 
(b) Anguttara Nikaya
(c) Samyutta Nikaya
(d) Khuddaka Nikaya

Ans. (c) Samyutta Nikaya
Explanation – The “proportional route” is mentioned in the Samyutta Nikaya.

Que13. “Dharmachakra Pravartan Sutta” is a part of which of the following texts?

(a) Digha Nikaya 
(b) Anguttara Nikaya
(c) Sanyukt Nikaya
(d) Khuddaka Nikaya

Ans. (c) Sanyukt Nikaya
Explanation -. The “Dharmachakra Pravartan Sutta” is part of the  Sanyukt Nikaya.

Que 14. To which sect does “Vaibhashika” belong?

(a) Hinayana 
(b) Mahayana
(c) Shvetambara
(d) Digambara

Ans. (a) Hinayana 
Explanation – “Vaibhashika” is a sub-sect of the Hinayana sect. Being based on a book called Vibhashashastra, it was called Vaibhasika. This belief originated mainly in the Kashmir region.

Que 15. To which sect does “Sautrantika” belong?

(a) Hinayana
(b) Mahayana
(c) Shvetambara
(d) Digambara

Ans. (a) Hinayana
Explanation – “Sautrantika” is a sub-sect of the Hinayana sect. Due to being based on a book called Sutta Pitaka, it was called Sautrantika.

Que 16. ” Madhyamik vaad or  Shunya vaad” is related to which sect?

(a) Hinayana
(b) Mahayana
(c) Shvetambara
(d) Digambara

Ans. (b) Mahayana
Explanation- “Madhyamik vaad or Shunya vaad” is a sub-sect of the Mahayana sect. Nagarjuna is the originator of this view. This view is also called relativism.

Que 17. To which sect does “Vigyanism or Yogachar” belong?

(a) Hinayana
(b) Mahayana 
(c) Shvetambara
(d) Digambara

Ans. (b) Mahayana 
Explanation – “Vigyanism or Yogachara” is a sub-sect of the Mahayana sect.

Que 18. Which of the following texts is not related to the Sutta Pitaka?

(a) Digha Nikaya 
(b) Anguttara Nikaya
(c) Sanyukt Nikaya
(d) Suttavibhanga 

Ans. (d) Suttavibhanga 
Explanation – The lattice body, anguttara Nikaya and joint body are related to the Sutta Pitaka. Suttavibhanga is related to Vinaya Pitaka.

Que 19. Which of the following texts is not related to Vinaya Pitaka?

(a) Patimokkh
(b) Sutta vibhanga
(c) Khandhak 
(d) Anguttara Nikaya

Ans. (d) Anguttara Nikaya
Explanation – Patimokkha, Sutta Vibhanga and Khandhak are related to Vinaya Pitaka.
Anguttara  Nikaya is the text of the Sutta Pitaka.

Que 20. In which of the following texts are the stories of the former births of Mahatma Buddha compiled?

(a) Jataka Kathayein
(b) Deepavansh
(c) Mahavansh
(d) Mahavastu

Ans. (a) Jataka Kathayein
Explanation – The stories of the former births of Mahatma Buddha are compiled in the Jataka Kathayein.