Motilal Nehru biography: History, Death, Religion

Motilal Nehru (6 May 1861–6 February 1931) was an Indian lawyer, activist, barista, and politician affiliated with the Indian National Congress. He served as the Congress President twice, from 1919 to 1920 and from 1928 to 1929. He was the father of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister. This article will provide insight into his life, career, his hobbies, and his role in independence.

In this article, We have covered the Complete Biography of Motilal Nehru, His real religion, death, and many more.

Let’s dive right in.

Motilal Nehru Biography

Motilal Nehru Biography Overview

The following is a brief overview of the biography of Motilal Nehru:




Birth Year


Birth date

6th May

Father’s name

Gangadhar Nehru

Mother’s name



Bansidhar Nehru,Nandalal Nehru

Brought up


Languages known


Major works

  1. Helped founded Swaraj party
  2. He served as the Congress President twice


Swaroop Rani Thussu


Jawaharlal Nehru,Vijaya Lakshmi and Krishna

Alma matter

Muir central college


Barista,Acitvist,politician,Freedom fighter,Politician

motilal nehru religion

practiced Hinduism


6th Februaury 1931

Lived for

69 years

Burial place


Who was Motilal Nehru?

Motilal Nehru was a multi-talented personality who served in so many professions.He was an activist, a powerful freedom fighter , a lawyer and a barrista. Motilal Nehru, father of Jawaharlal Nehru, the country’s most significant state head, was an observable figure in the Indian Independance and a superb ally of the Swaraj (“Self-rule”) Party.

Motilal started his law career in the Allahabad High Court in 1896. He avoided legislative issues until his middle years, when he drove the Indian National Congress (Congress Party) in Allahabad in 1907 — a political social occasion that wanted to give India region status.

Life and Education of Motilal Nehru

Now we are going to discuss about his early life and education.

  1. On May 6 1861, Motilal Nehru — child of Gangadhar Nehru and his significant other Indrani — was born. Gangadhar Nehru was a kotwal in Delhi, where the Nehru family had resided for a long time.
  2. As per a few reports during the Rebellion, the Nehru family’s Delhi home was burned to the ground . Gangadhar quickly set up for his two girls, Patrani and Maharani to wed into a Kashmiri Brahmin families in Agra.
  3. 90 days after his demise on February 4 1861, his most youthful kid Motilal was conceived. Motilal was raised at Khetri, the second-biggest thikana (primitive home) in the previous royal province of Jaipur, which is currently in Rajasthan.
  4. Following his senior sibling’s model Nandalal, turned into the Central Priest.In 1870, after Fateh Singh’s childless passing, a far off cousin dominated however had no need for the past comrades. Nandalal who had detected the shift, left Khetri for Agra.
  5. Utilizing his experience, he turned into a legitimate guide. In the end he was examining and breezing through tests to specialize in legal matters in English provincial courts. He laid out a regulation practice at the commonplace High Court in Agra, later moving with the court to Allahabad.

Motilal Nehru Career and Profession

Motilal Nehru was a multi talented personality and also well versed in many languages .Below we will discuss about his career as a lawyer and a politician .




As a lawyer

  1. He had completed his bar examination in 1883 by practicing law at Kanpur.
  2. Motilal turned into the main supplier of pay for the Nehru family when he was 25 years of age.Motilal succeeded in common regulation, especially taking care of cases for huge land-claiming families in Prayagraj.
  3. The Pioneer,’ which was excessively liberal for Motilal’s norm and well-spoken assessment in 1919, he established another everyday paper, The Free, on February 5, 1919.
  4. Mahatma Gandhi’s impact on Nehru in 1918 made him surrender to material belongings and western dress for a more conventional Indian lifestyle.


As a politician

  1. Motilal Nehru two times filled in as Leader of the Congress Party, once in Amritsar (1919) and the second time in Calcutta (1928).He was decided to lead the Amritsar Congress in December of that year.
  2. A head-to-head showdown occurred during the Calcutta Congress (December 1928), managed by Motilal between the groups who wanted full freedom and the individuals who were ready to acknowledge Territory Status.During the Non-Participation Development he was arrested.
  3. Nehru was decided to lead the resistance in the wake of being chosen for the English India’s new Focal Authoritative Gathering in New Delhi.
  4. To plan a constitution that would concede India complete Domain status and be supported by the English parliament, Nehru required a delegate gathering in Walk 1926.

Contributions of Motilal Nehru

His contribution are not just towards nation but also towards his and his surrounding society’s growth.He was moved by the concepts of Russian revolution that potrayed socialism and communialism. He also had great interest in art and culture to stay productive in his free time

To Swaraj Party

His contribution to the Swaraj party was phenomenal. Below we provide the details of it :

  1. In 1922, there was a gridlock in Congress in regards to the issue of committee passage. Motilal and C.R. Das pushed Congress support for committee passage (Favorable to transformers) while the Non-transformers went against changes in the program of non-participation as outlined by Gandhi before his capture.
  2. Following this gridlock, Motilal alongside Deshbandhu Chittranjan Das and their allies shaped the Congress-Khilafat Swaraj Party in 1923. It was perceived as the regulative wing of Congress (INC).
  3. C.R. Das was chosen president and Motilal was one of the secretaries. Motilal assumed a definitive part in putting together and driving the Swaraj Party.
  4. The party should stay a piece of INC and follow the program of non-collaboration however chose to follow a free line on the issue of committee passage.
  5. The essential point of the party was to undermine the English Raj through enemy of government tumult inside the offices of the Focal Regulative Assembly.Motilal actually turned into the Head of the Resistance in the Focal Authoritative Gathering and vociferously went against and uncovered the choices of the public authority.

In the Nationalist Movement

He had a great role to play in the nationalist movement. He played as an activist and a moderate and also had his own newspaper Below we provide you the details of his contribution

  1. Motilal was one of the Moderates who acknowledged the British contribution to India
  2. Despite the disappointment from the reforms of Morley Minto reforms of 1909,Motilal challenged a seat in the developed commonplace committee in 1909 under the ‘transformed’ constitution and was chosen where he assumed the part of a brave pundit of the authority strategies and asked the English government the most awkward inquiries.
  3. He censured the monetary plans with the Public authority of India (English) and little assignments for sterilization and schooling.
  4. Motilal had turned into an assailant backer of social change, a functioning political fomenter and an individual from the commonplace council itself.
  5. He before long transformed into a columnist and was the primary executive of the Directorate of the Pioneer. Through the Pioneer, Motilal kept on voicing public and nearby complaints.
  6. In his later years, Motilal recognized the impediments of established tumult and drew himself away from the “Conservatives”.
  7. Given Motilal’s steadily evolved revolutionary propensities and his conviction to advance the public authority’s analysis in a clear manner, he sent off a day to day paper the Free on February 5, 1919.
  8. At the point when the INC boycotted the commission delegated by the English government to enquire into the Jallianwala Bagh episode and selected its own Congress Request Panel, Motilal was designated as one of the individuals from the council alongside M.K.Gandhi, C.R.Das, M.R. Jayakar and Abbas Tayabji.

Literary Works of Motilal Nehru

Motilal Nehru was an avid photographer and was a patron of arts. He supported Indian artists and he himself was a polyglot. Below we provide some of the literary works regarding him

Works and biographies


Literary works

• The Voice of Freedom: selected speeches of Pandit Motilal Nehru. ed. Kavalam Madhava Panikkar, A. Pershad. Asia Pub. House, 1961

• Motilal Nehru: essays and reflections on his life and times, by Preet Chablani. S. Chand, 1961.

• Selected Works of Motilal Nehru (Volume 1-6), ed. Ravinder Kumar, D. N. Panigrahi. Vikas Pub., 1995.

Motilal Nehru Death

Motilal Nehru, because old enough and medical problems, couldn’t effectively partake in memorable occasions like the Congress embracing total autonomy and Gandhi’s Salt Satyagraha (1929-1931). Not withstanding being captured with his child, Motilal’s declining wellbeing prompted his delivery.In January 1931, in the midst of occasions prompting the Gandhi-Irwin Settlement, Gandhi and the Congress Working Advisory group were delivered. Motilal tracked down comfort in having his child and Gandhi close by in his last days. He took his last breath on February 6, 1931. Recognized as the patriarch of India’s political tradition, delivering three State leaders. His extraordinary incredible grandsons, Rahul Gandhi and Varun Gandhi, at present serve in the Lok Sabha, addressing the Indian Public Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party, separately.

Facts about Motilal Nehru

Here are some facts about this great freedom fighter that will surprise you :

  1. Motilal Nehru initially planned to turn into a specialist, yet he eventually chose to seek after a lifelong in regulation.
  2. In 1882, Motilal Nehru accomplished a weighty accomplishment as one of the earliest Indians to effectively explore the renowned IAS . Nonetheless, selecting an alternate way, he decided to observe his energy for regulation, producing a recognized vocation in the legitimate domain.
  3. Nehru was an enthusiastic picture taker.
  4. He was sharp in learning languages.He knew English,Arabic,Urdu,Persian.
  5. In 1905,He was delegated as an individual from Supreme Official gathering.
  6. He was a nearby partner of Mahatma Gandhi and furthermore helped and upheld his peacefulness developments.
  7. He was major areas of strength for a for ladies’ freedoms.
  8. He established the Allahabad Civil Board in 1888. It was the main board not altogether shown to the Britishes.
  9. He was partial to craftsmanship and music.
  10. He was moved by the thoughts of socialism and communism potrayed in Russian Revolution.

FAQs on Motilal Nehru Biography

What is Motilal Nehru famous for?

Motilal Nehru, brought into the world on May 6, 1861, in Delhi, India, was an enlightening presence in the Indian opportunity advancement. Not at all did he assist with laying out the Swaraj (“Self-rule”) Party, but he furthermore stood firm on the respected balance of being the father of India’s introduction top state pioneer, Jawaharlal Nehru.

Was Motilal Nehru moderate?

Serving as a member of the UP Council in 1909, he subsequently took up the roles of president of the UP Congress and a member of the AICC.

What was the role of Motilal Nehru in non cooperation movement?

Upon his delivery from prison in June 1922, Motilal Nehru made a groundbreaking declaration — the commencement of the Swaraj Party inside the Congress, with C.R. Das expecting the administration. This noteworthy party intensely supported Gathering passage, planning to widen the extent of Non-Collaboration to both the Focal Gathering and Commonplace lawmaking bodies.

What was the education of Motilal Nehru?

Motilal concentrated in Allahabad and in 1883, breezed through his High Court test. He then went to Cambridge College and contemplated to turn into a lawyer. Getting back to India, he began his lawful practice in Kanpur and later moved to Allahabad.

Is Nehru a Brahmin caste?

The Nehru family had a spot with the saraswat Brahmin rank.

Is Motilal Nehru related to Jawaharlal Nehru?

Motilal Nehru’s son was Jawaharlal Nehru.

Who was Motilal Nehru in the making of constitution?

He was the president of constituent assembly.