What are Movement Groups?

In our nation, India, and in the World as a general rule, or even in our lives, we don’t esteem things that come simply. Anything we accomplish as a result of struggles and movements becomes significant to us. Things didn’t end there. Indeed, even today, there are a few nations, even India, that need to embrace struggle and movements, to accomplish what they want. 

Movement Groups

It is entirely common for the system of democracy to have various levels of the team in the government sharing power. Not at all like different types of governance, in democracy, the power of the government isn’t restricted to one person. The power is split between people elected by the public.

  • The government has specific power dynamics, and particular possibilities hold this power. Explicit factors impact power dynamics, and the presence of a quarrel situation is obvious there.
  • People in power must figure out how to balance their power and exert it appropriately to guarantee the most ideal result.
  • There is subsequently a number of indirect ways by which the normal person can assume a vital part in the decision-making and functioning of the government. 
  • It is very continuous the way in which average citizens apply their impact on government procedures.

The role of people in a democratic system is vital. The residents of the nation choose the working power of the government. The primary point of the government is to work to support people. The force of people was exhibited by epic showdowns found in Nepal and Bolivia over administration arrangements and power.

Movement groups

The groups associated with movements have a wide variety. There is a simple distinction between the different examples. There are issue-specific movements that seek to accomplish a single objective within a limited time period. Some movements aim to achieve a wide objective in the long term. 

The Nepalese movement for democracy was formed to reverse the king’s orders which led to the suspension of democracy. The best example of this sort of movement is in India. The movement began with the particular issue of the people being displaced by the making of the Sarovar dam on the Narmada stream. The goal was to stop the dam from being built. It turned into a more vast movement that looked at all the huge dams and the example of movements that expected them. There will usually be clear leadership and some association of such movements. Their active life is generally short. These single-issue movements can be different from long-term movements. The environmental movement and the women’s movement are examples. There isn’t a single association that controls or guides such movements. An enormous number of associations and issue-specific movements are called environmental movements. These have different views on policy-related matters. These have a comparative approach and offer a broad goal. They are known as movements. Sometimes the broad movements have a loose umbrella association. For instance, the National Alliance for Peoples’ Movements (NAPM) is an association of associations. Different movement groups fighting on specific issues are part of the loose association that organizes the activities of a vast number of people’s movements in our country.

Governmental issues are impacted by pressure groups and movements:

  • They try to get public support and sympathy by carrying out information campaigns and other activities. The majority of these groups want the media to give more thought to these issues.
  • They sort out protest activities like strikes. The majority of the movement groups resort to these strategies to get the government to observe their demands.
  • Business groups often use professional lobbyists. A few people from pressure groups or movement groups might take part in official bodies.

Interest groups and movements try to influence political parties. Most of the movement groups are political in nature. They have a political ideology and a political position. The relationship between political parties and pressure groups can be indirect or direct.

  • The pressure groups are usually led by the leaders of the political parties. In India, most trade unions and student associations are subsidiaries of one or the other major political party. A lot of the leaders of pressure groups are activists.
  • Political parties are formed out of movements. The arrangement of the Asom Gana Parishad was prompted when the Assam movement ended. The social reform movement of the 1930s and 1940s can be traced back to the bases of the parties in Tamil Nadu.
  • The relationship between parties’ interests and movement groups isn’t always direct. They often take places that are against each other. Political parties have taken up new issues raised by movement groups. The new leadership of political parties comes from interest or movement groups.
  • It might make people think that it’s not good for groups that promote interest in one area to have an impact. The interests of all should be taken care of by a democracy. It is possible that these groups have power without obligation. Political parties have to confront people in elections, but they are not responsible to the people. Money and support may not be given to pressure groups from the people.

Pressure groups have small public support but lots of cash can seize public discussion in favor of their narrow agenda. Pressure groups have extended democracy. Everybody gets the chance to put pressure on the rulers in a democracy. Government-run administrations are often pressured by a small group of rich and influential people. Public interest groups and movements play an important role in helping the government remember the necessities and concerns of normal citizens.

The interest groups assume a significant part. Nobody single group can accomplish predominance over society. If one gathering welcomes tension on the government to make strategies in its favor, another will bring counter pressure not to make policies in the way the main group wants. The government will find out what the population needs. The influence and convenience of conflicting interests are prompted by this.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What was the distinction in the battles of Nepal and Bolivia?


The development in Nepal was to lay out democracy, while the battle in Bolivia included claims on an elected, democratic government. The famous battle in Bolivia was around one explicit policy, while the battle in Nepal was about the braces of the nation’s governmental issues.

Q 2. Which groups are assembled by popular movements What are the techniques utilized by these movements?


Poor, socially and economically distraught or marginalized groups of society are assembled by popular movements. They utilize the techniques to include the large-scale participation of citizens.

Q 3. Why was the popular struggle started in Bolivia?


The Popular struggle in Bolivia against the privatization of water was begun in January 2000 when World Bank compressed the Bolivian government to surrender their water right which was then offered to an MNC. Individuals went to strike against the burden of heavy taxes.