MoviePy – Getting color of a Frame of Video Clip where cursor touch

In this article, we will see how we can get a color of single frame at given time of the video file clip in MoviePy. MoviePy is a Python module for video editing, which can be used for basic operations on videos and GIF’s. Video is formed by the frames, combination of frames creates a video each frame is an individual image. We can store the specific frame at any time with the help of save_frame method with the VideoFileClip object. By turning on the interactive we can get the position and the color of the place where cursor clicked.

The method enables preview one frame of a clip without having to write it to a file: the following lines display the frame in a PyGame window

In order to do this we will use show method with the VideoFileClip object
Syntax :, interactive = True))
Argument : It takes time and iterative = True as argument
Return : It returns None 

Below is the implementation  


# Import everything needed to edit video clips
from moviepy.editor import *
# loading video dsa gfg intro video
clip = VideoFileClip("dsa_geek.webm")
# getting only first 5 seconds
clip = clip.subclip(0, 5)
# showing frame at 2 second, interactive = True)

Output : 

position, color :  (262, 174), [246 135 102]
position, color :  (566, 131), [251 255 255]
position, color :  (227, 269), [38 38 38]
position, color :  (419, 319), [255 255 255] 

Another example  


# Import everything needed to edit video clips
from moviepy.editor import *
# loading video gfg
clip = VideoFileClip("Beginner.mp4")
# getting only first 5 seconds
clip = clip.subclip(0, 5)
# showing frame at 3 second, interactive = True)

Output : 

position, color :  (248, 305), [239 239 239]
position, color :  (136, 93), [239 239 239]
position, color :  (229, 181), [ 17 147   6]
position, color :  (122, 83), [239 239 239]
position, color :  (358, 125), [239 239 239]