Mphasis Interview Experience for Software Engineer

The path to securing a Software Engineer position at Mphasis was both challenging and enlightening. Mphasis, a renowned IT services company, is known for its rigorous selection process and commitment to excellence. I recently went through their interview process, and here’s a detailed account of my experience, along with some sample questions from each round.

Round 1: Application Shortlisting

The journey began with the submission of my resume and a detailed cover letter through the Mphasis career portal. A couple of weeks later, I received an email notification that I had been shortlisted for the next round. This initial success was a great morale booster, setting the stage for the technical challenges ahead.

Round 2: First Technical Round Based on DSA

The first technical round was focused on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). Conducted online, this round aimed to evaluate my problem-solving skills and coding proficiency.

Sample Questions

  • Given an array of integers, find the maximum subarray sum.
  • Write a function to determine if a given string is a palindrome.
  • Implement a function to perform a level-order traversal of a binary tree.
  • Solve the “Coin Change Problem” using dynamic programming.

The interviewer emphasized not only arriving at the correct solution but also explaining my thought process and optimizing the solutions. This round tested my fundamental understanding of DSA and my ability to write efficient code.

Round 3: Second Technical Round Based on DSA

Having successfully cleared the first technical round, I proceeded to another round focused on more complex DSA problems. This round was designed to push the boundaries of my algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills.

Sample Questions

  • Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph.
  • Write a function to detect and remove a cycle in a singly linked list.
  • Given a nearly sorted array, write a function to find a given element.
  • Solve the “N-Queens Problem” using backtracking.

The problems were more challenging, requiring deep analytical thinking and a solid grasp of advanced algorithms. The interviewer was keen on understanding how I approached problem-solving and handled edge cases.

Round 4: Technical Round Based on System Design

Next was the system design round, where my ability to design scalable and efficient systems was put to the test. This round involved high-level discussions and practical design scenarios.

Sample Questions

  • How would you design a URL shortening service like Discuss database schema, API endpoints, and scaling strategies.
  • Describe the architecture of a messaging system similar to WhatsApp. Include considerations for real-time messaging, storage, and delivery guarantees.
  • How would you design a distributed file storage system like Dropbox? Discuss data consistency, replication, and fault tolerance.
  • What strategies would you use to ensure scalability and high performance in a web application handling millions of users?

The interviewer focused on my ability to articulate design choices, consider trade-offs, and justify my decisions. This round tested my practical knowledge and experience in designing real-world systems.

Round 5: HR Round

Having navigated the technical rounds successfully, I was invited to the final HR round. This round aimed to assess my cultural fit within Mphasis and my alignment with the company’s values and mission.