My career journey from Science Stream to a Freelance Writer

Choosing a career path can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. I embarked on this journey myself a few years ago, and while there were exhilarating moments of discovery, there were also detours and dead ends. Here’s my story, filled with choices, successes, and blunders, to help you navigate your own career exploration.

From Budding Dreams to Reality:

In school, I was fascinated by animals and dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. I devoured every wildlife documentary and volunteered at an animal shelter. Naturally, I focused on science subjects – Biology and Chemistry seemed like the perfect stepping stones.

Exams and Crossroads:

My board exams loomed large, and while I scored well in science, I discovered a hidden passion for English literature during my preparations. Here’s my first don’t: Don’t blindly follow a pre-determined path. Embrace new interests, even if they seem unrelated.

Charting a New Course:

Torn between science and literature, I decided to pursue a general stream in college. This flexibility allowed me to explore both areas. I highly recommend this approach, especially if you’re undecided.

Approaches that Worked:

Self-discovery tests: These online quizzes helped me identify my strengths, weaknesses, and preferred work styles.

Informational interviews: Talking to professionals in various fields gave me invaluable insights into different career options.

Job shadowing: Spending a day observing a professional in action provided a realistic glimpse into their work.

Learning from Mistakes:

My biggest don’t? Neglecting career counseling services offered by my school. These counselors can provide personalized guidance and resources.

The Unexpected Turn:

While exploring literature, I stumbled upon the world of creative writing. Suddenly, my love for storytelling clicked into place. I enrolled in a creative writing course, and it was a turning point!

Success and Beyond:

Today, I’m a freelance writer, crafting engaging content and fulfilling my passion for language. The journey wasn’t linear, but it led me to a career that feels like an extension of myself.


  • Exploration is key: Don’t be afraid to try new things and explore different paths.
  • Embrace your interests: Your passions can lead you to unexpected, fulfilling careers.
  • Seek guidance: Utilize resources like career tests, counselors, and informational interviews.
  • Celebrate detours: Sometimes, unexpected turns can lead to your dream career.
  • Focus on the journey: Enjoy the process of discovery, and the destination will reveal itself.

Your career path is a unique adventure. By learning from my experiences, both good and bad, you can equip yourself with the tools to navigate your own exciting journey.