My Career Journey through College

Today, I am excited to share with you my journey into the world of coding. As a B.Tech CSE student, coding is a crucial part of my career, and my path has been filled with challenges, learning experiences, and triumphs. Let’s dive right in.

I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering. When I started my college journey, like many others, I thought that understanding and mastering coding would come naturally through my coursework. However, I quickly realized that the reality was quite different. While colleges provide foundational knowledge, truly grasping and applying coding concepts requires significant self-study and practice.

In the initial semesters, my primary focus was on securing good grades. This led me to memorize material rather than understand it deeply. By the time the second semester ended, I had forgotten most of what I had learned. The same pattern continued into the following semester. I prioritized grades over genuine understanding, a mistake that would soon become apparent.

My wake-up call came in the second year when I had the opportunity to participate in a coding competition at my university. Excited and nervous, I attended the event, expecting the questions to be similar to the textbook problems I was used to. However, I was shocked that the questions were based on real-world scenarios and involved complex data structures and algorithms beyond my current skill set. I struggled immensely and realized that my coding abilities were far from adequate.

That evening, I spent a long time reflecting on my skills and my future. It became clear that if I wanted to secure a good job in the tech industry, I needed to make a drastic change. I was determined to improve, so I decided to enroll in an external course that would help me build a solid foundation in programming. After discussing it with my parents, I signed up for a course that covered C, C++, and Java, costing 7000 rupees. I hoped that this investment would pay off.

Upon completing the course, I had a basic understanding of these programming languages. However, I quickly encountered another problem: I wasn’t retaining what I learned. Without consistent practice, the concepts and skills faded from my memory. This was a critical issue, especially since I was already in my third year, with only one more year before graduation and job placements.

My parents, recognizing my struggles and determination, bought me a laptop to aid in my studies. This time, I was resolute in my approach. I couldn’t afford to repeat my past mistakes. With placements approaching in my final year, I needed to get serious about coding. I searched for a more structured and consistent learning resource, which led me to discover CS50, a renowned computer science course offered by Harvard University.

CS50 was a transformative experience for me. The course covered a wide range of topics, including C, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data structures and algorithms. Over 12 weeks, I immersed myself in the material, diligently following the lectures and completing the assignments. The structured syllabus and high-quality instruction helped me elevate my coding skills from basic to advanced level.

By the end of the course, I had gained proficiency in Python and C, two programming languages highly valued in the tech industry. My confidence grew as my skills improved, and I was eager to test my newfound knowledge. In the first semester of my third year, I had the chance to participate in an Amazon coding contest. To my astonishment, I secured 2nd place. This was a significant achievement, especially considering that just a year earlier, I struggled to solve even half of the problems in similar competitions. This success boosted my confidence and motivated me to participate in more coding contests.

I traveled across different states and districts, competing and refining my skills further. Each competition presented new challenges and learning opportunities. Through these experiences, I learned the importance of perseverance, practice, and continuous learning. Coding, I realized, was not just about understanding syntax and algorithms; it was about solving problems, thinking critically, and applying knowledge in creative ways.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned was the importance of consistency. Regular practice is essential to retain and build upon what you learn. I also discovered that sticking to one high-quality learning resource was more effective than jumping between different platforms. Consistency in learning material helps build a stronger foundation and avoids confusion.

For those of you interested in learning programming languages, my advice is to choose a single, reliable resource and commit to it. Practice every day to reinforce your knowledge and build your skills. Whether it’s through online courses, coding bootcamps, or self-study, find a method that works best for you and stick with it.

Looking back on my journey, I am grateful for the challenges I faced and the lessons I learned. Coding has become more than just a skill; it has become a passion. The thrill of solving complex problems, the satisfaction of creating functional programs, and the continuous opportunities for learning and growth make coding an incredibly rewarding pursuit.

As I approach my final year and prepare for job placements, I feel confident and prepared. My journey is far from over, but I am excited for what lies ahead. I hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire others to embark on their own coding journeys with determination and perseverance.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. I hope you all enjoyed reading about my coding journey and found some valuable insights. Remember, the key to success in coding, as in life, is persistence, practice, and a willingness to learn. Good luck to all of you in your own coding endeavors!