My CAT Preparation Experience: A Journey of Rediscovery

I’m sure most of you are facing a mix of emotions combined with some nerves as you prepare for the CAT exam. However, my experience was quite different. I felt nothing—numb. This was so unlike me. For context, I had distanced myself from the entrance exam race after facing dejections from the JEE exams. I didn’t even check my CAT results until my mom nudged me to do so.

My preparation for the CAT was starkly different from my JEE journey. I had no coaching and minimal preparation. It was almost as if I had made up my mind that this wasn’t for me. I signed up for the exam just for the sake of it, without any real expectation. What rolled out, however, was a sharp contrast to my expectations.

To my surprise, my CAT results were far from extraordinary but were everything I needed to regain my confidence and momentum. It was the push I needed to get back into the game and believe in myself again. This period was particularly tough as it coincided with a recession, and companies were taking their time with onboarding. As someone who had always been academically sound and had a clear, proactive career plan, this phase left me feeling lost like never before.

Despite my earlier disappointments with college applications, the process of preparing for the CAT brought a new wave of nervousness. There was so much to figure out as a newbie in the game. With no prior orientation, I dove deep into researching the IIMs. The calls started coming in the first week of January, with registrations extending up to February. Interviews commenced in March, and conversion confirmation emails followed in May.

Reflecting on my CAT 2022 journey, I realize that my story doesn’t end here. I didn’t take up the offers I received because the regained confidence made me want to strive for an even better percentile and a better conversion. The answer felt like a strong yes.

This post is not just to revisit my experience but to remind all my fellow CAT takers that this is just one part of our journey. It doesn’t define your worth or potential. It’s time to celebrate what truly matters—the effort you’ve put in and the experiences you’ve gained during this preparatory journey.

I’d love to hear about your CAT experiences as we await the journey ahead. Let’s uplift and learn from each other on this exciting path of growth!