My Journey From Books to Websites

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”- John Lennon.

This quote resonates deeply with my journey, as my heart belonged to the past, nestled amongst dusty history books and colourful landscapes painted by literature. Raised in a middle-class Indian household, I felt the weight of expectations to pursue a stable career. Opting for engineering, which offered a faster route to financial stability, became the pragmatic decision, while my genuine passions stayed confined to the sphere of dreams.

Fuelled by a burning desire to pursue literature and history, I fought tooth and nail to secure a place in a prestigious college. However, the high cut-offs, a system seemingly impervious to passion, shattered my hopes. The academic system felt unfair – all those hours spent lost in the past seemed to count for nothing. There were some nights when I cried myself to sleep, feeling like a complete failure. But then something clicked. Instead of giving in to despair, I chose to embrace a new opportunity. I plunged into the realm of coding, starting with Java, with each line of code I wrote, a growing sense of achievement emerged, and the pride I felt was unparalleled.

This whole experience made me realize something important: it wasn’t about abandoning a love, but about exploring one I hadn’t given a fair shot. I’d dismissed engineering because it seemed difficult at first, underestimating my potential. Challenges, I realized, weren’t roadblocks, but stepping stones on a path of discovery.

This whole experience made me realize something important: it wasn’t about abandoning a love, but about exploring one I hadn’t given a fair shot. I’d dismissed engineering because it seemed difficult at first, underestimating my potential. Challenges, I realized, weren’t roadblocks, but stepping stones on a path of discovery. Looking back on those tearful nights, I see them as a turning point, those perceived failures, instilled in me a toughness that helps me even today.

Now, as an engineering student, I’m building a fulfilling career in tech while simultaneously nurturing my literary flame. Novels continue to be my companions, blogs, and poems my creative outlets, and social media platforms my tools for voicing opinions on social and political issues. This unexpected journey has been a testament to the power of embracing the unknown. I am, lowkey (wink!), incredibly proud of myself, and filled with gratitude for the path I’ve been led on.

I’d like to conclude with the line that defines my story – From Books to Websites: A Geek Waswhen Born