My Journey in Kendriya Vidyalaya

Entering into grade nine, I initially thought that this class would be as easy as grade eight. However, it was not a bed of roses within a month. In the past, I had always been one of the best students in my class but things had changed to the extent that now I became an average student. Nevertheless, there was something that revolutionized my life completely.

During the parent-teacher meeting after my half-yearly examination, my subject teacher just said one word to me: “Overconfident.” None of my teachers had ever told me anything like this before and it hit me like a ton of bricks. My world came tumbling down and I couldn’t fathom what mistake I had made.

Then, I tried to concentrate on my studies but things are going well with me. Every time I try to study, the word “Overconfident” from my teacher’ continues haunting me.

I can’t erase it from my memory. This time around, my mother understands me since reminded me once back in my childhood days when I used a calculator to do simple addition and multiplication for homework at home. My tuition teacher marked the work promptly and realized that I had used the calculator as he could not figure out how there was no carry in either of the sums and additions.

To this effect, the tuition teacher gave me an assignment to complete all exercises on this chapter. It was almost impossible as it is something that usually takes up to 7 days to finish.

Yet, I took it as a challenge and managed to accomplish it within 24 hours.

Since then, this incident has made me feel motivated and concentrate on studying.

The support from my parents elder brothers and sister enabled me to overcome such difficult times as these. Despite all the difficulties, however, I opted to put more hard work into my efforts to succeed eventually in future exam results when I scored good marks among those top achievers.

Thus did the word ‘overconfident’ pronounced by the teacher become something that inspired me for years? Finally, let’s appreciate our teachers with all their words having great effects on our lives.