My Journey of Learning Problem-Solving Skills through Coding Contests

I still remember the day I gave my first coding contest because I learned many things afterwards. when I was in my first year I didn’t know how to strengthen my problem-solving skills so I went to my seniors and ask a solution for it and then they gave a solution if you want to test your problem-solving skills you should participate in weekly coding contests. but firstly you should have learned some basic patterns of DSA. it will enhance your problem-solving skills and your speed will gradually increase do not overthink if you are not able to solve the problem you can see the solution after the contest and learn how the problem will solved. I took this advice seriously.

My first coding contest

when I was in my first year I knew that w3wiki conducted a weekly coding contest and it also provided amazing goodies who scored a good rank in the contest so I registered for the contest there were 4 questions in the contest and I solved the first question easily because it is related to a prime number which I recently learned but the second question seems tough to me I find the right approach but not able to implement it during the contest. After all, it is related to an array and at that time did not know the concept of prefix sum. but was not demotivated by this because it was the first time I had given such kind of contest and remembered what my senior said to me after the contest ended I saw the solution and learned the concept of prefix sum and the next time I gave the contest this approach helped a lot of times.

Tips I want to give from my learnings

  • Participate in weekly contests will give you different benefits
  • Your timing and problem-solving speed will be increased by giving weekly contest
  • And never demotivated when a new question comes and you are not able to solve it just see the solution after the contest ends and learn how the question solved
  • Whenever you learn a new concept like binary search, sliding window or two pointers solve different questions using these concepts and you never forget these concepts
  • Remember you can not become a proficient problem solver in a day it takes time so trust the process and believe in consistency.
  • Solved