Myntra Interview Experience | Set 7 ( Internship)

First round (online round)

Few mcq questions -mostly techical (C, CPP, DS, OS, DBMS, etc..) and math aptitude; which also had programming question (the question was one page long, i don’t even remember the question…Most of us couldn’t solve this question, except a few)

I was lucky to get called for next round, without solving the program at all…..

Next Round
For the selected students, there was an in-person interview, this was the question asked for me:

1) Given a string with HTML tag somewhere in it, remove the substrings present within <>. Make sure your algorithm works for all corner cases. What data structure should be used for it? Will it make a difference if you traverse the given string from right to left? I was first asked to explain the logic, later was asked to write code for the same.
I was nervous, scared, and what not, after all it was my first interview….tried something but mostly my mind was blank and did this round very badly and was rejected straight away in this first technical in-person interview round conducted by Myntra.

All Practice Problems for Myntra !