MySQL DEFAULT Constraint

The MySQL DEFAULT constraint returns the default value for a table column. The DEFAULT value of a column is a value used in the case, when there is no value specified by the user.

To use this function there should be a DEFAULT value assigned to the column. Otherwise, it will generate an error.


DEFAULT (column_name)

Where, column_name: Name of column whose default value is written.


To add a DEFAULT constraint to a MySQL table, there are two methods available.

  • Using CREATE TABLE Statement
  • Using ALTER TABLE Statement

We can use these methods depending on whether we are creating a new table, or updating a existing table.

Using DEFAULT Constraint on CREATE TABLE

We can add a DEFAULT constraint while creating a table in MySQL.


CREATE TABLE table_name (
   column1 data_type DEFAULT default_value,
   column2 data_type DEFAULT default_value,   ... );


CREATE TABLE customers (
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',
  city VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT 'Unknown'

Add DEFAULT Constraint with ALTER TABLE Statement

We can add DEFAULT Constraint to a already existing table using ALTER TABLE Statement.


ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER column_name SET DEFAULT default_value;


ALTER TABLE customers ALTER city SET DEFAULT 'New York';

DEFAULT Constraint Example

Let’s create a MySQL table “blog_posts”

CREATE TABLE blog_posts (
    title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL,
    published_date DATE DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE

Final Table:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
post_id int NO PRI NULL auto_increment
title varchar(255) NO NULL
content text NO NULL
published_date date YES CURRENT_DATE

In this table, we have set the publish_date value to default value of the current date using CURRENT_DATE. So if a new entry doesn’t provide value for publish_date column, MySQL will automatically take the current date.

Let’s try and insert new values into this table.

INSERT INTO blog_posts (title, content) VALUES ('My First Blog Post', 'Hello, world! This is my inaugural post.');


post_id title content published_date
1 My First Blog Post Hello, world! This is my inaugural post. 2023-03-12

Key TakeAways:

  1. Compatibility with Data Types: The default value must be compatible with the column’s data type.
  2. Expression Defaults (MySQL 8.0.13+): Starting from MySQL 8.0.13, you can use expressions as default values.
  3. Limitations on BLOB and TEXT Columns: Prior to MySQL 8.0.13, BLOB and TEXT columns cannot have a DEFAULT value due to their nature of storing large amounts of data. However, from MySQL 8.0.13 and onward, this restriction has been lifted for certain expressions like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
  4. NOT NULL Columns: If a column is set to NOT NULL without a DEFAULT value explicitly defined, and you try to insert a row without specifying a value for this column, MySQL will throw an error. Defining a DEFAULT value can prevent such errors.