Nagarro Interview Experience

Round-1(Aptitude + Technical MCQs): This was an online round, conducted on the Mettl platform.
The duration of this round was 60 minutes.
The test consists of 25 MCQs of aptitude and 15 DSA questions revolving around topics like stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and time complexities.
The Aptitude section was a bit tough, but the score of this round matters only for qualifying for the next round.

Round-2(Coding Round): This was also an online round, conducted on the Mettl platform.
The test was divided into 2 sections (SD profile and CSD profile). For the SD profile, there were 3 DSA questions with medium difficulty, and for the CSD profile, there were 2 DSA questions of hard difficulty (Graphs + DP).
Based on the number of questions we solve, we get the interview invites for different profiles. (Generally, people who solve 4 or more questions get the invites for CSD)

Round-3(Technical Interview): Microsoft teams meeting link was shared over the mail.
Started with a brief introduction about yourself. Asked lots of theoretical questions on OOPS, DSA, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation, and 2 DSA questions on strings and DP.

Round-4(HR Round)

  • Typical HR questions were asked.
  • Tell me about yourself
  • Past internship experiences
  • Why Nagarro
  • About Nagarro
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Project discussion, etc.


  • For theory preparation, just read the top interview questions for that particular subject and you should be good to go!
  • Prepare commonly asked HR questions beforehand.
  • Do some research on the company like when did it start, what was its purpose, some of its products, etc. (would help in answering “tell something about Nagarro”)
  • If you don’t know any theoretical questions, convey that clearly to the interviewer so that they can ask another question without wasting your time. No one expects you to know 100% in theory.
  • Just be RELAXED and CONFIDENT!! (Trust me, confidence speaks a lot!!!)
  • Just be patient and DO YOUR BEST!!