Nagarro Interview Experience for CSD/SD (On-Campus) 2023

Nagarro was the first company that visited our college for placement purposes. Nagarro was the first company for which I appeared for the placements. As it was my first company, I was excited as well as nervous and anxious. Nagarro’s recruitment process is of 4 rounds.

1st Round:  MCQs consisting of CS Fundamentals and Aptitude type questions.

2nd Round: 2 questions were for CSD Level and 3 questions for SD Level. SD questions were logic based only while CSD questions were more of DP type. But all questions were such that it could be done by the immediate level coder. I solved 4/5 and got the interview link.

3rd Round (30 Mins): The interviewer asked 2 DSA questions which were basic/immediate type questions. First was zeros partitioning in O(n) and O(1) space. The second was window sliding to max subarray sum of k elements. I solved both of them with ease and was moved to the next round.

4th Round (HR): Around 8 students were selected from the previous round. It was a very quick round of 15 mins where she asked some HR-type questions like strength, weakness, my internships, my aim, and Why Nagarro? etc. I answered all of them with confidence.

Total 4 students were finally selected and I was one of them with a CSD role.


  • Do cover basic/immediate DSA questions, clear with CS fundamentals.
  • The internship is always a BIG PLUS.