Nagarro Interview Experience for Software developer (On-Campus Virtual) 2022

Hello Everyone, 

I am pursuing my B.Tech in the Computer Science and Engineering stream from Moradabad Institute of Technology. Recently, Nagarro company came to our campus for placements and they were offering two roles:

  1. SD 
  2. CSD 

At first, in round 1 they took an online assessment that included two sections: aptitude and coding. This round was of 5 hours i.e 2 hours for aptitude and 3 hours for coding.

  1. After getting selected in round 1, I got a mail for the Technical interview. The interview was conducted virtually and the questions asked are as follows:-
  2. At first, he asked me to introduce myself.
  3. He asked me in what language I prefer to do coding and why.
  4. Then he said let’s come to the coding part, I will give you one scenario and you have to tell that which data structure will be suitable. The scenario was (I am writing exactly what he said) “Suppose I have two data structures i.e array and linked list and some values are stored in it, now tell me which data structure should I use in which searching time is less”. Answer: Array, as in searching array has a time complexity of O(1).
  5. After this he asked me that “Tell me how you will find that there is a loop in the Linked list, do all circular linked lists have a loop. Can we say that if a linked list has a loop then it is a circular linked list”, only logic was asked and he didn’t ask me to do coding.
  6. Next, he asked me what is Binary Search and how it works, its time complexity, and what is the condition for termination if the number is not found.

Now, just the next day after my technical interview, I got a mail from Nagarro that your HR interview is scheduled for today, I was having only 4 hours to prepare and I was nervous too but I calmed myself and prepared for the same.

The HR Interview was also conducted virtually and the questions asked are as follows:-

  1. Introduce Yourself.
  2. He asked me about my project which I had mentioned in my resume, after listening to the explanation he tweaked some points and asked me how I would tackle this and all.


For technical Interviews be well prepared. Do prepare the topics like a linked list, graph, trees, and basic DSA’s. They ask basic only, sometimes they also ask coding questions so be prepared for it. In my case they didn’t ask me any coding questions, maybe I was lucky ?

For HR, be honest and confident as you are. Do revise your projects i.e how it works and what are its functionalities. do some research on companies like who founded the company and what technologies they work on.

And Hope for the best…