Nagarro Interview Experience | Set 6 (On-Campus)

The overall process was easy but short-list after the first round is key. Only 11 were shortlisted out of 150 appeared for the exam.

First Round : (40min)

40 MCQs – Mathematical aptitude,logical reasoning
included q’s from:time and work,logarithms,clocks,calendars,seating arrangement,percentages,letter and symbol sequences,letter coding and decoding,odd one out

20 MCQs – Technical basics – mostly from C (pointers,operators,macros), program complexity,other programming basics.

Second Round (Technical):

1) Given a string ,find the longest sub-string with all distinct characters in it.If there are multiple such strings,print them all.
-O(n) solution was expected.
2) Find all common elements in given 3 sorted arrays.
-O(n) time & no extra space.
3) Print given matrix in a spiral form
-Tested for all corner cases.
4) Few basics like ACID properties,what is normalization, why do we do it? etc.
5) Asked to write a program to print the following pattern , if n=5:

	5 5 5 5 5
	5 4 4 4 4
	5 4 3 3 3
	5 4 3 2 2
	5 4 3 2 1 

and generalize it for all n.

HR Round:
-Why Nagarro?
-Relocation Problems?
-Technical areas of interest.
-AIEEE or any other national exam that u appeared and rank
-Technologies that you have worked on.
-Asked to rate out of 5 in various tech and non tech aspects.
and few more.

All Practice Problems for Nagarro !