NASDAQ Interview Experience CSE

As a second-year Computer Science Engineering (CSE) student, the opportunity to interview with Nasdaq was both exhilarating and intimidating. Here’s a detailed account of my experience, which I hope will provide insights for fellow undergraduates aspiring to intern at such prestigious firms.

Initial Screening

The process began with an online application where I submitted my resume and a cover letter. Nasdaq looks for candidates with a strong technical foundation, good problem-solving skills, and a keen interest in the financial sector. Within a week of applying, I received an email inviting me to take an online assessment.

Online Assessment

The online assessment was a blend of technical and cognitive tests. It included sections on:

Aptitude and Logical Reasoning: Questions in this section tested my problem-solving capabilities and logical thinking.

Technical Skills: This part assessed my understanding of core computer science concepts like data structures, algorithms, and database management. There were also some questions on object-oriented programming and software engineering principles.

Coding Challenges: I had to solve two coding problems within a limited time frame. These problems were similar to those found on competitive programming platforms and tested my coding efficiency and accuracy.

Technical Interview Rounds

I successfully cleared the online assessment and was scheduled for two technical interview rounds.

First Technical Interview:

This round focused on my technical knowledge and problem-solving skills. The interviewer, a senior software engineer, started with a brief introduction and then jumped into coding problems:

Coding Problem 1: I was asked to implement a function that detects a cycle in a linked list. The interviewer was keen on understanding my thought process and approach to solving the problem.

Coding Problem 2: The next problem involved optimizing a given algorithm to reduce its time complexity. It was a challenging task that required in-depth understanding of data structures.

Conceptual Questions: We also discussed some concepts from my coursework, including database normalization, operating systems basics, and computer networks. The interviewer appreciated my clarity on these topics and my ability to explain them succinctly.

Second Technical Interview:

This round was more focused on system design and advanced topics:

System Design: I was given a scenario to design a simplified version of a stock trading platform. This task tested my understanding of large-scale system architecture, database design, and scalability issues. I discussed various components such as the user interface, backend services, and data storage solutions.

Advanced Coding Problem: The interviewer presented a complex coding problem that required me to implement an algorithm with both time and space efficiency in mind. Despite my efforts, I struggled to find the optimal solution within the allotted time.

Behavioral Questions: Towards the end of the interview, the interviewer asked questions about my previous projects, my role in team activities, and how I handle challenging situations. This was to gauge my soft skills and how well I would fit into the team.


Unfortunately, I was not able to clear the second technical interview. While I was disappointed, the feedback I received was invaluable. The interviewer highlighted areas for improvement, such as enhancing my understanding of system design and practicing more complex coding problems. This experience underscored the importance of continuous learning and preparation.


While not achieving the outcome I had hoped for, the entire process was incredibly educational. It not only tested my technical abilities but also gave me insights into what top-tier companies expect from potential candidates.

Tips for Future Aspirants

Strong Foundation: Ensure you have a solid understanding of core computer science subjects.

Practice Coding: Regularly practice coding problems on platforms like w3wiki, LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codeforces.

Understand System Design: Familiarize yourself with basic system design principles, even if it’s not a core part of your curriculum.

Soft Skills Matter: Work on your communication skills and the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly.

Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest trends in technology and finance, as this shows your enthusiasm and industry knowledge.

Interviewing with Nasdaq, despite not clearing the final hurdle, was a remarkable experience that has significantly shaped my professional aspirations. For those aiming for similar opportunities, preparation and perseverance are key. Good luck!