NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 Social Science History

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe– This article includes free NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe to help students of Class 10 learn the solutions and ace their exams.

It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, and guidelines to help the students of Class 10 create a solid conceptual base for History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe.

NCERT Solutions History Chapter 1

The solutions to all the exercises in Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe of your NCERT textbook have been collectively covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Write a Short Note. 

Que 1 (a). Giuseppe Mazzini


  1. Giuseppe Mazzini (1807-1972) was a key figure in the unification of Italy. He was an Italian politician, journalist, and activist who spearheaded the Italian revolutionary movement. He helped define the modern European movement of democracy in a republican state.
  2. He was a member of Carbonari, a revolutionary organization, and was sent to exile in 1831 because of his attempted revolution in Liguria.
  3. He formed “Young Italy” in Marseilles and “Young Europe” in Berne which contained members from Italy, Poland, France,` and the German states.
  4. He was not able to achieve his goals as he lacked practical leadership qualities and he also underestimated the strength of the opposition. Nevertheless, his vision of a democratic republic frightened the conservatives and played a key role in the growth of patriotism in a country where the feeling of patriotism never existed before.

Que 1 (b). Count Camillo de Cavour


  1. Count Camillo de Cavour led the movement for the unification of Italy.
  2. He was neither a democrat nor a revolutionary and was the chief minister of Sardinia- Piedmont state. 
  3. He spoke French better than Italian and formed a tactical diplomatic alliance with France.
  4. This move helped Sardinia- Piedmont defeat Austria in 1859 and led to the freedom of the northern part of Italy.

Que 1 (c). The Greek War of Independence


  1. In 1821, the growth of nationalism in Europe ignited the struggle for independence amongst the Greeks against the ruling Ottoman Empire.
  2. Poets and artists appreciated Greece as the cradle of European civilization and supported its struggle against a Muslim empire.
  3. Greece also received the support of West Europeans, who sympathized with the ancient Greek culture.
  4. The Treaty of Constantinople was signed in 1832 which recognized Greece as an independent nation.

Que 1 (d). Frankfurt Parliament


  1. It was an All-German National Assembly comprised of middle-class professionals, businessmen, and artisans that belonged to different regions.
  2. It was formed on 18 May 1848 in St Paul church, Frankfurt, and faced opposition from the military and aristocrats.
  3. Due to loss of support, it was disbanded on 31 May 1949.

Que 1 (e). The Role of Women in nationalist struggles


  1. Giving political rights to women was considered controversial. 
  2. Women took advantage of the growing unrest in Europe and demanded the creation of a nation-state based on parliamentary principles- a constitution with the right to freedom of the press and association
  3. Women started to form their own political organizations, newspapers and started participating in political demonstrations and meetings.
  4. Women were denied the right to vote during elections and were seen as observers who could only stand in the visitor’s gallery.

Que 2. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?


The important steps taken by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people are:

  1. The ideas of ‘La Patrie’ (the fatherland) and ‘Le Citoyen’ (the citizen) were introduced which talked about the notion of a united community where states enjoyed equal rights under a constitution.
  2. The royal standard flag was replaced by the Tricolour French flag
  3. Composition of new hymns, oaths, and commemoration of martyrs, all in the name of a nation.
  4. A centralized administrative system was established, and uniform laws were made for the people of the entire nation.
  5. Abolition of Internal customs duties and dues was abolished, and the introduction of a uniform system of weights and measures.
  6. Regional dialects were replaced by the French language, as it was written and spoken in Paris.
  7. Most importantly, the Estate General was renamed the National Assembly. It was elected by the body of active citizens. 

Que 3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which they were portrayed?


In the 19th century, artists created female allegories to represent a nation. The female form that was chosen to personify a nation did not represent any particular person in real life. Marianne and Germania were female allegories of France and Germany respectively. Following were the key features of both figures.

  1. In France, Marianna represented the idea of a people’s nation. Statues of her were erected in public places to remind the public of the national symbol of unity and the need to identify yourself with it. Her characteristics were derived from the ideas of ‘liberty’ and ‘the republic’.
  2. In Germany, Germania was visually represented with a crown of oak leaves as German oak represented heroism.

Que 4. Briefly trace the process of German unification.


  1. Sentiments of nationalism were widespread among middle-class Germans, who in 1848 attempted to unite the regions of the German confederation into a nation-state that will be governed by a single elected parliament. 
  2. This initiative, however, faced backlash and could not materialize due to the actions taken by the combined forces of military and monarchy which were supported by the landowners called Junkers of Prussia.
  3. Prussia took the leadership for the national unification movement with its chief minister, Otto von Bismarck being the architect who carried out the entire process with the help of bureaucracy and the Prussian army. 
  4. Three wars with Austria, Denmark, and France that lasted over seven years resulted in Prussian victory, thus completing the German unification process.
  5. The Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed the German emperor, and importance was given to modernizing the legal, banking, and currency system of Germany.

Que 5. What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?


Napoleon introduced numerous changes to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him. They were:

  1. The Napoleonic Code or Civil Code of 1804 was introduced which abolished all the privileges based on birth. This law sought to bring equality and established the right to property.
  2. He simplified the administrative divisions in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and the Dutch Republic. The peasants were freed from serfdom and manorial dues and the feudal system was abolished.
  3. Towns were freed from guild restrictions; the transport and communication systems were improved.
  4. Uniform laws, standardized weights, and measures, and a common currency system was introduced which were highly enjoyed by businessmen, artisans, and other workers.


Que 1. Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social, and economic ideas supported by the liberals?


In 1848, parallel to the ongoing protests and revolts of the poor, another revolution was underway which was led by the educated middle classes, starving and unemployed workers, and peasants. This was referred to as the revolution of the liberals which was experienced in many European countries. 

  1. The events in France, in 1948 brought an end to the monarchy and introduced a republic based on universal male suffrage.
  2. In parts of Europe like Italy, Poland, Germany, and the Austro- Hungarian Empire, where there was no existence of independent nation-states, the liberal middle classes of both men and women started demanding constitutionalism with national unification. 
  3. Giving political rights to women was considered controversial. Women took advantage of the growing unrest in Europe and demanded the creation of a nation-state based on parliamentary principles- a constitution with the right to freedom of the press and association.
  4. Socially, the liberals wanted to abolish privileges based on class and birth. Economically, they asked for the right to property as well as the removal of restrictions based on the movement of goods and capital.

Que 2. Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe.


Three examples show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe.

1. Romanticism

It was a cultural movement that aimed to develop the feeling of national unity or nationalist sentiment. Romanticism gave emphasis on emotions, intuition, and mystical feelings to shape and express nationalist sentiments. The basis of a nation was created through the concept of a shared history and cultural heritage.

2. Language

The language was a key instrument in creating the nationalist feeling in Europe. For example, after the Russian occupation, the Polish language was forced out of schools and institutions, and it was replaced by the Russian language. The Clergy in Poland started using the Polish language as a form of national resistance. Polish was used during Church gatherings and religious instructions and the language became a symbol of struggle against the dominance of Russia.

3. Folk songs, poetry, and dance

The spirit of nationalism was popularised through different forms of folklore. Different forms of folk culture could carry nationalistic messages to a diverse audience.

Que 3. Though a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the 19th century.


The following two countries will be focused to understand their development into a nation in the 19th century:


Sentiments of nationalism were widespread among middle-class Germans, who in 1848 attempted to unite the regions of the German confederation into a nation-state that will be governed by a single elected parliament. This initiative, however, faced backlash and could not materialize due to the actions taken by the combined forces of military and monarchy which were supported by the landowners called Junkers of Prussia.

Prussia took the leadership for the national unification movement with its chief minister, Otto von Bismarck being the architect who carried out the entire process with the help of bureaucracy and the Prussian army.  Three wars with Austria, Denmark, and France that lasted over seven years resulted in Prussian victory, thus completing the German unification process. The Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed the German emperor.


In 1930, Giuseppe Mazzini was a key figure in the unification of Italy. He was an Italian politician, journalist, and activist who formed “Young Italy” in Marseilles and “Young Europe” in Berne which contained members from Italy, Poland, France, and the German states. He was not able to achieve his goals as he lacked practical leadership qualities, and he also underestimated the strength of the opposition. 

Later on, Count Camillo de Cavour led the movement for the unification of Italy. He was the chief minister of Sardinia- Piedmont state which was ruled by King Victor Emmanuel II. He spoke French better than Italian and formed a tactical diplomatic alliance with France. This move helped Sardinia- Piedmont defeat Austria in 1859 and led to the freedom of the northern part of Italy.

A number of volunteers under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi marched on to South Italy and defeated the Spanish rulers in 1860. In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the King of Italy.

Que 4. How was the history of nationalism in Britain, unlike the rest of Europe?


  1. In Britain, the formation of the nation-state was not because of a revolution, rather it was the culmination of a long-drawn-out process.
  2. In the British Isles, the primary identities of the people were mainly ethnic ones- English, Irish, Welsh, and Scottish.
  3. The Union Act of 1707 between England and Scotland formed the “United Kingdom of Great Britain”. Scottish people were not allowed to speak in the Gaelic language and were forbidden from wearing their national dress. Most of them were driven out of their homeland also.
  4. In 1801, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom. This was achieved when the English helped the Protestants of Ireland achieve dominance over the Catholics.
  5. The Union Jack (British Flag), the national anthem (God Save our Noble King), and the English language were highly promoted as these were the symbols of the new Britain. The old nations survived only as subordinate partners.

Que 5. Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans?


  1. The Balkans were a region of geographical and ethnic variation. It comprises modern-day- Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro. 
  2. The Ottoman Empire controlled a large part of this region, and gradually the Balkans gained independence. 
  3. The spread of romantic nationalism along with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire made the Balkans a very explosive and volatile region.
  4. Different Slavic communities in the Balkans struggled for independent rule and they wanted more territory for themselves leading to hostile relations. Along with that, countries like England, Russia, Germany, and Austro-Hungary also wanted more control in this region.
  5. All these conflicts led to the First World War in 1914.

NCERT Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe Summary

Chapter 1 of the NCERT Social Science History textbook- India and the Contemporary World- II is “Rise of Nationalism in Europe”. The rise of nationalism in Europe is considered to have begun with the Springs of Nations in 1848 and during the 19th century, nationalism became a very powerful force for bringing important changes in both the political as well as psychological mindsets of people in Europe. Because of these sweeping changes, the emergence of nation-states, in place of multi-national dynastic empires of Europe.

Important Topics Discussed in Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe- FAQs

Q1. What are the ways to learn Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe faster?

Chapter 1 of Class 10 History Rise of Nationalism in Europe explains about the rise of nationalism in Europe. Students will be able to understand and comprehend the topics of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 in a more quick manner and it comprises of the answers present in the textbook questions written in a more detailed manner by highlighting important points.

Q2. What are the topics that students will learn in Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe of NCERT Class 10 History?

The following are important topics of Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History:

  • The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
  • The Making of Nationalism in Europe
  • The Age of Revolutions: 1839-1848
  • The Making of Germany and Italy
  • Visualizing the Nation
  • Nationalism and Imperialism

Q3. Can the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 Rise of Nationalism in Europe really help students with their CBSE Term 1 exam preparations?

The Class 10 CBSE Term I exams are very crucial for student’s academic life and forms the foundation to career. Students will be able to get an overview of the syllabus and also mark weightage for concepts as per CBSE guidelines and NCERT solutions are created for better clarity and understanding of the students.