NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 8 : Challenges to Democracy

The study of society and how it functions is the focus of social science. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Challenges to Democracy, Chapter 8 of the Social Science Textbook, provides information pertinent to this chapter. Students who dedicate themselves to the study of social science are better able to become contributing members of society who can think critically and behave ethically. In addition, students learn how to effectively address local, national, and international concerns by drawing on relevant examples from literature, technology, and other social resources.  Let’s discuss the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Social Science Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy below.

NCERT Solutions Political Science Chapter 8

Challenges To Solve

Challenge 1

Different Contexts, different challenges

Different contexts, different challenges Each of these cartoons represent a challenge to democracy. Please describe what that challenge is. Also, place it in one of the three categories mentioned in the first section. 

1. Mubarak Re-elected 

The foundational challenge to democracy, Rigging elections

2. Seeing the democracy

The foundational challenge to democracy is to curb muscle power, Reform constitutional design. 

3. Liberal Gender

The challenge of expansion of democracy to accommodate social diversity. 

4. Equality Campaign Money

Challenge post by money and power, Challenge of deepening democracy. 

Challenge 2

Case and Context

Your description of the challenges for democracy in that situation

Chile: General Pinochet’s government was defeated, but the military was still in control of many institutions

Putting civilians in charge of all governmental institutions, conducting elections with several parties for the first time, and bringing all political figures back from exile are all steps that have been taken.

Poland: After the first success of solidarity, the government imposed martial law and banned solidarity.

The people of the country regain their political independence, the nation returned to democratic rule, and elections that are free and fair for everyone.

Ghana: Just attained independence, Nkrumah elected the President.

In order to consolidate democratic principles and rein in the ever-expanding political power of the armed forces.

Myanmar: Suu Kyi was under house arrest for more than 15 years, and army rulers getting global acceptance.

To lessen the political dominance of the armed forces and to make democratic institutions stronger. to enable people to freely express themselves and communicate with one another without any restrictions.

International Organizations: US as the only superpower disregards the UN and takes unilateral action.

In order to provide equal voting rights to all member states of the international organization

Mexico: Second free election after the defeat of PRI in 2000; defeated candidates allege rigging.

In order to have elections that are free and fair, free from malpractice, and free from the influence of the current administration

China: The Communist Party adopts economic reforms but maintains a monopoly over political power

To organize elections that are free and fair and inclusive of several parties.

Pakistan: General Musharraf holds a referendum, allegations of fraud in the voter’s list.

To ensure that there are no instances of fraudulent activity during referendums and elections.

Iraq: Widespread sectarian violence as the new government fails to establish its authority

To put an end to homicides committed because of religious affiliation

South Africa: Mandela retires from active politics; pressure on his successor Mbeki to withdraw some concessions given to the white minority

In order to prevent the dominant group from imposing its will on the minority community.

US, Guantanamo Bay: UN Secretary-General calls this a violation of international law; US refused to respond

In order to avoid prominent, wealthy, and strong nations like the United States from dominating international organizations like the United Nations

Saudi Arabia: Women were not allowed to take part in public activities, no freedom of religion for the minority.

In order to establish the notion of universal adult suffrage as well as the right for individuals to follow their own religions

Yugoslavia: Ethnic tension between Serbs and Albanians on the rise in the province of Kosovo; Yugoslavia disintegrated.

In the aftermath of Yugoslavia’s dissolution, efforts were made to decrease socioeconomic inequalities and social divides and to create the notion of power sharing.

Belgium: One round of constitutional change took place, but the Dutch speakers were not satisfied; they wanted more autonomy

to provide equivalent political rights to the groups that speak Dutch and French respectively. to stop the nation from being split apart on the basis of its many languages. 

Sri Lanka: Peace talks between the government and LTTE break down, renewed violence.

The cruel state-sponsored violence against the religious minority population in order to avoid a civil war from breaking out

US Civil Rights: Blacks have won equal rights, but they are still poor, less educated, and marginalized.

To achieve economic parity and to ensure that all people, especially blacks, have access to equivalent educational and medical facilities and opportunities.

Northern Ireland: The civil war has ended but Catholics and Protestants have yet to develop trust.

To provide both groups the same degree of independence in matters of politics, religion, and the economy.

Nepal: Constituent Assembly about to be elected; unrest in Terai areas; Maoists have not surrendered arms.

In order to develop and sustain democracy, as well as to avoid violence that may endanger democratic forces, we must first prevent such violence.

Bolivia: Morales, a supporter of the water struggle, becomes the Prime Minister, and MNCs threaten to leave the country.

In order to build democratic principles that are helpful to all aspects of society, it is necessary to establish democratic principles

Challenge 3

 Now that you have noted down all these challenges, let us group these together into some broad categories. Given below are some spheres or sites of democratic politics. You may place against each of these the specific challenges that you noted for one or more countries or cartoons in the previous section. In addition to that, write one item for India for each of these spheres. In case you find that some challenges do not fit into any of the categories given below, you can create new categories and put some items under them.

Constitutional design

It is connected to the process of writing the Constitution as well as granting individuals their rights and freedoms. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, China, Belgium, Nepal, and Poland are all included in this category.

Democratic rights

To ensure that citizens in nations such as Saudi Arabia, Guantanamo Bay, and Poland have access to their fundamental rights and freedoms.

Even in modern times, members of lower castes face discrimination in India’s rural communities.

Working of Institutions

A challenge to authoritarian nations such as Mexico, Myanmar, and China.

In India, there are political parties and organizations that operate along the basis of caste and communal affiliation.


To ensure that elections in nations such as Mexico, Chile, and Poland are held in a free and fair manner.

Election fraud poses a significant obstacle to the functioning of democracy in India.

Federalism, decentralization

In addition to Yugoslavia and Belgium, the establishment of democratic institutions at the municipal level is a priority.

 Creating linguistic parity in India is a struggle that has to be overcome.

Accommodation of Diversity

In order to find solutions to the complex societal problems that exist in nations such as Northern Ireland, Yugoslavia, Belgium, & Sri Lanka.

Conflicts rooted in caste and religious communities are a barrier to democracy in India

Political Organization

To implement democratic practices inside institutions in nations such as Ghana, Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, and South Africa. There is a growing trend of treating political parties as criminal enterprises in India.

Religious and equality

In order to accomplish the goal of establishing religious equality in nations such as Saudi Arabia and Northern Ireland.

People who belong to lower castes face religious, social, as well as economic discrimination in India. This prejudice may take many forms.

Challenge 4

Let us group these again, this time by the nature of these challenges as per the classification suggested in the first section. For each of these categories, find at least one example from India as well.

Foundational Challenge

Poland, Iraq, and Nepal were mentioned.

In India, the process of separating the state of Andhra Pradesh into the states of Telangana and deciding the future of Hyderabad

Challenge of Expansion

Ghana, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, and Northern Ireland are the countries in question here.

To provide local self-governing entities in India, such as municipal authorities and village panchayats, additional authority and responsibility

Challenge of deepening

Civil rights in Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, and the United States.

To increase the number of women who hold elected positions in Parliament & state legislatures in India.

Challenge 5

Now let us think only about India. Think of all the challenges that democracy faces in contemporary India. List those five that should be addressed first of all. The listing should be in order of priority, i.e. the challenge you find most important or pressing should be mentioned at number 1, and so on. Give one example of that challenge and your reasons for assigning it priority. 

Priority Challenges to democracy Example Reasons for Preference


Criminalization of Politics

Civil rights in Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, as well as the United States.

To increase the number of women who hold elected positions in Parliament & state legislatures in India.

To ensure that only those who have a spotless reputation would rule and write the laws for the nation.


Challenge of Deepening

For the purpose of providing those from lower castes with religious, social, and economic equality

In order to eradicate any and all forms of social, political, and religious prejudice



To entice the voters who are economically disadvantaged to vote for their parties by giving money and food grains such as wheat and rice at reduced prices.

To ensure that elections are held in a free and fair manner and to provide independent candidates with equal opportunities


Challenge of expansion

To allow for a proposed quota of 33% of seats in parliament to be reserved for women.

In order to provide more effective representation for women, who make up one-half of the country’s total population.


Challenge of deepening

In order to accommodate a wide range of socially diverse concerns

In order to prevent the majority from imposing its will on the minority.

Answer the following Question

(Write your name here) ________________________ ’s definition of good



A healthy democracy is a nation in which all of its people have had the opportunity to participate in the election of their government in an open and fair process. It is a form of governance that is founded on the idea that decisions should be made by a majority of the population. Democracy is the form of governance in which an organization is run by its members, each of whom has the unfettered and equal right to take part in the organization’s decision-making procedures.

Features (use only as many points as you want. Try to compress it into as few points as possible)

  • The choice of the people is expressed via elected officials, and these representatives have the authority to make ultimate choices.
  • The right to vote is granted to adults, and each vote is given the same weight in the election. Elections are held in an open and fair environment.
  • The protection of fundamental rights as well as the freedom of the people.

Important Topics Covered In This Chapter

  1. Thinking about Challenges
  2. Different Contexts, Different Challenges
  3. Different Types Of Challenges
  4. Thinking About Political Reforms
  5. Redefining Democracy

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science  Chapter 8

Q 1. Mention the benefits of using NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 8.


The main benefits of using NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 8 are it provides adequate and accurate information about the concepts and gives a better hold over the chapter and students will be able to complete and answer the NCERT questions correctly.

Q 2. What topics can I learn from Chapter 8 of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science?


The important topics include:

  1. Thinking about Challenges
  2. Different Contexts, Different Challenges
  3. Different Types Of Challenges
  4. Thinking About Political Reforms
  5. Redefining Democracy